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Got any beefs about America, put them here. I'll respond in a civil fashion and prove you incorrect.

2006-10-24 18:00:19 · 39 answers · asked by Collin D 2 in Politics & Government Government

oversix, i've been to your country, and i love it almost as much as the US, thank you

2006-10-24 18:04:03 · update #1

Race Relations, President Bush is an honest man who cares about this country, and he is a good president who has make some mistakes. And the war, it is about the freedom of people in Iraq. Did you notice that almost all Iraqis were dancing in the streets when we came in, when we caught Saddum. (Sorry, can never spell his name.)

2006-10-24 18:06:33 · update #2

freeinquiry1965, we are self-righteous because we are right, there.

2006-10-24 18:07:41 · update #3

The Illegal Brocoli Farmer...
that is a great answer to this question.
Thank you for taking the time.

2006-10-24 18:08:44 · update #4

Yes qwhatever, i do support our CONSTITUTIONAL right to keep and bear arms. But, cars that are more fuel efficient would be nice. And war, war is the greatest scientist there is. Without it, we'd probably just be getting into the jet age. I don't support all war, but some are just.

2006-10-24 18:17:01 · update #5

Thank you puffy, it's nice to see proof that people are still for the USA. By the way, the UK is a beautiful country, with one big problem. Gun control...

2006-10-24 18:18:53 · update #6

mikey, is it okay if i call you mikey, i cant think of anything to say about this rude response you've posted, so i'll just say a truth: you are the moron here

2006-10-24 18:21:57 · update #7

USA!!! USA!!!

2006-10-24 18:22:48 · update #8

John B., the majority of Coalition forces are American. I'm sorry if it seems as if I have tried to downplay other countries (UK, Australia etc...) importance in this conflict.

2006-10-24 18:33:15 · update #9

brainstorms, let me just point out that global warming is believed by around 80% of scientists to be false. Of course, the ones who predict it get on TV. Oh yeah, remember global COOLING? Yeah, back ing the 1980's, basically these same scientists predicted a new ice age. Now, we all need to be worried about global WARMING. I'm shaking in my boots, oh wait, sweating might be a better term.

2006-10-24 18:49:41 · update #10

Hey truthseeker, do you remember back before we went into Iraq for Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm? He proved that he had chem weapons by, umm, chemming his own people.

2006-10-24 18:51:33 · update #11

isuf e, I was not aware that Saddam(?) was chemming the Iranians as well.

2006-10-25 04:51:23 · update #12

39 answers

our ridiculous president and what this war is really about.
Thats it.

2006-10-24 18:02:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 3

The US are probably the biggest sponsors of state terrorism in the world. They back Israel to hilt and allow Israel to ignore all UN resolutions against them and yet enforce resolutions against other countries. They supply weapons to states that they later label rogue (Iran and Iraq).

You amke a point about Chemical weapons and yet not a single WMD was found after Iraq 2. We know Saddam had chemical weapons because the US sold them to him. Thank Rumsfeld for that - there is news footage of him meeting Saddam and shaking hands with Saddam back in the 80's.

The Iraq war was not about freedom it was about oil. The pictures of Iraqis dancing in the streets were small media sound bites and not representative of the country as a whole. If they were all so happy about the so called freedom brought by the US why are there over 2700 dead Americans as a result?

Then we come to Afgahnastan. The US wage war against the Taleban which they actually created and george Bush actually invited to Texas when he was state governor to dicuss a gas pipeline deal. When this collapsed then Afgahnastan became a problem.The US radicalised and armed Muslims. There was no single Muslim terror organisation before the US radicalised the Taleban and fuelled their need for power and fundamentalism.

The US also criticise other for having nukes and yet the US are the only country ever to have used one and to have come close to using one again. Even before the Iraq2 they stated that they would use one again if necessary. They are also planning future nuclear tests.

The US are the biggest polluters world wide and yet they give the least to environmental concerns.

The US talk of freedoms and yet the Patriot Act has stripped US citizens of their right to privacy, their freedom of expression and speech and various other little constitutional rights.

Discrimination is still widespread in the US where many people (blacks, hispanics and other minorities) were sripped of their vote illegally prior to the election. US law staes that convicted felons cannot vote yet thousands of minority groups were turned away from voting booths for minor offences like having a parking ticket and for offences that were plainly false and made up (including if I remember correctly a black woman who worked at the voting station). That would never have happened to a white person.

Then we have cases of people being thrown out of Presidental talks and speeches because the express a view contrary to that of the president. So much for the land of the free. The land of people and media control would be better.

The media in the US is over controlled and the govt regulates and buy airtime to spout its propaganda which the US public believes.

I can go on but you need to get facts right.

2006-10-24 20:55:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Collin, how can you say Bush is honest. He lied about Iraq. No easy way to say that. There were no WMD's, no chemical weapons, etc, etc. and Iraq was not then or ever a threat to the United States of America. We were attacked by operatives of al Qaeda on 9-11. Bush responded to that by attacking Iraq without provocation. He tried to make up reasons why we were attacking, but all were proven wrong, most prior to the attack.

This is no doubt the greatest country on the planet. Or at least it used to be. It is people like George W. Bush that give this country a bad name in other parts of the world. There are a lot of fences to be mended when he finally gets out of office.
He has also lied about torture. How do you call this an honest man.

Collin, how do you prove me incorrect when you talk about something that happened over 20 years ago. the inspectors on the ground in Iraq proved there were no stockpiles of chemical weapons in Iraq as Bush and Cheney were reporting to the American people. I stand by my comment that Bush is not an honest man. You have not proved otherwise.

by the way, at the same time Saddam was gassing his own people, we were selling him weapons. Probably the same weapons that were used against us later.

2006-10-24 18:46:53 · answer #3 · answered by truth seeker 7 · 1 0

beefs! I'll give you beefs my friend!

1) Abu Ghareb & secret CIA prisons. Rambo is the one torturing now, so he doesn't have that moral ground does he?
2) Protection of US marines from International War Tribunals while taking away the right from the enemies while even allowing certain degrees of torture.
3) 100 human beings die in Iraq everyday now.
4) Not going after Saddam during First Gulf War when they had a better chance.
5) Claiming to be self rightous and super cop of the world.
6) Blocking a UN resolution to stop war in Lebanon
7) Producing & selling weapons of mass desctruction and then looking for them in the wrong places.

Waiting for your civil response?

2006-10-24 20:54:35 · answer #4 · answered by Fez 2 · 0 0

Yes here's one for you.
Most americans who are murdered are killed by their fellow countrymen. This amounts to many thousands each year, far more than were killed on 9/11 but nobody ever mentions them or holds memorial services for them.
Americans are terrified of each other, the rich live in heavily protected enclaves and closed communities while the poor have to cope with a corrupt police force.

But when some arab psychopaths join in the mayhem and murder a fraction of the the annual deathtoll ( about three month's worth) you make a big fuss and have to go off and invade other countries just adding to the slaughter of innocent people.
This costs the american economy so much that you cannot afford to rebuild New Orleans, you have to sell large parts of the american infrastructure to the chinese to sustain military expenditure ( and the chinese can afford it because they now have the largest dollar reserves in the world 900 billion).
Over 65% of all the debt in the world is now owed by the USA which means that you have mortgaged the future of your children and grandchildren
I won't even bother to mention global warming, you will find out soon enough.
And you are obese (66%)

2006-10-24 18:45:58 · answer #5 · answered by brainstorm 7 · 1 1

Not really but was really suprised in the slow progress in helping the people of New Orleans. Dont like the gun culture either. Otherwise i've got no beef. Still havn't made my mind up about Bush. Quite liked Clinton. Hate the R&B coming out of your country. Where are the real bands. Must apologies for exporting Simon Cowell and Pop Idol to your shores. Other than that......

2006-10-24 22:54:13 · answer #6 · answered by bootycreord 3 · 0 0

I'm sure you have a 'stock answer' for almost anything and why not as patriot, which you obvioulsy are. By the way, the people where dancing in the streets because their dictator had been overthrown and would have done so regardless of who helped them in that aim. The USA did not do this alone, which you manage to forget in your update and which many Americans fail to mention time and time again. The high cost of coaltion forces lives, a high percentage of which was caused by so called American 'friendly fire', does nothing to help other nations having a 'beef' with the USA. Arrogance is never forgotten.

2006-10-24 18:26:43 · answer #7 · answered by John B 4 · 0 1

That's a pretty bold and arrogant claim. It's great that you love America but there are some people you will never be able to prove incorrect. There are two sides to every story. There are some people who actually HATE America and no manner of debate will ever change their mind. Besides, Bush is a terrible president. And this is coming from someone who made the mistake of supporting him. So to everyone else in the world, I'm sorry. I really didn't think he was this much of a idiot. In my defense though, I didn't vote for him. I lost my absentee ballot and didn't look too hard to find it.

"we are self-righteous because we are right, there." Wow...way to really follow up on that "I'll respond in a civil fashion" pledge. That was about the most worthless attempt at debate I have ever seen.

2006-10-24 18:11:35 · answer #8 · answered by air_of_truth 2 · 4 1

First,YOU answer only on part of the annswers thet you have answers to,the other parts of the answers are ignored by you because it`s.....well.....true-example...i think it was "brainstorm"`s answer on global warming also including some comments on the USA but you commented ONLY the second part (and even i support your answer on that issue) but the first part wasent even mentioned in your answer (about USA).about chem-ing his own well that`s true but at the time he was also chem-ing IRAN too (why USA dident atack then-it was in 80`s i think -ooou Iraq was a bigest US aly then against IRAN),about Bush,well hes`s the most honest man with the bigest growing nose (remember Pinoccio.....) -and the latest ...-N.Korea...they are openly slaming yor face with their small doors and telling you..."DingDong....Hey wake up...we are the folks you are searching for nukes...and all the thing`s you hate...as much as we hate you....." and what hapends....the UN is puting SANCTIONS,well...that`s hard respons....is there a comment ?!

2006-10-24 23:07:55 · answer #9 · answered by isuf e 2 · 0 0

People are all about the same the world over. Some good, some bad, most somewhere in between.

The USA is a beautiful country with fantastic landscapes and an amazing horizon. It has produced some of the best music in the world and the cinema is the original american art form. Some of the friendliest and most honest people I have ever met live in the USA. Decent, real salt of the earth people who would help anyone in need and would never accept anything in exchange.

But your government sucks and you need to sort it out.

2006-10-24 18:41:16 · answer #10 · answered by karlrogers2001 3 · 0 1

I hope all the people that wrote so emotionally here will get out and vote, don't stay at home. If you have an informed opinion here and can legally do so, express it the best way possible, vote. If there is a problem with lines or work hours, in many areas of the States, you can vote early NOW.
Please do so and no, I don't always agree with everybody but I support the United States.
Freedom of Speech still rules!

2006-10-24 19:04:26 · answer #11 · answered by Sue Chef 6 · 0 0

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