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Why or why not?

Is there anything specific that makes you feel you need to vote?

2006-10-24 08:31:01 · 16 answers · asked by Dr. Brian 6 in Politics & Government Civic Participation

16 answers

Yes, I will be voting.

I believe it is my duty to vote - our fore-fathers fought and died for our Constitutional right to vote. So voting to me is a way to help preserve our freedom.

2006-10-24 08:34:42 · answer #1 · answered by soulful thinker 5 · 6 0

Definitely. If you don't vote, you shouldn't complain about the way things are going.

Personally, I'm going to vote mainly for a state issue, not so much national. The Democratic candidate for governor in my state held the office before and bent over backwards to accommodate outside special interest groups over the rights of our citizens. Yikes!

2006-10-24 08:38:08 · answer #2 · answered by Jadis 6 · 3 0

Yes I will be voting November 7th because there are thousands of men and women fighting for me to have that privilege and if I don't exercise it I feel like I am letting them down.

2006-10-24 08:33:58 · answer #3 · answered by rrocketgirrl22 2 · 5 0

Probably not. I'll be in the middle of a move, and I probably won't be at my current precinct to vote. And I doubt that I have time to get an absentee ballot.

This will be the first election that I'll miss in the last 15 years. But you can bet that I'll register to vote in my new hometown before the next election!

2006-10-24 08:40:46 · answer #4 · answered by Wolfeblayde 7 · 0 1

Absolutely. The specific thing that makes me vote is called Civic Duty. It doesn't matter who you vote for, you should always vote for the person who best represents your views. However, if you don't vote, don't complain because you are part of the problem, not the solution.

The primary issue of interest to me in this year's election is immigration reform.

2006-10-24 09:07:36 · answer #5 · answered by Bryan 7 · 2 1

Yes, Democrat. Here are just 20 reasons why.

1. I don’t want the Iraq War memorial in Washington to be larger then the Vietnam memorial in lives represented.
2. I understand basic science and believe that a woman’s right to choose before the babies brain develops is the right answer, and that all other arguments are made by applying individual religious views.
3. I am tired of government spending increasing every year on things like war and the military, while we take away from things like education.
4. I believe that the far right has stayed in power too long and it has corrupted them to a point where they no longer even understand why they were elected into their positions in the first place or how to take responsibility for their actions.
5. I know that not everyone in this country is a terrorist and to treat everyone who is arrested as such is absolutely everything our country is against. A fair trial, in a reasonable amount of time, is everyone’s given right. I also know having a bad plan is much worse then having no plan at all.
6. I understand basic government and know that only the Republicans can gain from illegal immigration (due to their big business ties) and that the Democrats would only be hurt from illegal immigration (due to the fact that it hurts the middle class and lower class – their main voting block).
7. I read enough to know that the Republican Administration has made several deals with the government of Darfur to obtain information about Al Qaeda while promising to leave them alone – and I find that reprehensibly lazy and ill-advised.
8. I can comprehend that all of the separate government organizations (with the exception of the current administration) have all come to independent conclusions that the earth is warming due to our actions and am ready to do something about it.
9. I am tired of the Republican’s hypocrisy about religion, homosexuality, war, budgeting, morality, and honesty.
10. I know that he national government has a central and positive role to play in bettering the lives of all Americans.
11. I am not petty enough to want “revenge” for a Right that has bungled the war, the government organization, checks and balances, or our standing in the world community.
12. I know that items like the school voucher programs, “no child left behind”, and other recent additions have and always will fail because they don’t actually resolve the core problem and that any side that purposes those things does not wish to deal with the heart of the matter.
13. I am a Christian and I’m tired of the Republicans using my religion to gain support. Everyone knows that religion is liberal by definition.
14. I know that my government has no business behind grown adults closed doors and that they should maintain a distance from invading into individuals personal lives.
15. I am intelligent enough to know that the quality of life has decreased while the job growth has not kept up with the increase in population.
16. I understand that even though big business is doing well (reflected by the market), individuals are borrowing against their retirement and investments at a higher rate then at any other time in history.
17. I can identify numerous occasions where the Patriot Act has been misused on innocent individuals, both aboard and here at home, and I want it to stop.
18. I know that the Republicans have failed, repeatedly, to provide proper security for the country, a plan for dealing with terrorism, or even a proper way to measure those failures. Instead, they can only attack anyone who claims that they obviously have no idea what they’re doing and I want that to stop too.
19. I understand, through the latest Bush Administration’s hired Iraq War consult James Baker (through his report that was leaked to the Phoenix Sun) claimed that there are only two strategies to leave Iraq and that they essentially "rule out any prospect of making Iraq a stable Democracy in the near term" and accept that as a reality.
20. I know, as do the rest of the average inhabitants of American that, the Republicans have decreased government oversight allowing things like Enron, WorldCom and Global Crossing to happen, they have tried to bankrupt Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid by rearranging the systems to function inefficiently and thus their demise. What they want is big business to take over the primary functions of health, retirement and the overall wellbeing of the inhabitants of this country – but without the basic oversight that any normal government policy should obtain. They have done this because they are in the pocket of big business and only benefit when business takes advantage of Americans. As a Democrat, I will always fight so that the Middle and Lower class people are not taken advantage of by those who see average Americans as nothing more then a bank to be raided.

2006-10-24 10:16:34 · answer #6 · answered by johndow1965 2 · 3 3

Yes, I will, although I am acutely aware that my vote has about as much chance of being heard as me winning the lottery. It is absolute ritual with me. The week before, I will be studying the issues and the information from the League of Women Voters to see how I will vote.

2006-10-24 08:34:17 · answer #7 · answered by finaldx 7 · 2 3

Yes Democrats beliving they have this election in the bag.
It's all a big mistake. Misguided Democrats even believe
their own tainted election polls.

2006-10-24 08:37:53 · answer #8 · answered by Jack G 3 · 4 0

i always vote, it is my duty as an american citizen. why would i not vote, when so many people have died to insure that right? besides, i have to have my say in government.

and while i'm at it, i gladly vote a straight republican ticket!
god, i love living in america!

2006-10-24 08:41:56 · answer #9 · answered by afterflakes 4 · 1 1

Yes, Republican and here are just 20 reasons why.
1. Because I don`t want another Vietnam memorial in Washington to wasted lives. A another monument to the Lefts victories.
2. Because I don`t want children at 8 or 9 months gestation half born and holes drilled in their heads to suck out their brains. Partial birth abortion.
3. Because I don`t want my taxes raised and want the tax cuts permanent. I want us to continue to take in the highest tax revenues in history as our country grows.
4. Because I don`t want the Radical far Left in power in Congress.
5. Because I think it is right to listen to peoples phone calls that talk to terrorist.
6. Because I want to stop illegal immigration with a wall and the Left and Democrats don`t. 50% of KBI most wanted are Illegal aliens.
7. Because it is the right thing to follow the terrorists money.
8. Because I want the economy to continue to be great.
9. Because I want something done about Darfur and Bush is the onlyleader in the world to force anything be done about it.
10. Because the terrorist`s American Propagandist Adam Gadhan wants me to support the Anti war Democrats.
11. Because I want the anti American Left punished.
12. Because I want school vouchers so all children have a chance to have a good education instead of being forced to stay in a failing school that gives them no chance in life. Measuring results and holding schools accountable for teaching every student to read, write, add, and subtract.
No matter how against it the Teachers Unions are.
13. Because I don`t hate Religion, nor Christians and Jews and don`t make fun of their beliefs as the left does.
14. Because marriage is about raising children not sexual urges to be worn on sleeves.
15. Because the Republicans have bettered the lives of more people than in history with 6.6 million new jobs in 2 years. 95.5%empolyment.
16. Because the DOW is over 12,000 (first in history)increasing the retirement benefits and savings of all Americans.
17. Because I think the Patriot Act is a good thing and not the road to the concentration camps that have never materialized.
18. Because the Democrats and the Terrorists have the same talking points.
19. Because unlike the Womans Lib movement and Democrats I don`t want to abandon the 30 million women and with purple fingers in Iraq and Afghanistan.
20. Because I am against higher social security taxes and want personal accounts to keep the politicians from spending the money. Allowing my retirement money to grow at more than >1%.
A US savings bond grows at < 3%.

2006-10-24 09:25:30 · answer #10 · answered by Gone Rogue 7 · 2 4

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