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When the big flood occured all those years ago, did it leave behind all of them fossils around today?

It sort of makes perfect sense as fossils take millions of years.

Tell me your opinion on this topic

2006-10-24 23:13:25 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Earth Sciences & Geology

Why did God send the Flood? The people of that time were ignoring God and seeking their own pleasures. The purpose of the Flood was to destroy all civilization and start over again.

Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years. (Genesis 6:3) . . . the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah, during the construction of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through the water. (1 Peter 3:20)
God gave the people of Noah's time 120 years to prepare for God's judgment and repent of their sin and rebellion toward God. During this time of grace only Noah and his family obeyed, repented, and were saved.
"The Dragon's Graveyard, in central Wyoming, is one of the biggest dinosaur bone beds in the world. Paleontologist estimate thousands of bodies buried together in each square mile. This bone bed runs for hundreds of miles from central Wyomi

2006-10-25 00:03:03 · update #1

how can it not have happened when people have already found remains of the ark.

2006-10-25 00:13:01 · update #2

and noah didnt fling them out of his boat.dont forget only 2 kinds of each animal were put in hte ark

the fossils are from all the animals left behind

2006-10-25 00:17:51 · update #3

and for corvis 9 the flood occured by rain. The water wasnt already on the earth god opened the skys and let it rain for 40 days and 40 nights and dont forget that at this time god had already created the seas so there was plenty of water

2006-10-25 03:08:39 · update #4

21 answers

If you have really thought this through and still believe it then don't let anyone criticise you.

Personally I believe that the whole flood story is a copy of a much older story that is common to alot of different races and religions. The most well known is "The Epic of Gilgamesh" from Babylonian times.

They probably have a single origin and may even be an allegory, but to me fossils are the petrified remains of animals that existed on this planet millions of years ago.

If you prefer your theory, stick with it.

2006-10-24 23:26:07 · answer #1 · answered by voodoobluesman 5 · 2 0

No, they didn't, although people who take the Bible (and other texts) literally like to think that they did.
It is quite possible to be a Christian (I am) and accept that stories like Noah's ark and the creation are myths told by an ancient people to explain things about which they had no idea.
All ancient tribes had 'creation' myths e.g. the Greeks and Romans, and many also had a 'flood' story, which does suggest that at least once there was some huge catastrophe involving water somewhere on the earth - think how they would have explained the tsunami. We know how one is caused; thousands of years ago you might have thought it was God's judgement on the earth. Plus, you would only know that your part of the world existed, so a little localised flooding = the whole world under water!

In the intervening years we have made many scientific discoveries, and Darwin's theories about evolution help to explain how the world and its creatures have reached the stage that we have today.

So I find it quite easy to believe that fossils are old animals that have become extinct and their bones / shells have become fossilised through sinking into mud etc. and disregard the Noah's flood story, except to acknowledge that its moral is that against wickedness (the people who drowned) and raises up those who obey God's law (Noah and his family).
Hope this helps.

2006-10-25 06:30:04 · answer #2 · answered by Hilary Y 3 · 0 0

Fossil formation has to happen fairly quickly, the fossils themselves can remain for longer than unfossilized remains. How long it takes depends on the conditions the remains are buried in. Water temperature disolved mineral content etc. If the conditions are right a living mud burrowing crustacian can have shed exoskeletons that have fossilized.

Noas ark has never, repeat NEVER been found, there was some rich kook who went looking for it on a few times based on' boat shaped' rocks on middleastern mountains in satellite photos but oblong boulders were all he ever found. If the ark had been found it'd be a fundy tourist attraction now wouldn't it.

There isn't enough water in, or on the earth, or in its atmosphere to cover the whole world in water. It'd take a rise of five miles to cover mount everest.

Fossils are stratified and in chronologicaly distinct layers from one another in a way that a single depositing event cannot account for. A single event would leave layers distinguished by density with the heaviest material on bottom and the lightest on top, like a bottle of vinagrette, not like what you see if you look at the real world. No mingling of fossils from vastly separate periods has ever been found in stone.

It is impossible to build a viable wooden boat the size that is described in the bible. The boat would break itself in half. Look up wooden+ships+hogging to see why. The largest wooden ships ever built didn't measure up to that size and those that got past the two thirds mark required extensive metal reinforcement and constant pumping to stay afloat.

2006-10-25 09:12:25 · answer #3 · answered by corvis_9 5 · 0 0

There is a whole division of the science of Geology called Stratigraphy that unfortunately disputes your claim. Through it all the worlds Petroleum is found. The environment that each bed of sedimentary rock was deposited in can be deduced, and complex 3D arrangements of strata are observed. It all shows many many local flooding events over geological history. The thickness of strata can be staggering. Further, there are local tectonic movements, faulting, folding, overturning etc that occurred in between the deposition of some layers. Such movements can cause flat-lying beds to be on top of hard-cemented, tilted layers. Now you would need to explain all this (plus much more), plus the fact that older beds contain very different fossils to younger bed, with younger fossils (there are 250,000 known fossil species) being incrementally different from older fossils (in fact, to a very high resolution, fossils can be used for correlation). And also the fact that radiometric dating methods like uranium-lead and potassium-argon give ages for all but the very youngest strata in the millions to billions of years. The different half-lives, hence different logarithmic decay curves, always converge on the same ages, a mathematical impossibility if there was a problem with the method.

Petroleum companies invest billions in to finding oil using stratigraphy, and employ most of the worlds best stratigraphers. If you can overturn the whole Science of Geology, then I urge you too. But I feel that if it was false, capitalist petroleum companies would have done so long long ago.

2006-10-25 07:40:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Ho hum. I'll explain slowly so you understand.

According to the Bible, the flood was only a few thousand years ago. This is far too little time for fossils to develop, as they need millions of years. The fossils were obviously put there by God, to test our faith in the literal nature of the Bible.

Or, the Bible could be an allegory and the Earth could be 4.5 billion years old, giving the fossils plenty of time to form, explaining the variation and development we see in the fossil record by evolution.

Incidentally, why did God spare fishes and ducks? Why didn't he destroy them like the rest?

2006-10-25 06:19:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

no is the short anwser. I personally don't believe in God as to me there are too many flaws in the idea of an omniscient, onmipotent, onmibenevolent God.. its inconsistant

Fossils range from millions of years old to thousands of millions years old. IF there was a great flood as depicted in the bible, it would have only been in a small region of the world (as a normal flood is today) as a world wide flood after 40 days of rain would be impossible. (if God done this a miracle he then takes away a certain amount of free will which is the only defense for evil in the world)

so no in short...
and humans arn't as old as most fossils as we've only been around for a relativly short period of time.

2006-10-25 09:52:43 · answer #6 · answered by lawrencecoe7 3 · 1 0

The story of Noah's ark tells us a great deal about the corruption of mankind and God's relationship with man. It is a parable and was never intended to be taken literally. In fact the story was taken from an earlier legend from a different people.

Most ancient tribes in the Middle East have a flood legend. Life in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia relied on yearly floods to provide fertile soil for their "wheat" crops. (It was actually the crop we now call spelt). There was also catastrophic flooding when the Mediterranean Sea broke through into the low lying land where the Black Sea is now about 15,000 years ago.

Fossils date back to long before man was around and certainly long before humans took to boats.

2006-10-25 06:25:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Sense? the Noah's ark story is totally absurd! read the link below. Some fossils go back over 1000 million years (simple single cell organisms e.g. bacteria) animals with hard parts occur in great abundance after the "Cambrian Explosion" ( population that is , not a big bang) some 570 million years ago

2006-10-25 06:32:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well, the ark would have had to travel a fair old distance around the world to fling out enough fossils and distribute them worldwide. So yes indeed, obviously Noah was chucking fossils around willy nilly while battling the flood, which was jolly decent of him and makes paleontologists lives that bit more interesting.

2006-10-25 06:19:10 · answer #9 · answered by f0xymoron 6 · 2 0

No. This is a confusion of religion and science. The fossils we see today are not the result of any one event, but the result of gradual fossilisation processess that have happened to organisms that have died at different times for different reasons streatching across many, many millions of years.

This is why fossils are not all found in the same layers of rock, older fossils are found in older rocks and are thus tend to be buried deeper down unless geological events etc. have forced them to the surface.

Hold your beliefs, but keep them clearly separated from science or else things will get muddled.

2006-10-25 06:25:14 · answer #10 · answered by tysonian22 2 · 3 0

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