jets against the browns....charlie brown has what 9 interceptions this year already....and if you don't like that i would go with the saints over the ravens just b/c the ravens have a hard time scoring but the game will be close i believe.
2006-10-25 05:14:19
answer #1
answered by Eric R 2
Certainly DO NOT play the Jets. In fact, I would drop them all together. You do not need more than 2 Ds on your team and the Jets are just taking up space. Their run D sucks...any time one of my players is up against the Jets I always play them.
I would go with Saints as my first choice followed by the Bengals.
2006-10-27 04:46:05
answer #2
answered by erindreg 2
This question is confusing. I'd take the defenses in the following order:
1. Panthers
2. Ravens
3. Saints
4. Cowboys
5. Bengals
6. Falcons
7. Browns
8. Jets
2006-10-25 21:28:21
answer #3
answered by HL 5
At first glance I would have said the Jets because the Browns have such a terrible Offense, I know I live in the C-town area, however they just fired their offensive coordinator and maybe the team will rally around the coach and actually show up. So my answer to you is go with the Saints, unless the weather forcast in C-town calls for major rain/snow which it does not right now.
2006-10-25 03:42:38
answer #4
answered by adamwitzhoops 4
Saints at Ravens
2006-10-25 03:38:33
answer #5
answered by sam the cool man 2
I'd say Jets at Browns but the real question is why do you have [ 4 ] Defenses
2006-10-25 04:17:52
answer #6
answered by football23 2
Cowboys at panthers, that have a good run defense, and have to play better after Monday.
2006-10-25 03:48:55
answer #7
answered by ssand88 1
Use the J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets!
2006-10-25 05:19:41
answer #8
answered by prekkoy 4