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christians-do u honestly believe a person can resurrect themselves? turn water into wine? as christianity was originally developed as a part of judaism (jesus was a jew after all...apparently) how can a god in human form be unacceptable to jews? i am an atheist (proper one!) and do not believe in any deities or gods, only in good and evil. i am genuinely interested in how people can be so bold in believing something that they will never see alive or dead, as my father was taken away from me when i was 9, is this the work of a genuine 'god'? i beg to differ. all religions dictate you must not prey to another god, yet the bible contradicts itself by declaring itself christian, but telling the story of judaism and in parts islam. please discuss, i am genuinely interested.

2006-10-24 13:18:14 · 14 answers · asked by sv_twin650 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

speaking to everyone, no-one in particular. just find this subject interesting as i feel i can always disprove the theory on 1 almighty being.

2006-10-24 13:23:49 · update #1

i can't comprehend how many people believe this! 'Panspermia' life on earth was seeded from space, stephen hawkings has virtually proved this, and those before him! my father was taken away, not because of a god or deity, but because he was ill, he died of septicaemia, it still kills to day...why? because no-one has found a cure for it yet! i am not blaming it on a god or such like i am blaming it on a cruel atrocity. **** happens, its how you deal with it that matters, not what you can blame it on! i like wot u say mr glenn, give me more info, email, web etc

2006-10-24 13:44:06 · update #2

jews don't believe jesus was the messiah, the messiah, when it comes is supposed to usher in this era of peace. peace in this day and age? or even from when jesus supposedly died? no contradiction? think and read again...after studying the bible & the qur'an, both are filled with contradicting data. a christian is a christian, a jew is a jew, how can christianity and judaism come from the same book when both have differentiating views and opinions!

2006-10-24 14:10:49 · update #3

obviously the bible and the qur'an are 2 totally different books, i use these as an example not as a term of christian and jew law or belief.

2006-10-24 14:18:23 · update #4

14 answers

For too long we have been bound by Christianity, made out to be sinners when we have done nothing wrong. 2000 years have passed since Christ paid for our sins, but did we ask him to? No.
Ask yourselves, how much longer do we have to suffer for being who we are, another 2000 years maybe?
For too long Satanism has been misunderstood, and blamed for the wrongs of this world. Surely it is God who is wrong for being so intolerant?
After all what father is so impatient that he is displeased with his children, and cannot simply love, and accept them for who they are?
Does he hate us so much that he abandons us and our children to endure the pains of life alone?
It is fear alone that binds us to him, but we do not fear god, we pity him, he is a failure as a parent, and his reign is nearing its end.
As Satanists we would be first to point out that we are not blood drinking child killers, although there are probably so called Satanists of this sort out there, it is not a conformity of Satanism.

Satanism is about not being ashamed of who you are, about recognising yourself as just another animal. We are allowed to love and care as it is an animal instinct, but so too is lust, greed, gluttony, pride, sloth, envy and wrath. Nature programmed us to have these natural instincts so that we could survive, Lust that we may procreate, wrath that we may defend ourselves when threatened, greed and gluttony that we may want more for ourselves and eat more in desolate times to survive, envy that we may strive to become a better race by not being satisfied with what we have and pride that we may care about ourselves enough to even want to survive.

With this in mind why say sorry to a god who defies the very foundations of nature. It is learning to accept these so called “sins” as a natural facet of our personalities that allows us to perform other emotions, such as love, kindness, sympathy and care, so much better then people who hold theses natural emotions in.
In other words if we give vent to our bad emotions in a controlled manner, by indulging in our natural desires (as long as its not hurting anybody). It leaves us free to express our good emotions so much better.

But Satanism is a label, we may be Satanists but we are also working members of the community, many of us have children who we love dearly and would never dream of hurting, children are our future so let’s not label them sinners before they’re even born.
We have room in our lives for anyone that merits it. We are free from guilt, if we do something wrong we acknowledge it and learn from it. We repent to ourselves, for it is ourselves we have wronged, and if we wrong someone else we repent to them, not to some God who calls us sinners, simply because we are doing what nature programmed us to do.
Satanism is making a come back, we will be silenced no more, it’s about time God moved over and gave someone else a chance, This Christmas ask yourselves one thing, why are you celebrating Christmas, chances are it’s because everybody else is, because it’s become a way of life, don’t get us wrong as Satanists we’re all for family enjoyment, we love giving gifts and having feasts and celebrating the season, but should we use the birth of a man who’s teachings we don’t even follow as an excuse for a good time?
On top of this Jesus wasn’t even born on December the 25th, do your research, Christmas was originally the pagan festival Yule until the Christians stepped in and threatened the Pagans with death and torture if they didn’t abandon their beliefs, The ancient Pagan/Celtic way of life was peaceful until the Threats of the Christian church and their impotent God instilled ONCE AGAIN fear in the minds of man.

The church and Christianity has always been a religion of fear, using the excuse that you will burn if you disobey, Labelling infants sinners as soon as they are born, every time you Christen a child you are calling them a sinner.
How many Christians actually follow the teachings of their own God, if they did they would not be wearing expensive jewellery, perfumes, cosmetics etc. because god states clearly that this is an exhibition of pride and that makes you a sinner and all sinners shall perish.
If mankind wants to follow a belief system, then at least follow one which fits in with the 21st century way of life, at least follow one which is adhered to, but most importantly follow one that is real.
We are enslaved to a religion because the government and churches are too stubborn to admit its full of contradictions and hypocrisy.
VOTE SATAN this Christmas, forget God choose Satan, choose freedom, stand up and say “I am not a sinner, I am what I am!”.

2006-10-24 21:50:28 · answer #1 · answered by a cottage by the sea 3 · 0 0

Our faith is proved by our experience. Time after time prayers are answered, people are healed, delivered, set free from addictions, receive guidance, and many other answers to the mess this world heaps on us. If prayers are answered, someone is answering them. Therefore God exists. I have been a believer since 1978 after 14 years of problems caused by family involvement with spiritualism. I have had many difficulties, including over a year of unemployment, but through it all God has proven Himself faithful. I have all I need. I know that, no matter how disastrous the situation I might find myself in, I will always end up better than I was before. God makes me unconquerable as far as this life is concerned, and I am not unique in this. Every Christian can tell you something similar.

2006-10-24 21:25:05 · answer #2 · answered by waycyber 6 · 0 0

It is important to understand that spiritual teachings are given to humanity to help them raise their consciousness from one level to the next. As such, one should not view any particular doctrine or teaching given at a particular time to be infallible and therefore contradictory to any new teaching that may come after it.

The teachings given to the Jews were very black and white and strongly emphasized the impersonal law of God. The Jews were given that teaching because they needed a very stern approach to help a basically recalcitrant people to get back into alingment where they could then receive a higher teaching.

That higher teaching came in the form of Jesus's teachings having much to do with love and forgiveness - emphasizing the personal love of God.

So you can see there really is no contradiction between the teachings of Judaism and what was later callled "Christianity" but only progressive revelation.

Incidentally, progressive revelation of this nature has not stopped these last two thousand years. For a great example, I invite you to vist http://www.askrealjesus.com to see what teachings Jesus is bringing forth in this age.


2006-10-24 13:36:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

1) I don't believe a person can resurrect themselves. God resurrected Jesus. The Trinity doctrine is false.
2) Jesus isn't God. He's God's Son. They rejected him because he exposed their hypocrisy and they were afraid of losing their position.
3) God didn't take your father. He doesn't do that. That's a false teaching spewed by false Christianity. They can't come up with proper answers to questions like "Why did my father die?" because their belief system isn't based on the Bible - it's based on man-made traditions which they use to try and invalidate God's Word.
4) The teaching to not pray to another God is another way we see the hypocrisy in false Christianity. Catholics pray to Mary and countless other saints. The Bible says this is wrong. The teaching of the Trinity would also seem to contradict this command.

Christendom (false Christianity) is to blame for countless people turning away from God. Their man-made traditions make God look cruel, uncaring, sadistic or hypocritical. He is a God of love who wants what's best for us. You can see your father again when he's brought back from the dead. That's in the Bible. I would encourage you to forget the hypocrisy of Christendom and give God another try by listening to Jehovah's Witnesses the next time they're at your door.

2006-10-24 13:29:38 · answer #4 · answered by Epitome_inc 4 · 1 1

Gods people were the Jews. The Old Testament is the history (His story) of Gods people. Jesus was a Jew, He was God the son and could do what God could do. The Jewish people had been told to sacrifice animals that were the most perfect and unblimished, to God for forgiveness of their sins. Jesus was the final sacrifice, God the son, the most perfect one who walked the earth, sinless. His blood sacrifice covered the sin of all who have faith in Him. All people sin and all die, but those who believe in what Jesus did have everlasting life in heaven. God gave us all the chance to be with Him forever or to choose not to.
God in His love for all did this for the Jews, but also for Non-Jews called Gentiles. All can have the everlasting life Christ died to give us. I am sorry about your Father, could he have been a beliver? He might be in heaven. My Dad only accepted Christ right before he died.

2006-10-24 13:41:59 · answer #5 · answered by shepherd 5 · 1 1

No, I don't believe that people can resurrect themselves. I believe that God can resurrect whomsoever he chooses to resurrect. I believe that he did resurrect his son Jesus to be with him in Paradise. I also believe that Jesus resurrected Lazarus, although Lazarus later did die again. Jesus did not die again, having been resurrected to Heaven.

I believe that God can turn water into wine, yes. God created matter and all physical properties and tendencies of everything. Being thus, I can't really see him having a problem with changing matter around as it suits his good purposes.

A god in human form is not unacceptable to Jews, as part and parcel of Judaism is that they are awaiting the Messiah. They just don't believe that it was Jesus.

Your decision not to believe in God because your father died is interesting, in that it is specific to you. Why not choose to disbelieve in God because ALL people die, which, as an argument, might make more sense? God did not specifically target your father for death. God specifically targets all things that live on this earth for death. Your father is no exception. Neither am I. Neither is my dog, nor my ficus.

The Bible does not contradict itself. The Old Testament lays out prophecies of a Messiah. The New Testament tells the story of the Messiah and the subsequent building of Christ's church.

2006-10-24 13:25:53 · answer #6 · answered by Gestalt 6 · 1 3

the world in which we live in is in my opinion unsound. Whether a god exists or not, i do not have trouble with people believing in a god- but worshipping a god that created this mess?- it makes no sense to me.
another thing i don't understand is the self satisfaction some believers have of i love god and god gets me through the day attitude etc. If he created this world, he created the problems aswell, so why thank him?

god makes me strong etc- but he's the one that's put the problems here in the first place.

2006-10-24 13:36:56 · answer #7 · answered by brainlady 6 · 0 1

If I were you I would forget the Christians and work on yourself. If you still believe in good and evil you are more of a christian than you are an atheist.

Good and evil are simply judgements specific to the point of view or perspective of the viewer.

They do not exist outside of the mind that believes in them.

Love and blessings Don

2006-10-24 13:28:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Since I talk to my sky-daddy and my sky-daddy responds, I will continue to be gullible. He personally knocked on the door of my heart and praise God I let Him in. It was an awesome experience. It left me trembling for hours after. He is worthy of all my praise still in 2012

2016-03-28 06:36:35 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

the bible is full of contradictions.

but. more than that. it was compiled and edited by a PAGAN roman emperor (constantine), compiled for political (power) purposes!! history shows us that; it's a fact, not a guess...

the bible, from a pagan?? that's like buying a car built by a hairdresser!

the fact that they think it is the "word of god" is utterly foolish and ridiculous.

by the way, my dad (who is my best friend) had a massive stroke in Feb. he is in a nursing home now. you should see some of the people there. if that is the work of a god, then "god" can kiss my @$$ for what he unnecessarily puts people through.

2006-10-24 13:21:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I'm with you my friend , I find it hard to conceive in this day and age that so many people still believe in something so obviously created out of fear of the unexplainable in a time where they could barely be called civilized . And for that to have grown into this monstrosity of hate and greed is beyond my comprehensive abilities .

2006-10-24 13:27:31 · answer #11 · answered by Az rastaman 2 · 1 2

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