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women of today seem to just serve themselves up on a plate.
they wear practically nothing and walk around with dreadful tattoo's on there lower back in an attempt to show off there none existent underwear.
its disgusting and real women seem to be a rare item these days.

2006-10-25 03:58:59 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

32 answers

I cant believe any red bloodied male, would complain about women being scantily clad and served up on a plate. Be honest, you look at every single one of them, just like the rest of us. Most of the stuff they wear is to keep up with trends and friends. As long as they are safe, just admire the good form, and think yourself lucky this isnt a muslim state. All you would see then is force shield outfits!

2006-10-26 11:41:41 · answer #1 · answered by ? 5 · 1 3

Surprising guy! You must have a good sense of humor and get a kick out of riling woman up; which I guess is pretty funny actually, or apparently you have strong opinions and some bitterness. Yet you like woman who present themselves respectively, men who notice and respect that seem to be a rare item these days! That's great...... more men should feel like this cause I hate men who have no standards...... it's disgusting!

2006-10-25 13:30:53 · answer #2 · answered by JustCurous 2 · 0 3

Well I think your judging a book by its cover so as to speak, just because a girl/woman wears clothes that are skimpy and has a tattoo doesn't make her any less a woman, its fashion and fashion is what people aspire to and want these days, woman as well as men should be able to pick and choose how they dress and no one has the right to tell them otherwise, I don't wear skimpy clothes or have a tattoo, but that's my choice, but I have friends that do and I can assure you they are no less of a woman than I am, they just have a hell of a lot more confidence than me.

2006-10-25 04:46:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Why do so many men think it is ok to show thier pants (sticking out from their trousers) and their socks (trouser to short or worse sandles and socks)!!!! or think they look really good squeezed into a pink vest!!!
It is disgusting and men with dress sense (apart from gay men) have all seemed to died

2006-10-26 12:32:16 · answer #4 · answered by jojitsui 4 · 1 0

Wow, a lot of people seem pretty pissed off with your question Buddy! I think woman should dress however they want. if your looking for a girl who doesn't ware a mini skirt or hot pants, then go to the middle east and marry a Barqa Babe. there is no shame in expressing your sexuality. And personally I find tattoos very attractive on a woman's lower back.

Good luck living in the year 2006.

2006-10-25 04:17:17 · answer #5 · answered by Oracle Jo 1 · 2 5

Move to Zambia/Zimbabwe where if a woman shows her knees she gets beaten up or arrested or both, then in the cells she gets raped by police, 56 Percent of whom are HIV positive.

Then she goes to court and is acquitted and goes home to give her husband or boifriend HIV. Meantime the shorter dress remains cheaper in the shop and the longer dress is out of her financial reach, so she has to wear the shorter dress again and gets beaten up again and gets raped again.

I am sure that is NOT your idea of real men or real women. What about those covering all over and looking at you through a tinted vail? Interesting!

The women you see bare all YES then they kill your desire by having ugly tattoos and frightening bits of metal threaded through their faces, ears and just in case you feel tempted to rape them, you will find a pointed pin threaded through their private as well. So they are thinking of you all along.

2006-10-25 04:10:46 · answer #6 · answered by Mai C 6 · 2 3

Read Romans1: 18-32

2006-10-25 04:00:29 · answer #7 · answered by Spirit Walker 5 · 0 3

Oh for goodness sake, it's OK to have a set of standards and to live by them and, I suspect that I probably share a few of yours but it is a different matter to impose those standards upon others or to demand that others behave in ways that you would find acceptable. Same is a subjective thing, exclusive to humans, and usually dysfunctional.

2006-10-25 04:06:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Ahh u are so right, guess now u guys dont enjoy a woman as much as u did before becoz they serve themselves in a plate, as u say. And then...they complain of guys who dont want to commit...!!!

I must admit I used to be the average girl, but then I met some muslims girls and they shocked me. I dont club anymore, dont show my body to everyone, my self esteem is up and I respect my self like never did before...I turned to islam 2 years ago ; )

2006-10-25 04:09:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

LOL.i know what ya ,mean,but its partially not their fault,they are only portraying what they have learned at home,or through society without parental involvement which the result is dressing like whores and being smug,older,mature women that are like that,well they are old enough to have sense,but choose not too.

2006-10-25 04:03:58 · answer #10 · answered by jen 5 · 1 3

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