1-13 1st trimester 14-26 2nd trimester 27-40 3rd trimester. The trimesters are not ev en nor will they ever be b/c you are actually pregnant 40 weeks.
Good Luck.
GO to www.babycenter.com
Wonderfull information and chat rooms with other preggos
I lived there when I was preg.
2006-10-25 04:58:08
answer #1
answered by Anjanette A 3
First trimester
In medicine, pregnancy is defined as beginning when the developing embryo becomes implanted into the endometrial lining of a woman's uterus. In some cases where complications may have arisen, the fertilized egg might implant itself in the fallopian tubes or the cervix, causing an ectopic pregnancy. Most pregnant women do not have any specific signs or symptoms of implantation, although it is not uncommon to experience light bleeding at implantation. Some women will also experience cramping during their first trimester. This is usually of no concern unless there is spotting or bleeding as well. The outer layers of the embryo grow and form a placenta, for the purpose of receiving essential nutrients through the uterine wall, or endometrium. The umbilical cord in a newborn child consists of the remnants of the connection to the placenta. The developing embryo undergoes tremendous growth and changes during the process of embryonic and fetal development. Morning sickness afflicts about seventy percent of all pregnant women, typically only in the first trimester.
Second trimester
Months 4 through 6 of the pregnancy are called the second trimester. Most women feel more energised in this period, and begin to put on weight. The first movement of the fetus, often referred to as "quickening", can be felt, as it begins to form into a recognizable shape. This typically happens by the fourth month. The reproductive organs can be recognized, and can distingush the fetus as male or female.
Third trimester
Final weight gain takes place, and the fetus begins to move regularly. The mother's belly button may "pop" out due to her growing belly. This period of her pregnancy can be uncomfortable, causing symptoms like weak bladder control and back-ache. Movement of the baby becomes stronger and more frequent and the fetus prepares for viability outside the womb through improved brain, eye, and muscle function.
2006-10-25 11:56:36
answer #2
answered by alooz 2
aaah I have this same exact question
i am 13 weeks 2 days preg...and i got a variety of different answers.. some say at the end of 12 weeks..while others say its at the end of 13 weeks...
I decided that at the end of 12 weeks makes more sense to me.. so I am considereing myself to be in the 2nd trimester already.
2006-10-25 12:00:43
answer #3
answered by Arsh S 2
this week. 12 weeks is 3 months, is one trimester. so 13 starts the new cycle.
2006-10-25 11:56:48
answer #4
answered by parental unit 7
Congratulations! You start you 2nd tri at 13 weeks!
2006-10-25 11:56:14
answer #5
answered by jamiasl 3
u are already in it !!! 1-12 weeks is first then 13-25 is second and 26-40 is the third, enjoy this as this is the best time, as sickness generally goes and u will have more energy,
best of luck and congratulations
2006-10-25 11:57:34
answer #6
answered by theresa d 3
2nd trimester starts at week 11.
2006-10-25 11:59:24
answer #7
answered by dorky_goddess 4
midwife told me yesterday the first trimester is 12 weeks
2006-10-25 11:57:29
answer #8
answered by Serry's mum 5
your second tri starts at 13 and a half weeks. if you sign up at babycenter.com then will emai you every week to let you know where you are and what new stuff you will be going thru as well as your baby.
2006-10-25 12:04:13
answer #9
answered by Stephanie O 2
You are at the very begining of your second trimester.
Check out http://www.4women/gov/tools to see when you are going to be in third trimester.
2006-10-25 12:02:44
answer #10
answered by East of Eden 4