I work as an on-call bartender for a special-events company. Not exactly the most glamorous or high-paying job, but there's never a dull moment, if you know what I mean. When I tell people what I do, sometimes they look at me like, "Can't you get a REAL job?" I don't care what others think, though....it works for me.
14 answers
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Society & Culture
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Let me repeat that I am NOT ashamed of my job.....I like what I do. I was just asking if OTHERS are ashamed of their jobs.
04:03:46 ·
update #1
You shouldn't care what other people think. As long as you HAVE a job...
I work at Sonic....xD but then again i am still in H.S. so its not a big deal
2006-10-25 04:00:22
answer #1
answered by Amanda 2
I think that's a great job! I wouldn't mind having it. You get to meet some really cool people, it's always a different location rather than the same old office every day. You have fun, I am sure. And it may not pay millions, but if you're good at what you do then I'm sure you make OK money for the hours you put it. It's a tough job. My friend does that and it's a really hard job...
I'm not embarassed to tell people what I do... but I'm sort of shy to tell people I am the boss. I'm young, so people don't really get why I am the boss (and I'm female to boot).
2006-10-25 04:03:42
answer #2
answered by PT&L 4
I don't mind at all. I'm a writer. I get the "can't you get a real job" question, too. But as long as I make a legal living, pay taxes, and don't hurt anyone, I don't care what others think. :) They should be glad you have a job and are contributing. I usually ask them to define the characteristics of a "real" job. I get answers like it pays the bills, gives you money for savings for your future, etc. I just look at them for a moment with a smile on my face. Then they usually say, "oh!" And that's the end of it. LOL
2006-10-25 04:05:33
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You do not have to fear in any respect approximately no longer having had a boyfriend by way of now. I was once 19 while I received my first right boyfriend and was once 20 while I fell in love for the primary time - it was once good valued at the wait, I'm pleased I did not simply date any one. And you are correct approximately men your possess age being immature I'm afraid. A few years older has a tendency to be higher - despite the fact that at 17 I would not seem so much older than 20 - in a pair extra years, better age gaps are quality.
2016-09-01 02:26:25
answer #4
answered by ? 4
Wow, unless you are a call girl or a prostitute I dont see why you should be ashamed of your job. You are an honest person making an honest living. Who cares what people think when you tell them what you do? They are not paying your bills!
2006-10-25 04:00:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No, but then I have a standard white-collar job. Mortgage Underwriter so it's not a big deal. I wouldn't be ashamed of what I did for a living regardless unless it was a drug dealer or mob boss or something criminal.
2006-10-25 04:00:41
answer #6
answered by Scotsman 5
When I lived down at the beach , a rumor got around I was a male prostitute because so many Lady's came to see me, I just let people think what they wonted,I buy and sell antiques
2006-10-25 04:10:13
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I am a stay at home mom and it was hard at first to think wow I don't have a job but trust me it is work. Don't be embarrassed at least you have a job many people don't be proud.
2006-10-25 03:59:43
answer #8
answered by elainecynthia 3
Heck no, I'm never embarrassed on my job. If I was, I wouldnt do it for a living!! Don't ever be embarrassed on your jobs! It brings in the money! And that's what's really important in life! Esp if you really like what you do..
2006-10-25 04:04:35
answer #9
answered by sshhmmee2000 6
Actually, that sounds like fun to me. If you enjoy it and can support yourself, who cares!? I think it's horrible to look down your nose on someone because of what they choose to do for a living.
2006-10-25 04:00:47
answer #10
answered by CuteWriter 4