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has anyone ever had anything supernatural happen to them? be for real

2006-10-24 19:39:34 · 8 answers · asked by Elizabeth M 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

8 answers

This didnt happen to me, but it was my Dad.

He was in the hospital after getting a piece of steel in his eye. Doctors thought he wouldnt ever be able to see out of that eye again. They had to put eyedrops in his eyes every hour and he said that the eyedrops were the most painful thing ever.

The last night he was there, a nurse came into his room and gave him some eyedrops. They weren't like the normal eyedrops, instead of making his eye/nose burn, he said they felt soothing.

The next day he was released and he wanted to thank that nurse for giving him eyedrops. When he asked for the nurse's name, they told him that nobody gave him eyedrops at night. There wasn't a nurse even assigned to him that night.

I believe that it was an angel sent from God to heal his eye and soothe his pain.

ps. he has 20/20 vision in that eye today!

2006-10-24 19:48:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Fun question. Yes two different ones
The first happened when I was young. I was in bed and I woke up suddenly. My room was dark but there was enough light to clearly see a man with a beard standing near the foot of my bed. We just looked at each other for a second. He was wearing really nice old style clothing. A suit with a vest, jacket and a gold chain like you'd see on a pocketwatch. I had a reading light right over my head so I reached up and turned the light on. Then just in a split second vanished. He didn't just fade out, it was like he got narrower until he was just a thin vertical line of light and then that winked out.
I'm an adult now and my house seems to have a spirit. My son told me that he woke up one morning and there was a small boy in his room. My son saw him two more times. He wears a red and white striped shirt. I haven't been able to see him that clearly myself but I sometimes see what I can only describe as a "reverse shadow" moving through the house. It's a light cloud about 4 ft tall. He likes to open and close doors and play with toys.
I haven't sensed anything to be afraid of in either case. More just a curiousity.

2006-10-25 03:12:55 · answer #2 · answered by Tom G 2 · 0 0

yes, i don't remember the day and date .but its true my servant was going his home after working .one girl came and asked him that "i want a servant for my house work can u do it .i'll give u a lot of money for that"he needs money he went with her. there he sees that her house was as old as 3 or 4 yrs ago. he was in shock he sees to her legs her legs r in opposite direction ,he quickly ran away and after a day when he came back he sees that there is no house nothing

2006-10-25 02:54:54 · answer #3 · answered by aani 2 · 0 0

I have had my bathroom cabinet door swing open. The kitchen door opened while there was no wind and judging from my dogs reaction I'm sure it was a spirit.(Oh, and the feeling i get when they are near me.) I've had lights flicker too.

2006-10-25 02:49:09 · answer #4 · answered by leo7snake 1 · 0 0

I once thought I felt something invisible touch me, but I believe that I was susceptible to the idea at the time.

2006-10-25 02:47:16 · answer #5 · answered by AuroraDawn 7 · 0 0

I am a Christian and I have heard things where there was no one and many b4 me heard them in this old dungeon. The sounds were from humans it sounded like to me.

2006-10-25 02:52:48 · answer #6 · answered by icheeknows 5 · 0 0

read my previous answer on ghosts
"has anyone seen a ghost?" asked by JJ

2006-10-25 02:43:11 · answer #7 · answered by winkcat 7 · 0 1

Prior to 911 and early in 2000, I was invited to Paris by a close friend. My sister called me approximately one week prior to my plane departure and told me about a nightmare she had. She told me to drink a lot (alcohol) because she dreamed that the plane had crashed into the Eiffel Tower. Later, since the Eiffel Tower was a target for the terrorists, I thought this dream to be fairly portentous.

Also I would like to note that approximately six months prior to 911, I had gone to Manhattan for the first time. I toured the Twin Towers. I remember when my boyfriend was taking my picture in front of the Towers, that I felt a very poignant sense of sadness, and that I noted it, and reflected as to why I was feeling that way. I completely forgot about the experience, until after 911 and my boyfriend and I were breaking-up. I found the panoramic picture. The day was gray and cold. The picture has me and the Towers, and that is all. I looked very pensive and sad in the picture, and then I remembered how I had felt.

Pre-cognitive Dreams

I dreamed that my previous boyfriend (Paris friend) and I had broken off our five-year relationship. I woke up crying and telling him of the horrible dream I had. He told me not to worry that it was just a dream. Later, we broke-up.

Before I met my husband and right as my ex-boyfriend and I were breaking up, I dreamed of the church where I was to get married. I thought it was some church in Europe until later I passed by it one evening with my fiancé. I told him excitedly that this was the church in my dream. This was the weirdest dream I have ever had. Later and still in the dream about the church, (my ex-boyfriend and I had lived together and I was still at his house), I woke up, but I could not move. I thought that I was awake anyway. I thought my ex-boyfriend came in to give me a kiss. I could not move to open my mouth to give him a kiss. This is true, later after I kissed him, I woke up for real. I finally was able to move and I realized that my ex-boyfriend was in another country, and that I had some very strange but poignant dream.

There was another time I was asleep, thought I was awake, but could not move. I dreamed I got out of bed (I was still sleeping) and went down the stairs. I dreamed I came back up the stairs and got back in bed. I dreamed I was awake. I was awake but I could not move. This took some time to ware-off. I think I fell asleep again and then I woke up and I could move. I remembered this experience.

I dreamed of a job change that happened, where I would work, the people with whom I would work, what we would be working with, and the layout of the lab. All of this came true later. I dreamed I had an incident working with blood. The dream occurred when I was working at another lab. I awoke concerned, and then I thought to not worry because we don't work with blood at the lab where I was presently employed. Later, I found myself working in the same lab as my dream and this time I did have an incident with blood (nothing to worry about), but it happened. I also found myself working in the same lab (layout) with the same people that were in my dream. I dreamed of the two sexist Asian guys I later worked with. I also dreamed of some of the other people.

I dreamed recently that I meant my aunts at Halfprice Books. I recently met my aunts there. We had the same conversation, we had in my dream. I later reflected and it intrigued me.

I dreamed a homeless guy approached me and said “Hey I knew you five years ago.” Later, I was at the doctor’s office and a homeless guy approached me and said, guess what, “Hey I knew you five years ago.” In reality I never knew a homeless guy five years ago.

I had another dream, and this time I could also not move when I woke up. I dreamed I came out of my body and I was looking out the window. Then I went back to the sofa where I was sleeping. I woke up later but could not move at first.

I used to fall asleep when my ex-boyfriend and I were breaking up (it was a long break-up) and I would always have what I like to refer to as treasure dreams. They were very good dreams where I was always finding something of great value, like treasure dreams. I had these dreams 90% of the time when I would fall asleep, in the year that my ex-boyfriend and I were breaking up. I got to where I liked going to sleep. At the time I was having the dreams I didn’t own what I do now. Later, and still presently gifts come to the door (really nice things) that my husband has found on Ebay. I have about 3000 pairs of shoes now. Most of them are designer. I also have lots of clothes that I did not have. I didn’t have all of these things when I was having the dreams. I have lots of designer clothes. I live in a very nice home and married to a very good-looking guy. My husband started a business while we were married and it happens to be very successful.

I am writing this to you now because I was just awoken from a dream that I hope does not come true. I spent nine years in the Air Force and in my dream, the Chief Master Sergeant was trying to get me to join the Air Force again because they needed my help. I was telling him that I couldn’t because my husband and I were trying to conceive and that I just don’t have the time. Hopefully this dream does not come true.

I have had many other precognitive experiences.

I see writing on the wall when I wake up sometimes. It only last about 7 seconds and then fades.

I was nine, and the night my great grandmother died, I intuited something was wrong. I thought I was going to drown in my grandfather's lake. I was warned not to swim into this area where he had been digging because it had not finished filling with water. Unknowingly, my life jacket was on incorrectly. I swam over to that area. I just remember spinning. I screamed for someone to help. My older sister came over with a long stick and gave me one end of it. I was thankful of course. I then looked up and my great grandmother, thin as she was with her long black hair in a bun, was just gazing at us. I remember wondering why she did not offer to help. I remember a sense of fear or dread or something. She was just staring out at the lake blankly. That night, we were celebrating the fourth of July, and I remember not being able to shake the feeling that something was wrong. I also felt a little shaken from my near drowning experience. My great grandmother excused herself from the table and went inside (we were having a patio dinner). We heard something break. My mother went inside and started to scream. My great grandmother had a massive heart attack. Later my mother explained that she was depressed over the passing of my great grandfather and had not been taking her heart medicine.

I was a little girl and I thought I saw gray spirits flying over my bed.

I’ve had a few more freakish experiences that I would rather not get into.

2006-10-25 03:43:18 · answer #8 · answered by LifeMatrix2012 3 · 0 0

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