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What exactly is the point to life?

2006-10-24 08:59:32 · 55 answers · asked by Compassionate 2 in Health Mental Health

55 answers

The hope that things will get better

2006-10-24 09:07:05 · answer #1 · answered by voluptuous 3 · 0 0

There is no point to life.

Got your attention? Good. At first glance this is a rather inappropriate answer to a question from someone obviously finding things tough. Allow me to explain.

None of us are born with a point to life. Therein lies its beauty.

If we were pre-appointed a "point" in coming onto this world (call it fate, or destiny if you will) we would not be free to choose are own destiny, to find our own point to life. A point to life is not something we are given or assigned at birth and veiled in secrecy until it slowly but surely reveals itself. It's up to you to choose a point to life. Want to help people? Work for charity. Want to protect what you believe in? Become a soldier. Want to see your community a better place to live? Become a cop. Just make sure you do choose to have a point to life.

Ambition is critical.

However life isn't about destinations. It's about the journey. Make sure youre working towards something you truley enjoy and believe in, that doesnt require you sacrifice your now for the future. With enough enthusiasm for life, anything is possible. Now do me a favour - take a good look outside your window. Theres a whole world out there, dangerous and crazy and beautiful and exiting. And its full of reasons to live, of oppertunities and points to life. And here's the crazy thing...

It's all yours.

I hope this helps. Just dont suffer in silence - look at all these complete strangers who will / have messaged you caring. People are generally good. The world is generally a good place.

Now smile...!

2006-10-24 09:27:45 · answer #2 · answered by rob p 2 · 0 0

Men are that they may have joy.

You made the choice to come to this earth long before you were actually born here. You chose your family, your trials... You did that becuase you were told the greatest joy would come when you gained a body. You were told that you would have these trials in this body, temptations, etc.. and you joyfully accepted these things.

Remmber who you are... you were born with special gifts. You are not by chance. You were sent here for a reason. You need to seek out thru prayer that reason. You little sister have devine worth. Only you can live your life and fulfill your mission here.

Life is hard, but its way harder without the Lord.


Choose the right-

2006-10-24 09:05:09 · answer #3 · answered by SunValleyLife 4 · 0 0

Reasons; being able to ask the question; how you will feel when you find it; how you will feel if you don't try and fiind it; that no matter how bad things get, inevitably they will also get better; Sun on your face just after it's rained etc.
The point to life is that just by living you have an effect, you choose if that is good or bad but probably like most of us you will eventually settle for most good and some bad. Life is given in hope and love, don't waste it!

2006-10-24 09:09:31 · answer #4 · answered by Samuel 3 · 0 0

I spent years in the US Marine Special Forces. It just so happens I specialized in sniping, close quarters combat, and hand to hand combat. Meaning I was used mostly for the capture or assassination of specific enemies of the US.

I had more missions than I could count and killed more people than I can remember. You want depression, anguish and horrors stories, I got enough to keep you from sleep for the rest of your life. But the truth is, I love my job.

With all the death, destruction, violence and pointless hardships, there were heros, people who gave there lives for they guy next to them. People talk about the terrorists like there something amazing they give there life for god. Our men give there life for the guy next to them. So your asking what the point of life is? Well, there are guys out there that love life so much they will give there lives so others can live theres.

Id like to think life is like a textbook given out by god. You come here, learn, and do something important with your life. Maybe pass your knowledge down to your kids.

Point is, you make your own life. Maybe in your life there is no reason to live. So maybe you should do something to change that.

2006-10-24 11:50:43 · answer #5 · answered by zuff101 2 · 0 0

Life is meant to be lived! I've learned no matter how hard it is sometimes, life is always worth living! Birthday parties, loved ones' smiling faces, and infatuated romances. This is life! Choosing to dance instead of sitting the song out, choosing to playing in the dirt and not worrying about getting dirty,choosing to play in the rain instead of sleeping in the whole day, choosing to hear life's song, before the music is over. It's the feeling of bringing a life into the world, the friendships that bring laughter, and the flowers that blossom with the sunshine and the rain. Life is remembering there is no love without hate, no good without evil, no light without darkness, no life without death. Not wanting to get up in the morning, but thanking God that you can get up. Wanting your alarm clock to stop going off, but appreciating the ability to hear it. Appreciating being able to see your loved ones' faces and sunsets on the horizons. That is life! And that is living.

2006-10-24 10:15:31 · answer #6 · answered by Simone E 2 · 0 0

You sound as though you have almost given up!

I cannot give you a difinitive answer and I wish the people who give such insensitive answers would not be so self indulgent.

If you are not happy please speak to those close to you and those you care about and maybe you'll see why you shouldn't give up. After all you care for them and they care for you.

Someone mentioned their children and their children. My children are aged 15 and 20 now. They are fantastic and they keep me here, they make every day worth living despite the struggle.

Also I live for my work, when I see that I have made a difference it keeps me motivated, I know there are things to feel good about.

You may have a search to find what will make a difference to you, but I am sure that it is there, if you look for it.

2006-10-24 09:33:56 · answer #7 · answered by Jon Boy 2 · 0 0

The reasons to live as well as the point is LOVE. First love yourself and then share your love with everyone regardless of who they are, what you think they are, what color they seem to be, what differences they have , what is the country they are from, what religion they practice, what they believe in. The important person in your live is YOU. Your happiness is important. Sharing a difference of opinion with someone is not wrong because everyone has the freedom of choice as far as happiness is concerned. As the saying goes. Live and let live!
A person knows what is good and what is wrong to think, do, and say, and respect other peoples space will return to you in respect.

Have a very beautiful day.

Happy life.

2006-10-24 09:17:16 · answer #8 · answered by montralia 5 · 0 0

Personally I believe (and this is a bit out there) that we are put on this Earth, into this physical reality, to gain the experience our spirit needs to evolve. So whether you have it easy or your life sucks you are still contributing to the master gameplan....

You also choose how to contribute. I'd say at least 75% of all personal misery is a choice made by the individual whether consciously or not.

Remember, they say we are responsible for creating our own reality and thats true. You can wake up in the same pile of crap two days running but it's your outlook that could change the color of your world on either of those days.

Thats just my 2 cents.....

2006-10-24 09:55:37 · answer #9 · answered by chimerauk 3 · 0 0

Whatever reason you have found to live up until now. What has kept you from killing yourself up until right this very moment?

That may be a good place to start in finding your own reason to live / point to life...

It is different for everyone. Best of luck.

2006-10-24 14:56:47 · answer #10 · answered by spiritualjourneyseeker 5 · 0 0

When the point of life is what we get out of it and how it makes us feel, there is none. However, God didn't create us to worry about ourselves and our good feelings all the time. He made us to fellowship with him, to be a witness of him. When we come to realize that because of our ancestors Adam and Eve that we have genetically a sin nature (this is our condition) and that we can do nothing about it then we are able to understand just how much God still loved us despite that. He made His son Jesus sin on our behalf (He placed all of mankind's sin nature on him) so we could be saved. That is a reason to live. God loved you so much that he allowed his Son to die for you.He then rose three days later and returned a short time later to Heaven to prepare a place for all who accept Jesus' sacrifice. The point of life is to be God's messenger of some very good news for mankind.

2006-10-24 09:12:55 · answer #11 · answered by rltouhe 6 · 0 0

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