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I found my kitten when she was about 5 or 6 weeks old, it's been a little over 2 weeks and I'm beginng to worry about her upbringing in a single cat home. She follows me around and cries when I leave, and while I am very flattered that she has become so attatched to me I'm afraid she's going to grow up with an aversion to other cats. I have 3 dogs and they've done very well adjusting to the new fluffy addition to our home. Little Evey is sequesterd from them most of the time, I'm afraid of letting her go down the stairs on her own, as she's so young and the wood floors are brand new and very slippery. I'm an 18 year old college student and I live with my parents. Evey is a sweet little kitten with tons of energy. I'm always willing to play with her, but sometimes she does wear me out. I was thinking that adopting another cat for her to interact with might be best for her, but I'm not sure how to present the idea to my parents (mainly my mom) or what age the other cat should be.

2006-10-24 08:54:42 · 14 answers · asked by Artemiseos 4 in Pets Cats

14 answers

Definitely you shuld get another kitten for her to play with. Kittens play very rough and that is how they learn that "hey, that hurts" and stop doing the bitting clawing, etc. To convince your mom look it up on the web, whykittensshouldbeadoptedinpairs, an article put out by PAWS in Chicago is a very good one, but I am sure there are lots of them. I am sure your mom will understand and agree. Nobody wants a cat that scratches and bites all it's life because it never learned any better. Some shelter's won't adopt a kitten to anyone who has no cats unless they take two.

2006-10-31 19:37:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If little Evey has dog-company and people-company, then she doesn't necessarily need a cat for company. But if you want to get her a cat for company we suggest that you adopt an older, mellow female cat from a local humane society... an older female that could take Evey in under her wing as a foster-baby. An adopted adult cat would already be litter box trained, grown out of its kitten playfulness, and already vaccinnated and spayed -- all good points to bring up to your mom. Make sure you get one that is used to being around dogs, too. Most shelters test for this.

And we think "Evey" is SUCH a cute name!

2006-10-24 09:11:55 · answer #2 · answered by Fetch 11 Humane Society 5 · 0 0

I have 2 cats, and when the youngest one was a kitten, we first brought him into the house with our other cat. At first, they were scared to death of each other and were very nervous when they saw each other. Everyday, the kitten would meow and cry when I would leave (like you), but we fixed that. We would at least once a day, get the cats out and let them play with each other, and now they are best pals. They both are really happy now, bc they have a friend to be with.

2006-10-24 11:11:48 · answer #3 · answered by Damien's Mommy 4 · 0 0

It would be great for Evey to have a pal to hang with. Just be sure you have time and space to devote to another kitty. Spay or nueter always. She can adjust to being a single kitty, but you will need to spend time with her and play. If you get another, try to get them about the same age. Lots of times, older cats don't warm up right away to kittens. Explain to your Mom that Evey needs a playmate and that you're willing to accept total responsibily for both of them (just as you have with Evey, I assume). Slipping on the stair is not going to hurt a kitten unless there is a tank of alligators or something she can fall into at the bottom. Cats are very resilient. Hope you have fun with your new pal (or pals)!

2006-10-24 09:05:26 · answer #4 · answered by ♥Pretty♥ ♥Kitty♥ 7 · 0 2

Another kitten is a great idea for your baby. This will keep her occupied with play and she will learn alot. I suggest going to a shelter and adopting a kitten that is around other cats, whether in the same cage or kitten room.

My baby boy kitty followed me and cried and whined when I took a shower or if he lost sight of me...but the more we bonded and cuddled the less he did it. It has be one week and he is 3 months old and he hardly cried now. He is gaining his independence.

Your kitten will grow out of the crying stage. She sees you as her mother. As with all kittens, when their mom leaves for a moment they get worried. Kittens can be very tiring as well. You can set a schedule with your kitten...it is always good to have a routine down, that way your kitten doesnt get confused and it is also good for you.

The kitten you get can be around the same age or older. Older cats are good with kittens as long as they have always been around other cats. I would check with a shelter, dont be afraid to ask questions and their opinion.

Kittens learn by playing with one another...thats how they learn if they are playing too rough and all their hunting skills. It is easier to train a cat not to bite your hands and feet by having another kitten there for it to play with.

I wish you all the luck. If you would like any more information I suggest you check out this website where you can ask a proffesional any question about your kittens behavior.


2006-10-24 09:06:09 · answer #5 · answered by Casey B 4 · 0 2

It may cost more money than you can afford, but I'd try to spay and neuter them. There has to be a shelter someplace in your area (even if it's an hour or so away). Sign up for the PetFinder Message Board and see if anyone has some suggestions

2016-03-28 06:20:42 · answer #6 · answered by Beverly 4 · 0 0

I was in the same situation as you are. Finally when my cat Semper Fi was a year old, I brought in another kitten. They are now best friends & play together & sleep together. I dont' see the problem with younger cats having an older cat counter part

2006-10-24 08:58:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Awww.. she sounds adorable !!! Yes, another cat being in the picture, would be a good idea. It'll take time, of course, for both of them to get used to eachother, and for one of them to make it to "boss-hood".. lol. But, in time, it'll all fall into place with them. It'll also be good for Evey to have a playmate.... other than dogs. She needs to know 'how' to take care of herself, and learn the "ways" of 'cathood', that she cant learn with the dogs. (this will all help with the crying when you go away from home, too) Good luck !

2006-10-24 09:01:40 · answer #8 · answered by JSSK 3 · 1 2

I have two cats and the first one I raised by herself. She did fine but it took awhile for her to get adjusted. Cats do not like change. If you adopt another cat, it doesn't really matter the age. But like I said your cat will be fine by itself.

2006-10-24 08:59:41 · answer #9 · answered by amysbuttabutta 3 · 0 2

yes it should.You dont want your cat being independant and being the queen/king of the house. Get the cat aquanted(sp?)with other cats.

2006-10-24 10:18:40 · answer #10 · answered by .:♥ Fire Within♥ :. 4 · 0 0

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