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Us Muslims didn't take our army to other countries and started wars over Islam!

We didn't steal oil

We didn't kill children and women in Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan...etc.

And until this moment there's no proof that the 9/11 attacks were committed by Muslim, so don't judge by what you hear and see in the media.

Just remember Abu ghraib jail, Qana holocaust....need I to say more!

2006-10-24 12:44:49 · 24 answers · asked by Not a happy bunny 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

i do not consider all Muslims to be terrorists. im sure there are terrorists in every culture/religion/race.

2006-10-24 12:47:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Oh, so you say that the al-Queda and Osama bin Laden, just took the credit of the 9/11 for fun, do you?

And the London bombings were also done by non-Muslims, eh?

How about the thousands of bombs that the Pakistanis and Kashmiris took to their credit, in India?

And the religious riots where Muslims butchered Hindu women and children?

And, you want to tell us that the al Jazeera footage that showed American Journalist murdered painfully while one of those guys did some Islamic Ritual ... is also a lie, eh?

What about the millions of Christian women and women the Muslims slaughtered in Lebanon?

And the "ethnic cleansing" they did in earlier Russian countries which had the Christians reply in kind, that now has the UNO there?

What about the "executions" of modernized people ordered by the Ayatollah in Iran?

According to you the Palestinians never hijacked planes and murdered innocent civilians from other countries?

What happened to the innumerable "jihads" the Muslims launched that had millions slaughtered?

According to you Muslims, it's OK for your kind to kill innocent people in the name of your Religion or God; but it's wrong for the others to retaliate?

And Pakistan and some other "Islamic" countries aren't clandestinely trying to make the "Islamic Bomb"?

Frankly, if at all the Muslims have become "outcastes" today, it's because of their own doing.

We didn't start it; but we just might be the people who'll finish it.

2006-10-25 00:54:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ah, lets see:

I cannot believe that you dont admit that the miserable sh**heads that caused 9/11 are not muslem,after the countless video tapes that osama A**hole bin laden released not only taking credit for the attacks but also claiming them as martyrs

Your religion (at least a good many of the billion of you) think the Holocaust that almost exterminated Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals didnt happen.

The continous harassment and killings of Christian and Jewish communities in Muslem countries like in lebanon in the 70's and 80's WHAT ABOUT THAT??? HUH? WHAT ABOUT THAT?

And oh dont forget the famous madrasas where children are taught to HATE EVERYONE THAT IS NOT MUSLEM


2006-10-24 13:17:35 · answer #3 · answered by TranquilStar 4 · 1 0

Muslims did not take their armies to other countries and start wars over Islam? With all due respect, it seems that you do not know the history of your own religion. Islam was spread from Arabia across the Middle East, across Northern Africa, into Spain, and into Turkey, Eastern Europe, and India by wars and conquest.

And Saddam Husen invaded Iran and Kuwait while he was in power. And yes, he killed women and children.

And the U.S. invaded Afghanistan after a few Muslims rammed airplanes into New York and Washington DC on 9/11 (I was there, near the pentagon at the time, thank you).

And how can you say that there is no proof that the 9/11 attacks were carried out by Muslims when Ben Laden publically said so? If it were all a lie, then why didn't Ben Laden come on the air and say that he was impersonated?

And women and children are killed by Muslim fighters in Iraq on a daily basis -- Muslims kill other Muslims.

From Wikipedia:

The initial Muslim conquests (632-732) began after the death of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, and were marked by a century of rapid Arab expansion beyond the Arabian peninsula under the Rashidun and Umayyad caliphs, ending with the Battle of Tours— resulting in a vast Muslim empire and area of influence that stretched from India, across the Middle East and North Africa, to the Pyrenees. Edward Gibbon writes in History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire:

Under the last of the Ommiades, the Arabian empire extended two hundred days’ journey from east to west, from the confines of Tartary and India to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. And if we retrench the sleeve of the robe, as it is styled by their writers, the long and narrow province of Africa, the solid and compact dominion from Fargana to Aden, from Tarsus to Surat, will spread on every side to the measure of four or five months of the march of a caravan. We should vainly seek the indissoluble union and easy obedience that pervaded the government of Augustus and the Antonines; but the progress of Islam diffused over this ample space a general resemblance of manners and opinions. The language and laws of the Koran were studied with equal devotion at Samarcand and Seville: the Moor and the Indian embraced as countrymen and brothers in the pilgrimage of Mecca; and the Arabian language was adopted as the popular idiom in all the provinces to the westward of the Tigris.
The individual conquests, together with their beginning and ending dates, are as follows:

1 Byzantine-Arab Wars: 632-718
2 Conquest of Persia: 636-651
3 Conquest of Transoxiana: 662-709
4 Conquest of Sindh: 664-712
5 Conquest of Iberia: 711-718
6 End of the Conquests (718-750) and beyond

2006-10-24 12:59:38 · answer #4 · answered by Randy G 7 · 1 1

I don't think you should consider all Muslims terrorists, to do so is incredibly unfair and is based on an uneducated opinion. A high percentage of those who have anti-muslim sentiment have very little understanding of the religion. Yes, thats right, religion, not race or origin of culture. Muslims exist all over the world in all countrys in all cultures, they are not limited to the middle east. In fact, anyone could have a person of Muslim faith living next door and they may not even know it. Suffice to say, peoples anger is being directed at the wrong people. It is only afew individual extreme activists that are responsible for the tragic events that have occurred. Please become a little more educated and quit generalising about all Muslims. And just for a secondary thought, how do we know the terrorists really are Muslims? Could it be possible that they are just angry people who want revenge on the West and claim to be Muslim to bring about global conflict and anarchy? Terrorism is fed by our arrogance and ignorance.

2006-10-24 12:53:30 · answer #5 · answered by wombatusium 3 · 0 1

Hello... Daydream lady,

I almost didn't answer your question because I didn't feel that your question really deserved an answer. Then I saw how angry your heart is. Why do you sound so angry and rude? Not all Americans are bad people EITHER. So hold up here. Do you really believe we want to kill woman and children? Get real!
People in your country TEACH your Children how to kill people of any race, even your own race, starting at a very,very young age.That's been a prov-en fact. We do not teach our children to do that at all. I have friends that are Muslims. I know their hearts. I love them as my friends. We are all Children of God, PLEASE try to remember that. You need to clean out your negative thoughts and clean out your heart because guess what you are a child of God too!. You are being blessed by God right now. So I hope you see his blessings not only with with your heart but with your eyes too. Stay calm and try and remember the three C"s Stay calm, cool and collected. Love your self and love God
Sincerely... J

2006-10-24 13:35:16 · answer #6 · answered by Jeanie N 2 · 1 1

The 9/11 was admitted by the Al Qaeda a terorist group who claimed themselves to be Islamic fundamentalists over the Al Jazeerah news in Saudi Arabia and other part of United Arab Emirates. I was watching that in KSA when they admitted it. I even saw Palestinians dancing on the street singing :"Allahhu Ahbar!" and a group of Afghanistans. Saddam Hussein claimed no part on it yet he pronounced to the world that he is givng money to the families of those who flew the plane and died with the crash over WTC. Do you want proof? Go to your own Al Jazeerah Papers and television Stations in the Middle East. Yes you did not steal oil because you own them and no one can steal your oil. Muslim Arabs know how to handle their business and they know how to hostage the world with their supply. A reason why the countries who are dependent from oil have to suffer from their threats oftentimes.
Muslim cannot send their army to other countries because they are not the ones at war with US and other Allies but the other group outside their government whom they cannot control are dangerously equipped and effective at every traitorous act of shooting innocent civilians they call an enemy from behind or by blowing those unprepared but never have the guts to fight openly the soldiers who are ready to fight them hand in hand. Children and women were killed because they used them as shields in the market places an even inside their mosques. All of these however, WE DID NOT AND NEVER CONSIDER ALL MUSLIMS AS TERRORISTS BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN WITH MANY OF THEM IN SAUDI ARABIA CRYING FOR THE ATROCITIES DONE BY A GROUP OF RENEGADES WHO ARE DOING IT AGAINST THE REAL FUNDAMENTALS OF ISLAM.

2006-10-24 13:34:13 · answer #7 · answered by Rallie Florencio C 7 · 1 0

yes the 9/11 attacks were by radical islamic ppl. what we are dealling with is stupidity. some ppl dont realize that anyone can become radical such as the KKK or the neo nazi's so lets remember that everyone has the ability to go nuts and respect muslims and all religions.

2006-10-24 12:49:06 · answer #8 · answered by mathewhp22 2 · 1 0

I don't feel that it is right to blame any Muslims for this action. It was not a religous organiztion that did any of these things mentioned. It was a group of people that had an idea that this would benefit in some way. I think that it is poor taste to accuse the Muslim's for this. This is not a religous thing it is simply a group of people that did this.

2006-10-24 13:03:23 · answer #9 · answered by raven_moon_macleod 2 · 0 1

Maybe if you do a search for beheadings you will see the reality of your hatefilled religion. Or watch the news and see how many bombings there are and see how many people will blow themselves up for Allah. I realize that not all are bad but when a religion is in acceptance of these things a good person should leave the religion.

2006-10-24 12:55:14 · answer #10 · answered by pontiuspilatewsm 5 · 2 0

How about all the bombings and killings around the world, from New-York, to Israel, to Bali, etc etc etc????????
Do you see any other group of people training little children to become suicide bombers???????
Do you think Priests and ministers train the children in their churches to blow others up??????
And nowadays, in the age of TERRORISM, which YOU PEOPLE created, fighting is NOT confined to armies or to battle fields; It is in nightclubs in Bali and Tel-Aviv, where young people congregate, and one of YOU MUSLIMS blow himself/herself up and kills HUNDREDS!
I can go on and on but what is the use????
You commit such heinous acts like 9/11, and then you cry, whine, and complain when the world brands you as terrorists... BOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!

2006-10-24 12:51:22 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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