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After 40+ years of trying to accomidate the "Aw pew it stinks crowd", do you think that smokers care what they think.
As more and more people resume smokeing, do you think they will lose control of "I want"

2006-10-24 08:35:38 · 28 answers · asked by AA5HU 1 in Health Diseases & Conditions Cancer

28 answers

No, I don't care. Cigarette smokers may have been more sympathetic at one time, but it has become abundantly clear that militant non-smokers are no longer acting out of interest in peoples' health. They are attempting to wage war on a particular demographic's lifestyle and the smokers on the other side of the war have gone on the defensive.

2006-10-24 08:39:56 · answer #1 · answered by Monty 3 · 1 3

It's not so much that they don't care as the fact that they are addicted to a very powerful drug, nicotine. Deep down all smokers know what a filthy habit smoking is and the damage it does to the body, other people and the environment, but when you have a drug addiction you will find any number of excuses to justify why you should continue it. Many smokers would love to give up but lack the willpower or courage to do it. If you are a smoker or have ever been one just remember how foul and awful the first ones you had were. Why did you continue such a loathsome practice? Whatever the reason ask yourself 'Is it still there?' For example:

Did you think it was 'cool'? Do you still think it is?
Were you pressured into it by your peers? Does this still apply?
Did you think it made you look 'grown up'? Have you grown up and realise it doesn't?
Did you think it made you look 'tough'? Did it?

When you say 'more and more people resume smoking'. I think you will find that this is the opposite. More and more people are NOT smoking.

My dear wife has just quit on doctor's advice. She used Nicorette patches and has felt no pangs at all. This after a 20 a day habit and I've got to admire her tremendously. The house smells clean again, as does she, and she is saving around £30 a week, that's £1,500 a year that was, literally, going up in smoke.

As a final thought The American Institute for Health (I think it's called) have recently concluded a study on smokers where they correllated the liklihood of people smoking depending on their intelligence level. Basically, naturally with a few exceptions, the lower the intelligence the more likely people are to smoke. Read into that what you will but this study covered thousands of people over a number of years so it's accuracy is not in doubt.

My advice. If you are a non-smoker don't start. If you are a smoker, Quit.

2006-10-24 08:55:10 · answer #2 · answered by quatt47 7 · 1 0

I smoke, but I am considerate to others I don't smoke around my kids..If I am at my kids's baseball game I always go at least 100 feet away from the people on the bleachers, where no one is around.I do have to say that i'm a little offended by you saying cigarette smokers are the most selfish of all addicts. I'm divorcing my husband after 11yrs or his meth/crack/coke/pot/beer addictions and HIS addictions have been way more selfish and dangerous to me and my kids than me having a cigarette..Tell me...when was the last time a person that only had a cigarette beat you, choked you until you passed out, held a knife to your throat in front of your son that was 8 yrs old at the time, or thrown a knife at you pregnant belly when you where 8 months pregnant? Wanna talk about selfish addiction huh? How about him spending all his money on drugs instead of giving me a dime for child support. Or deciding one his one day a week to visit his kids is too much of a hassle, because I made it for a Staurday evening and there was a party. Hell ...I wouldn't even smoke if I hadn't had to live so many years with a truely selfish addict! Trust me Dear, there are alot more addictions out there that lead people to kill/murder others way quicker and more violently than a cigarette ever would.

2016-05-22 08:30:40 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It can never happen to me! thats the answer almost every smoker says and thinks. He will sorry for the other guy who got it but he will not get it. Thats where things go wrong - you suddenly find one day your voice turning into something like a file rubbing against wood. You find it difficult to talk and develop a pain in your ears. Oh! these are nothing but a viral or some pollution that has got into me and you decide to go to a doctor. The doctor who is not a oncologist will prescribe some tablets and you get some temparory relief but the hoarsness still remains. The pain surfaces again and then you decide to visit a specilaist who discovers with a biopsy etc. that you have cancer and its in a very late stage. What could not have happened to you suddenly becomes a frightful reaction. This cannot be happening to you ? You keep asking "why me"... and then your battle with cancer begins. You face so much pain that its difficult to even explain the degree of the same. You get into a depression mood and the whole world has turned upside down. People you considered friends forget who you are and the people who you least expect do the things you expected your friends to do.
Then you, more often then not, if you are lucky and have oral cancer it may get cured with radiation and chemo, but if does not you loose your voice. Something you always took for granted and now long for.
Meanwhile you hear the other person saying "It cannot happen to me just because it happend to you."
Do you think its worth taking the risk? If so go ahead and smoke till your lungs start giving trouble, you have breathing problems, no stamina etc - after all it cannot happen to you.

It happened to me , my friend and its out of sheer concern I have put this in for those who do not care and wish to carry on smoking. Its a accepted vice and so noone can stop you if you start smoking but do you really think its worth it? Even giving it up today could save you a lot of pain, depression and financial problems in the future. Is it worth the risk?

2006-10-24 09:10:15 · answer #4 · answered by livingonthinice 3 · 0 0

i do not think i understand your ? i am a smoker if you are asking if i care if people think that i stink because i smoke well sure i do no body wants to be labeled a smelly Pearson. if you are asking if i care about how non smokers feel about me if i would respect them sure i would i always ask when around anyone if they care if i smoke will i loose control of what you want i do not get that part at all what is it that you want maybe that is a marketing thing in the area where you live i do not know i do however feel that smokers get more crap than anyone hell even crack heads get some sympathy what do smokers get ridiculed always why not just leave us alone? i will just leave it at that before i get carried away. hope this answered your ?

2006-10-24 08:45:10 · answer #5 · answered by dydy 2 · 1 0

I do not smoke any more. I smoked for 30years but gave it up after a bad illness , no it was not caused by smoking. I was smoking 11/2packs a day plus 2 cigars& a pipe. You never saw me without something in my mouth. I had a illness that put me in the hospital for 11 weeks,9 weeks on a feeding tube nothing by mouth including cigerattes.I thought if I could go 11 weeks with out smoking I could go a life time.Although I longer smoke & it makes me sick to be around smoke , I dont care if you do because it is your health you are indangreing .I do miss my pipe very much but with my heath as it is I am better off not smoking. Go light one up for me & enjoy..

2006-10-24 09:00:38 · answer #6 · answered by BUTCH 5 · 0 0

More and more people are NOT resuming smoking. More and more people are quitting or never starting to begin with. There may be a few weak willed or suicidal people resuming smoking. Nicotine is proven to be highly carcinogenic. Smoking causes other major and potentially fatal health problems including emphysema. If you want to kill yourself go somewhere where you aren't infecting anyone else.

2006-10-24 09:28:47 · answer #7 · answered by wyldfyr 7 · 0 0

i do not smoke but i wont use the government propaganda to put those who smoke down. everything these days is said to cause cancer or hurt you, so i feel like this if it makes them happy to smoke then its fine with me. no one should be told they cant smoke, and no most smokers don't care about the loud mouth no smoke crowd. they have head them spout off for so long now that its like a broken record in the words of Mahatma Gandhi
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you,
then they fight you, then you win."
and in the words of Thomas Jefferson
"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as the souls who live under tyranny."

2006-10-24 09:06:59 · answer #8 · answered by steamroller98439 6 · 0 1

Most smokers don't care cause they are TIRED of hearing about not being able to smoke. Now, nonsmokers are getting it outlawed for smokers that want to smoke outside. Why not just outlaw the nicotine, that way smokers could put them down when unable to smoke and not "FreakOut". i know I've been there.

2006-10-24 08:46:19 · answer #9 · answered by happyfarmerswife 2 · 1 0

Smokers DO CARE. The ones that seem not to care, just need a courteous reminder.

and NO they DONOT lose control, provided they have someone to give emotional support at hard times.

Smokers that i came across till date.

2006-10-24 10:17:01 · answer #10 · answered by rohit_tek 1 · 0 0

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