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Whenever someone cites a Bible passage on Yahoo Answers, someone else cites another one that says the exact opposite.

Does this represent a delicate duality of the Bible? For every answer there is an equal and opposite answer?

Should I be awed by this?

2006-10-24 23:47:06 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality



2006-10-24 23:52:28 · update #1

19 answers

That is pretty much the case. The Bible is in two parts, the Old Testament and New Testament. Those two parts talk about really different gods. The Old Testament god is really a nasty guy who is, as Richard Dawkins puts it is, "arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; petty, unjust, unforgiving control freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully." The New Testament protray more of a reformed god who is in some sort of AA program. He seems to be trying to find loopholes in his own laws to sorta make amends to the people he's been so mean to. He even offers to just punish one guy so the rest of us can be scapegoated. Such is the logic of an addled mind filled with guilt.

Because of this, you see much in the Bible that is just truly contradictory. If you amplify this by having writers reference older writings, various popular myths of the time, and even each other's writings, then have some bishops ultimately picking and choosing the stories they liked to be included in the Bible, tossing the rest away, you get a book in which you can pretty much support any view you wish.

2006-10-24 23:48:11 · answer #1 · answered by nondescript 7 · 1 2

The Word of God does not contradict itself. Interpretive differences arise when everything is taken literally. You cannot take a text written in a specific language -- such as Hebrew, Chaldea, Greek or Aramaic -- within a certain era literally all the time.

There are differences between 'translation' and 'transliteration' -- as well as idioms, colloquialisms, and figures of speech used in the Bible which were indigenous to those who were inspired by God to write it.

Too often a literal translation misses the point altogether because the meaning is different to the writer and the reader either because the original meaning was different to both or that it has changed over time -- as have the people who use it.

A lot of that which is taken literally in the passages is figurative and some things which were lost in the original translation has been reevaluated by scholars of the languages used and documented for those who would wish to read them.

2006-10-25 00:07:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If I say one and one are two, some one can say one and one are two and a half because one of the ones was bigger than the other. So what someone can contradict the Bible there are things that you just MUST believe for your own peace of mind. I want to tell you what really proved the Bible was true for me. About twenty years ago I was at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, There is a building in the complex which is called The Shrine of The Book which houses the Dead Sea Scrolls which were written before Jesus. The EXACT translation of one of the scrolls was written out in English and the Bible of today was opened up to the very same page, It was from the prophet Jeremiah and let me tell you the wording was EXACTLT the same. Be positive and believe, you will be a happier more complete person.

2006-10-24 23:59:57 · answer #3 · answered by devora k 7 · 0 2

Non-believers in Jesus Christ who quote Scripture, to show that apparent contradictions exist in the Bible, do not understand why that is so? It is because of the many mysteries that show the folly of man verses the wisdom of God. Often the scribes and Pharisees tried to trap Jesus into saying something that would estrange him from different factions only to get disappointed.

Christianity is the religion of paradox: that God should be human, that life comes from death, that achievement comes through failure, that folly is wisdom, that happiness is to mourn, that to find one must lose, and that the greatest are the smallest. What is paradoxical about the mysteries of the faith is that reason cannot fully penetrate their meaning, so that what seems contradictory to reason is profoundly true in terms of faith.

This is why it is actually good not to be able to understand and comprehend the doctrinal mysteries in religion. There must be questions that remain unanswered so that faith can fill the void that human reason cannot answer. As the apostle Paul said, "the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. God was pleased to save those who believe.” (1 Corinthians 1:18 & 21) Scripture says that even the angels would like to understand these mysteries so, why are humans so arrogant and/or faithless that they cannot leave room for inexplicable realities?

There are different ways to interpret based upon the "literary forms" of writers. Depending whether it is in a historical context, prophetic, poetry, or some other type of literary form. I believe Jesus Christ IS THE WORD of God. The Bible is written by people inspired by God.

If you took a Bible course and discovered what SCRIPTURAL TYPOLOGY is you would be amazed. If you knew what SALVATION HISTORY was in the Bible you would understand. If you recognized DIVINE AUTHORITY you would know that there has to be someone in authority to reveal the "secret" truths God has given. If you research all those phrases you will begin a journey of discovery that will last a life time.

We have a saying in Catholicism: the New Testament is hidden in the Old and the Old is revealed in the New. There are many mysteries contained in the Bible that I have been amazed at discovering for the past 20 years and there is a whole lot more. St. Jerome said: Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ. The whole Bible is about our SALVATION: Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ fulfilled over 300 prophesies in the Old Testament about the Messiah you can discover 50 of them in cd's IT IS WRITTEN.

WHEN YOU HAVE BEGUN TO DISCOVER THESE THINGS YOU WILL KNOW IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE BEEN WRITTEN BY MAN. Jesus (a historical figure along with others in the Bible that are not fictitional characters) by fulfilling just 50 prophesies makes the odds of doing that 10X135 power! An astronomical figure that could not have been achieved by human means.

The thing that might shock you and others is that SATAN used scripture to tempt Jesus. So, too Satan will use scripture to trip us up from following the true faith. This is why there has to be DIVINE AUTHORITY that passes from the Old Testament to APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION in the New Testament. This is why someone cannot Authoritatively pick up a Bible and correctly interpret it nor can there be millions of interpretors to HOLY SCRIPTURE. There can only be one!

2006-10-24 23:57:19 · answer #4 · answered by Search4truth 4 · 0 2

Progressive Revelation

A great stumbling block to many, in the way of religious unity, is the difference between the Revelations given by the different Prophets. What is commanded by one is forbidden by another; how then can both be right, how can both be proclaiming the Will of God? Surely the truth is One, and cannot change. Yes, the Absolute Truth is One and cannot change, but the Absolute Truth is infinitely beyond the present range of human understanding, and our conceptions of it must constantly change. Our earlier, imperfect ideas will be by the Grace of God replaced, as time goes on, by more and more adequate conceptions. Bahá’u’lláh says, in a Tablet to some Bahá’ís of Persia:—
O people! Words are revealed according to capacity so that the beginners may make progress. The milk must be given according to measure so that the babe of the world may enter into the Realm of Grandeur and be established in the Court of Unity.
It is milk that strengthens the babe so that it can digest more solid food later on. To say that because one Prophet is right in giving a certain teaching at a certain time, therefore another Prophet must be wrong Who gives a different teaching at a different time, is like saying that because milk is the best food 123 for the newborn babe, therefore, milk and nothing but milk should be the food of the grown man also, and to give any other diet would be wrong! ‘Abdu’l-Bahá says:—
Each divine revelation is divided into two parts. The first part is essential and belongs to the eternal world. It is the exposition of Divine truths and essential principles. It is the expression of the Love of God. This is one in all the religions, unchangeable and immutable. The second part is not eternal; it deals with practical life, transactions and business, and changes according to the evolution of man and the requirements of the time of each Prophet. For example. … During the Mosaic period the hand of a person was cut off in punishment of a small theft; there was a law of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but as these laws were not expedient in the time of Christ, they were abrogated. Likewise divorce had become so universal that there remained no fixed laws of marriage, therefore His Holiness Christ forbade divorce.

According to the exigencies of the time, His Holiness Moses revealed ten laws for capital punishment. It was impossible at that time to protect the community and to preserve social security without these severe measures, for the children of Israel lived in the wilderness of Tah, where there were no established courts of justice and no penitentiaries. But this code of conduct was not needed in the time of Christ. The history of the second part of religion is unimportant, because it relates to the customs of this life only; but the foundation of the religion of God is one, and His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh has renewed that foundation.
The religion of God is the One Religion, and all the Prophets have taught it, but it is a living and a growing thing, not lifeless and unchanging. In the teaching of Moses we see the Bud; in that of Christ the Flower; in that of Bahá’u’lláh the Fruit. The flower does not destroy the bud, nor does the fruit destroy the flower. It destroys not, but fulfills. The bud scales must fall in order that the flower may bloom, and the petals must fall that 124 the fruit may grow and ripen. Were the bud scales and the petals wrong or useless, then, that they had to be discarded? Nay, both in their time were right and necessary; without them there could have been no fruit. So it is with the various prophetic teachings; their externals change from age to age, but each revelation is the fulfillment of its predecessors; they are not separate or incongruous, but different stages in the life history of the One Religion, which has in turn been revealed as seed, as bud and as flower, and now enters on the stage of fruition.

2006-10-25 00:36:26 · answer #5 · answered by GypsyGr-ranny 4 · 0 0

There has never been a verse in the bible to me, that has contradict itself, The Holy Ghost will guide you into all Truth, that is what the bible says, therefore if someone has the Holy Ghost , they will know how to interpretate the Bible by the holy Ghost & put each scriptures in it's perspective order.

2006-10-25 00:19:29 · answer #6 · answered by birdsflies 7 · 0 1

My dear fellow, it's not just the bible, but the other subliminal so called holy books aswell.
They were written at a time when no body dared question them. THey are all a simple load of jargons for a gone by era.

2006-10-24 23:51:59 · answer #7 · answered by fair-and-squire 4 · 2 0

That's a good question!

My answer is: no. The Bible never contradicts itself. Actually, its harmony is so perfect that proves once more that it's the Word of God.

I know what you mean: someone quotes a Bible verse and then someone else gets another Bible verse which seems to contradict the one previously quoted.

Here is, in my opinion, why it happens: As Christians, the Bible is our unique source of truth since it's the Word of God. Jesus said, "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth" (John 17:17). However, sometimes the Bible is twisted in order to fit what " I " believe. Actually, there are some religions who have edited the Bible --it's been added and omitted texts-- to fit in their beliefs. We should not do that. The Bible is perfect as God gave it. Just as Jesus Christ is divine and human, the Bible is also divine and human: written by holy men, but inspired by God.

Sometimes a doctrine is built up from a single Bible verse. That's why sometimes a single Bible verse is quoted to defend "my" doctrine, though the whole Bible says something different. We shouldn't do that either. If we build up a doctrine from a single Biblical text, sooner or later that doctrine is going to be shaken. We need to build up a doctrine based on the whole Bible --the Old and the New Testament, after all "All Scripture is isnpired by God". Why should we be based on the Bible as a whole? Sometimes a text does not seem very clear, but once we compare that text with other verses on the Bible it becomes clearer. That's why it is said that the Bible is its own interpreter. The supposedly "mysteries" of the Bible are found in the Scriptures themselves. The Scriptures explain themselves, obviously, with the help of the Holy Spirit, the real Author.

The apostle Peter already had talked about this confussion:

"And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction" (2 Peter 3:15-16)

"There are many things apparently difficult or obscure, which God will make plain and simple to those who thus seek an understanding of them. But without the guidance of the Holy Spirit we shall be continually liable to wrest the Scriptures or to misinterpret them. There is much reading of the Bible that is without profit and in many cases a positive injury. When the word of God is opened without reverence and without prayer; when the thoughts and affections are not fixed upon God, or in harmony with His will, the mind is clouded with doubts; and in the very study of the Bible, skepticism strengthens. The enemy takes control of the thoughts, and he suggests interpretations that are not correct. Whenever men are not in word and deed seeking to be in harmony with God, then, however learned they may be, they are liable to err in their understanding of Scripture, and it is not safe to trust to their explanations. Those who look to the Scriptures to find discrepancies, have not spiritual insight. With distorted vision they will see many causes for doubt and unbelief in things that are really plain and simple" (http://www.whiteestate.org/books/sc/sc12.html)

"Christ has said, 'If any man willeth to do His will, he shall know of the teaching.' John 7:17, R.V. Instead of questioning and caviling concerning that which you do not understand, give heed to the light that already shines upon you, and you will receive greater light. By the grace of Christ, perform every duty that has been made plain to your understanding, and you will be enabled to understand and perform those of which you are now in doubt." (http://www.whiteestate.org/books/sc/sc12.html)

Another thing, sometimes --and it's very common-- that a text is taken out of context. There's a saying in spanish: texto fuera de contexto es un buen pretexto (the translation would be kind of like this: "text out of context is a good 'excuse' "). When reading the Bible, sometimes we have to have in mind the time and the culture when it was written, and what the writer was talking about. There are principles in the Scriptures, those never change no matter the time or culture; but there are also norms which depend on the culture and the time. Look up this topic: http://en.bibleinfo.com/topics/topic.html?id=21

It is written, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
Ps 119:105

Whenever we have any doubt about something, let's just ask this question, "What would Jesus do?". Whenever we don't know how to act and what to do, let's follow Jesus' example. We'll never be wrong if we follow the example He set us while He lived on earth.

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May God continue to bless you, my friend!

2006-10-25 00:43:49 · answer #8 · answered by Cachanilla 3 · 0 0

Love and justice are one; when we separate them into two things, they appear as contradictory.
The sun is good. When we use its light to kill pathological germs, it is good; when we expose our skin too long before it, it becomes deadly harmful.
Religion is good; but how many people recognize it and constantly turn to it for divine guidance?
Everything is right for those who have knowledge; it is like a knife in the mature man, not in the hand of a toddler.

2006-10-25 02:29:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know that there is an opposite answer, but there sure are a lot of places that seem to say different things.

2006-10-25 00:13:16 · answer #10 · answered by Annmaree 5 · 0 0

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