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When it's evident in news that it's the Christians being persecuted and things shoved down our throat?Ya'll try to take down the Ten Commandments,ya'll try to change the name of CHRISTmas,ya'll try to remove God from the pledge of alligence,ya'll try to remove prayer,especially christian prayer from football and basketball games. Over in the middle east people are being killed becuase they wont convert from christianity to Islam. Any of this ring a bell to ya'll?Or is this a bunch of lies I've heard?

2006-10-24 11:44:22 · 19 answers · asked by Maurice H 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

These are not lies and it definitely rings a bell to them. these people who answered and those on this website that rant and vent all the time were former Christians who love the fact that the ten commandments being the buildings at one time in their lives. These same people on here used to pray at Ball games and such. These same people also were taught to pledge of allegiance in school and other functions all of a sudden don't want any part of God and the governmental issues. They were once persecuted as we are and they can't stand and be strong thru the testing of their faith so they quit. Satan has blinded their eyes and they want to continue in sin daily and do not want any godly person to tell them or live the lifestyle of holiness in front them and on this site. It is so sad.


2006-10-24 12:56:39 · answer #1 · answered by Pashur 7 · 0 1

"When it's evident in news that it's the Christians being persecuted and things shoved down our throat?"
Sorry, I don't see this at all. I see many Christians who seem to want special privileges. You want the ten commandments up in public places? Then you should want ALL religions to be properly represented, not just yours.

"Ya'll try to take down the Ten Commandments"
Only on government property where it doesn't belong. No one has tried to take the Ten Commandments down from a church.

"ya'll try to change the name of CHRISTmas"
Source for this? What do 'they' want to call Christmas now? And who is "they"? I really hope this isn't about saying 'Happy Holidays' because that isn't changing the name Christmas at all.

"ya'll try to remove God from the pledge of alligence"
Where it was added in 1954 due to communism scares. Shouldn't have been added in, the pledge has no business including religious references.

"ya'll try to remove prayer,especially christian prayer from football and basketball games"
Doesn't seem very fair to the players who don't follow the christian God. I, however see nothing bad with this. In fact, when both teams pray to the same God, I laugh because He can't help them both win. Also, I'm sure there are things going on more worthy of Gods attention than a sports game.

"Over in the middle east people are being killed becuase they wont convert from christianity to Islam"
All over the world, people are being killed for many reasons.

2006-10-24 12:00:19 · answer #2 · answered by Miss. Bliss 5 · 1 1

Um...everything you just mentioned is proof of christianity being shoved down our throats. Not everyone believes that sectarian crap, and it shouldn't be allowed. In case you haven't noticed, this country does not have a national religion. You wanna talk about the middle east? Then let's discuss the Crusades too. And no one is trying to change the name of Christmas....The 10 commandments have no place in a public building unless you're also going to allow all faiths to post their propaganda.... If a kid wants to pray at a game, he's more than welcome to do so, but non-christian kids also play on those teams, you know... So, yeah, for the most part, it is a bunch of lies that you heard. Stop believing everything you're told and do a little research before saying something so one-sided.

2006-10-24 11:51:42 · answer #3 · answered by ReeRee 6 · 3 1

For us'all to want government to be secular and not sectarian is hardly persecuting you'all. You've got your tax free churches and syagogues and mosques to pray in. You've got your television shows to spread the Good News and do a little pretend healing. Men decide what is good and evil at the time and place we live in, NOT some old books like the Bible or the Qu'ran.
You have a weird definition of persecution if you think that not being allowed to force your brand of religiosity down people's throats is persecuting YOU.
How would you like a quote from the Qu'ran chiselled in granite outside a courthouse? What exactly is your point about christians being killed in the middle east... did you want to get in on the action by killing muslims here, is that right, you'all?

2006-10-24 11:59:23 · answer #4 · answered by eantaelor 4 · 1 1

The country music station at my work place plays Jesus, Take The Wheel by Carrie Underwood, A Few Questions by Clay Walker, Believe by Brooks & Dunn, Help Pour Out The Rain by Buddy Jewel, and Love Without End by George Strait every day.

There are Power of Prayer (christian) segments included certain weekdays on the local news.

There are entire channels on TV devoted to Christian broadcasting.

and on and on...

And you've got to the gall to complain because people of other beliefs would like some airtime, too?

2006-10-24 12:04:02 · answer #5 · answered by February Rain 4 · 0 1

Give me a REAL example of how christians are being persecuted??

The 10 Commandments are not exclusively Christian.

The Pledge of Allegance originally did not have the phrase "under God" in it. it was added during the McCarthy 'Red Scare'.

I guess you are referring to X-mas instead of Christmas? Did you know that 'X' is the Greek letter 'Chi' and was used back in the ancient times to signify things christian? Or that 'X' is sometimes used for 'cross' - another reference to Christ?

The thing is, we live in America, where we have the freedom of religion, as well as the freedom FROM religion if we want. Prayers specifically directed to Christ, or Allah, or any other specific deity have no place in secular America.

2006-10-24 11:54:23 · answer #6 · answered by mesquitemachine 6 · 2 1

I extremely want you to read this, because I'm trying as hard as I can to be nice, please don't kick me out though.

You aren't wrong, but not all Christians are hipocrates, and hopefully I'm not. Just try not to stereotype.

I want to follow and do everything good, but you and I know for sure that we can't all follow the right thing, right?

We can't all, even I, only Jesus, follow the 10 Commandments. That's right, all Christians that are true have trouble following 'em too!

Christianity is like a race. African Americans were once stereotyped, and so were the Aboriginals by the Caucasians. Now I might not be an African American, but I think I speak for you, and all of us, when I say that not all people of something might be the same ;)

2006-10-24 11:55:26 · answer #7 · answered by kyleissuper 2 · 1 2

well there is a small element of truth to all of this: a quick example why do christians teach that drinking beer is a sin when in truth drinking is not a sin as long as you dont get drunk (see 1 timothy 3:8) now i talk to alot of christians and that thing is they say its not a sin but i find that hard to believe that most christians decide not to drink at all but yet they go to mcdonalds and eat high colesterol food and play the Xbox or watch TV for 8 hours on end. that is the reason why people get offended sometimes on what christians say. christians tend to say this thing is horribly evil but this other thing is OK and holy for some odd reason.

but another thing too, it shouldnt matter if people say that to you anyway, if what you saying is not true that christians are not shoving religion down peoples throat, then you nothing to worry about, just because people say things on yahoo answer - that doesnt make it true, so you have nothing to worry about - what people say to you is not going to instantly change you in any way in your life or change your beliefs. if people dont like me im going to change my ways and have sleepless nights to try to make them like me im only concerned if God likes me or not.

2006-10-24 15:18:39 · answer #8 · answered by galbro48026 3 · 0 1

your 10 commandments infront of a courthouse imply that i may be being tried for crimes not because they are actually wrong but because some God aspect said that they were.

i have never once seen a Pagan or Wiccan missionary knocking on doors, but i have many times (this morning in fact) been woken up by christians rapping on my door. and then they refuse to leave when i tell them that i have to work a night shift and that they are basically waking me up at their equal to 2 in the morning.

i do not see Pagan and Athiest protestors shoving pictures of dead babies in my face when i drive down the road.

i do not see pagan billboards trying to convert me.

i do not see athiest tv commercials telling me that certain holidays are evil.

but i see all of these things from christians...

oh and try being Pagan in the middle east. yeah they do not even get a chance to convert..

try being pagan throughout history. the Christian church killie hundreds of thousands and destroied as many coltures as they possibly could. the only thing that stops them now is the laws of war and the fact that many countries have religious freedom laws.

2006-10-24 11:55:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

See what I mean about shoving..And if you believe that people can pray b4 games then why not all prayer..Your religion is not the only religion out there!! You also think that people are getting killed in the middle east because christians dont want to convert?? wrong again..look up your history..Muslims and Christians shared the holy land..Then the christian crusades started..Lots of muslims were killed because of it..Prayer should belong to those who beleive it..I shouldnt have to be subjected to it..

2006-10-24 11:49:48 · answer #10 · answered by onthefence 2 · 4 2

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