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do you really think prayer is neccessary? Besides giving thanks, isn't asking God for anything aginst what he wants for us? If we get sick, it is because GOD wants us sick, Right? God want us to be poor and lonely. God wants us to have war over religons. God wants millions of Africans to die of hunger and AIDS. Why ask him to change his mind. Isn't he the one who has a plan for all of us? Just a thought.

2006-10-24 10:07:26 · 21 answers · asked by Melissa G 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

No but Presbyterians do

2006-10-24 10:09:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Long answer yes, short answer no.

As for no, phrases like "find your own destiny" and "fate is in your own hands" explain it. Poeple are self-motivated and self-caused in term of creating destiny.

As for yes, there are outside forces that affect people's fate. So you can say that God has a plan for everyone. People dying from different causes (eg. diseases, hunger and war) can be seen as a balancing method of a grand desire of preventing overpopulation or other purposes. For wars over religions, races and other matters, you can think it as another grand desire for preventing all people united together (eg. like Tower of Babel). One cannot easily say what is good for the people is good for the world or vice versa.

If you believe you are one of God's creation, you should not doubt God's plan. And yes, prayer is necessary because it's a way to deliver your thought to God. Even though it may not guarantee things will turn out your way, at least there is a chance that things will turn out in your favor because of your belief in God's plan.

By the way, prayer is also in part of self-motivated and self-caused. So either yes or no to your question, prayer always have some influence.

2006-10-24 10:42:21 · answer #2 · answered by Traveler 3 · 0 0

Yes, prayer is necessary. No, it's not against what God wants for us. God doesn't make us sick, make us poor or lonely. We all have choices to make in life and sometimes, we make the wrong choices. Our choices is what dictates our life. As far as the millions of Africans, God does not want them to die of hunger or AIDS. Yes, God does have a plan for all of us, but that doesn't mean we don't have choices to make and that doesn't mean we don't stop making plans for our own life.

Proverbs 16:9 (NIV)
In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.

2006-10-24 10:22:53 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

God has a plan for every single person, and YOU helped plan it out before you were born. Life isn't a sick experiment to see who will come out on top. Life is a way for us to learn and grow. If everything was completely wonderful all the time, would we know what good is? Or would we be spoiled brats?

I believe that those people suffering in Africa chose to be born where they are, and the real test is will you go to help them? Are we not all brothers and sisters, and isn't their plight in some way caused by us because of our own apathy?

2006-10-24 10:12:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

not neccasairly. when we get sick, it's our fault, although God knows when we get sick. what it means when it says that God has a plan for each of us, is that he has a plan for each of us to serve him in a way. When we pray, God really does listen. He really does care!! Prayer is really powerful. He did let AIDS happen, but for a reason. I believe that reason is because he wants us to care more about other people, which most people haven't been doing. But some reasons are from our choices. You can only know what the right choice is if you have Jesus in your life.

2006-10-24 10:12:11 · answer #5 · answered by Kagebana 2 · 0 0

good questio. i see a lot of confusion in your answer. when you make god into a someone that wants this and wants that you
begin to lose the concept of what a creator is. a creator is just that, the source of creation period. when people give god attributes that are human like wants, needs and desires, that is where people get confused. a source that people call god does not need anything from us, we give ourselves poverty, disease,
ill will, war etc. that is not the source, that is humans that do these things to ourselves and others. the "plan" if you will is to take all the gifts the creator has "given" you and use them to your highest ability. if you do that then you are what you call doing "god' plan". when you take your talent and gifts and use them selfishly, or not use them at all, then you fail the planet, the creatures on the planet and humanity. just be an aware person
and you can not fail to offer love and kindness where ever you go and to whom ever you meet.

2006-10-24 10:14:38 · answer #6 · answered by universalist49 2 · 0 0

God does have a plan for each of us. Sometimes we need to feel pain to learn the importance of avoiding it in the future. A child that touches a hot pan will go out of their way to avoid that pain in the future, but one that has only been told of the possible pain won't have that urgent need to avoid touching a hot pan. Some of the other problems (AIDS, hunger, etc.), I think, are put in the world to see if the rest of us will come in and help...like your mom used to tell you "that food you throw away could have been eaten by a starving child in Africa."

We can never know why things happen and why God lets them happen. If we could figure God out then that would make us intellectually superior to Him.

2006-10-24 10:16:28 · answer #7 · answered by Eddie C 2 · 0 0

Since when did God want millions of Africans to die of hunger and AIDS?

Wasn't it man who brought AIDS into the human race?? AIDS was in the gorillas, and men over in africa were having sex with the gorillas, thus aids was inducted into humans, then the men spread it from man to man and eventually it was a worldwide spread.

God doesn't want us to get sick. There are such things as germs, bacteria, viruses. It is sin that caused all those burdens that mankind was never intended to carry.

Funny how you said God wants us to be poor and lonely.... God asked Solomon anything he wanted in this world and Solomon told God that he wanted wisdom. God replied with, at least you didn't ask for a long life, to be wealthy and famous. God was so overcome,shocked, and pleased with this request that he granted Solomon riches, a long life, and he was the most famous one of his time. God gives and God takes.

Lord, allow me to not become too poor to where I have to steal to eat and please allow me to not become TOO RICH TO FORGET YOU. Would you forget God if He granted you wealth? To where you think you have everything you ever needed in this world and lost your soul.

Islam's Allah and Christianity/Jewish God AKA Yahweh, are from two different religions and are not the same God. Allah is the moon god of Arabia. God is the God of the Heaven, Earth, and everything underneath the Earth. in the OT God commanded David to rid of the promised land of all pagans and idolators. This was to unite the nation of Israel, which they could worship the true living God. Everytime they did not utterly destroy the idols and pagans, God would turn away from them. Why, because of disobedience. the final outcome would be that the pagan gods now were intermixed with God. THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GOD's BEFORE ME.

You have to have a righteous heart with a righteous pray for when going to JESUS who will take this request to God the Father. Be careful of what you pray for, you might get it and it could turn the outcome could be far worse for your life.

2006-10-24 10:33:51 · answer #8 · answered by sanctusreal77 3 · 0 0

I think God has a plan for everyone but that it can change do to the descions we make along the road. Sure there are a lot of problems, but are we trying to fix and help them? Aren't we trying to conquer all of the bad? Maybe God's path isn't clear now but, everything has to end, doesn't it? And maybe the end is what God is going for.

2006-10-24 10:12:13 · answer #9 · answered by question.answer 1 · 0 0

Prayer is very vital. Things happen and sometimes we may never know why, for example, death (genocide), famine, rapes, suicide, and etc all horrible things. GOD opposes all evil but b/c of his son's (JESUS) perfect and flawless 33 yrs on earth and death on the cross someday we won't have to live in pain, worry, sickness and etc. Man and Man's wicked and deceitful mind has effected many people. GOD will see you through and ordeal especially if you truly believe in what JESUS did. A lot of times people want to blame GOD and not THEMSELVES, sometimes Satan has nothing to do with their impure actions and thoughts.
GOD knows everyone thoughts and destiny, he has a plan for everyone, believers and non-believers
Hope this helps!!!!!

2006-10-24 10:17:52 · answer #10 · answered by Breann 5 · 0 0

Yes very! Because we often miss the perfect plan and need God's help to find it again. And when those around us miss it we need to pray that a whole bunch of things don't go wrong. I believe that becuase of free will God is constantly adjusting the plan. If we pray and seek the kingdom of God we can hasten the day of His return.

2006-10-24 10:11:21 · answer #11 · answered by Makemeaspark 7 · 0 0

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