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Do you people across the pond have a problem with the United States letting her citizens own firearms for self-defense, for recreation, for hunting?

2006-10-24 17:42:58 · 29 answers · asked by Collin D 2 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

In response to q665whatever...WHY do you have a problem with guns?

2006-10-24 17:54:05 · update #1

Simon D., what happens if the government becomes a tyranny, remember, they control the Nation Guard, and the Military. The armed militia is so we can protect ourselves from that, however small the chance of that happening is. And hunting is not sick. It is in the bible, God gave everything to us to use. Fool.

2006-10-24 18:12:01 · update #2

Hey brainstorm, look at WWII, the various resistance movements. They made progress against what was at the time the most powerful nation on the planet. With only a few hundred thousand people and some guns. WOW!!!

2006-10-24 18:54:32 · update #3

Lickingtonight, you are incorrect. A gun does not kill a person, as a gun is an inatimate object (it's not alive...) so therefore it cannot kill someone. However, a person may protect him/herself with it. Of course bad people may get them, but will it stop criminals from getting guns if you ban them? Of course not...

2006-10-25 04:30:54 · update #4

Hey punklockdreadlock, will you "turn the other cheek" when some criminal is trying to murder you? You gonna call the police, who will find your body? Grow a brain.

2006-10-25 04:33:28 · update #5

Hey punklockdreadlock... have you ever seriously seen the statistics that PROVE that when gun ownership goes up crime goes down, or are you to busy believing that I'm just a little hillbilly. Oh yeah, what wrong with shooting a deer, eating the meat, and having a nice trophy?

2006-10-25 12:36:56 · update #6

29 answers


all for it.

2006-10-24 17:45:42 · answer #1 · answered by Robert 5 · 1 0

I'm very glad that 'The Pond' you refer to is too big for casual day trippers however, to get back to your question. I don't have a problem with guns owned by the general public for recreation e.g. target shooting, non-lethal competitions etc. or even hunting when its the ONLY source of food, I have a very serious problem when they are used solely for sport in the taking of ANY life, except in a wartime scenario; and then only by the military. America is a very young nation and has not realised that the era of 'The Wild West' has passed. Hollywood has a lot to answer for, for glorifying the 'trigger happy' generation; and your politicians are a wast of time. Our leader are also a waste of time but they are not assassinated. The Bible does not say 'Kill for sport'!

2006-10-29 01:02:06 · answer #2 · answered by Jimbo 4 · 0 0

The Constitution of the United States of American - otherwise known as "The Constitution", does not actually allow the citizen to bear arms. This is a claim by the gun lobby. What the Constitution allows is for the People's Militia to bear arms. You can read the Constitution at the Library of Congress on the Internet.

2006-10-31 14:39:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All in favour of the 2ND Amendment. A similar constitutional principle should be passed into law in the UK, as a basic democratic right for the people to arm themselves in order to defend their country against invaders and tyrannical government.

However, there should be a waiting period for a proper check prior to buying any firearm, the attempt to illegally buy or sell a firearm should be treated as an extremely serious crime (facing at least 10 years in prison), and if a firearm was sold illegally and used to commit a crime then the person who sold the weapon should be treated as an accomplice.

2006-10-25 01:08:48 · answer #4 · answered by karlrogers2001 3 · 0 0

Self defence, yes, I have a problem with that. Recreation, no problem, as long as it's carried out responsibly. Hunting, yes again. You only need guns for self defence because everyone else has them. The gun laws in your country date back to the Wild West, when no doubt you were allowed them to help you destroy the indigenous population and take America for your own. A gun is a cowardly weapon. And hunting? What's that all about? You talk about what God says, surely if you're a Christian you wouldn't believe in using guns for self defence. Turn the other cheek? Still, anyone can find a biblical quote to back up any argument, no book is as ambiguous as the bible in my opinion. I don't eat animals anyway, but if I did, I would prefer to kill wild animals and eat them than eat the sh*t that comes from supermarkets, factory farmed in disgusting surroundings and treated like nothing more than produce when they're living, breathing, feeling, emotional creatures, so you may have an argument if you use a gun to feed yourself and your family, but if you're hunting for sport then you seriously need to reconsider your place on the planet, and possibly have a word with that God you mentioned earlier, don't think he'd be too happy about you taking pot shots at bits of his creation for a laugh. Anyway, how many people died of gunshot wounds in the USA last year? And in the UK? Think those figures may speak for themselves. Have some respect for life!


In reply to your reply, no, I'm not an other cheek turning type of person, you're the one who brought up the god stuff to try and justify hunting, by saying that god told us we could use animals as we see fit, for fun or whatever, yeah, right, god created animals so we could shoot them for fun, did he? Well, if you're going to believe all you read in he bible, why won't YOU turn the other cheek? I'm not a Christian, I'd fight back. And if I was being attacked by this "criminal" you talk of, I'd rather it be in this country, because the chances of him or her having a gun are pretty low, compared to the odds in the US where you've got more chance of winning the lottery than finding a gunless criminal. Re read my answer with your brain switched on, I'm serious hillbilly boy, f*ckwits like you are really lowering the tone of the whole planet. And you think you're civilised. If only you could see the truth.


I didn't say there was anything wrong with killing for food, I just said I don't eat meat. Re read my answer with your brain switched on please. I actually admire those that do kill their food themselves a lot more than those who just divorce themselves from the whole proceedings by purchasing packaged meat wrapped up in plastic from their local supermarkets as I've already said. As for your statistics, would be most interested in seeing them, we all know how misleading statistics can be, and how they're manipulated to suit certain situations. Crime may be lower, but serious crime, gun crimes and shootings are higher. Tackle the problems which cause people to go out and commit crime, then you won't have to shoot them, will you?

2006-10-25 06:15:37 · answer #5 · answered by punkrockdreadlock 2 · 0 0

What the hell are you all on about? Many of America's problems with criminals can be linked to the availability of guns in the country. All you have to do is look at its record with crime to realise that!

The childish (and false) bravado that some gun owners show 'some punk comes into my house I'll pop a cap in his ***' just proves that many people can not be trusted with these weapons even if they have no criminal intent.

Only Americans could think that the fight against criminals can be won by allowing them easy access to guns!

And the argument of protection against a tyrannical government is just laughable!

2006-10-25 05:24:41 · answer #6 · answered by Chester Copperpot 2 · 0 1

I have no problem with legal hunting. People across the bay can figure it out for themselves. You don't see Great Britain trying to invade the U.S. The hunters who purchase tags and hunt during the legal season actually pay for a lot of the costs of wild animals and open land that they require. Many don't know this.
I hope all hunters do it legally, don't hunt or fish on private land and make sure you purchase a license and a tag if required and ask permission.

I don't see the U.K. as a threat, suicidal bombers within the borders bother me more.

2006-10-25 01:36:09 · answer #7 · answered by Sue Chef 6 · 0 0

it's actually unconstitional for an american voter NOT to own a gun with the aim that they can use it to aid the government in the defense of the country (as a british citizen i'll point out that we were the main people it was set up to defend against) many areas in the united states have passed laws breaching this constitional right leaving guns only in the hands of the criminal minority - who don't care if its illegal to carry a gun anyway

2006-11-01 08:33:33 · answer #8 · answered by mini the prophet of fubar 4 · 0 0

I have no problem with Americans having firearms, like most people I have a problem when nutters misuse them to murder people like the innocent Amish children. Here in the UK we have very strict gun controls but these controls do not apply to criminals who are free to acquire practically any gun they wish including sub-machine guns so that they can kill people they don't like and passers by!

2006-10-25 04:27:30 · answer #9 · answered by Rob Roy 6 · 1 0

The folks across the pond gave up their freedoms years ago. They are totally unreliable and have not concept what liberty is all about. The right to bear arms is in the constitution and is ranked in importance with the right to assemble, to partition the government and the right to free speech.

2006-10-25 01:12:13 · answer #10 · answered by barrettins 3 · 0 0

Duh, of course we do.
Self-defence, from who? You live in a police state.
Recreation, here we leave our weapons at the gun clubs.
And hunting is sick, unless for food. It is also unsustainable in today's world.
As far as an armed militia goes (really read and understand your constitution), you already have one, it's called the National Guard.
Besides you already have a huge expensive army.
Like to feel macho, go in your garage lock the door and play with your drill like all the other wannabes. At least that way you won't shoot your kids or think your invincible.

(Edit in answer)
If you have to arm yourself against your own army, this means they will follow an order to attack you. Then you are living in a dictatorship not a democracy. So I would start using those guns if I were you.
God gave us guardianship of the Earth and all it's species, not to destroy but to keep. We have disregarded his trust and now we are about to destroy ourselves through greed. Hunting for pleasure is sick because it causes suffering for no good reason, and stupid because you are wasting your own meagre resources, but mainly it is theft. There are no longer enough animals for all, the animal you kill is not yours - it may be mine.

2006-10-25 01:00:13 · answer #11 · answered by Simon D 5 · 0 2

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