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I'll try to only mention what's pertinent. I can't remember the last time I've been happy or if I've ever been. I live in NorCal now, but grew up in NYC - just moved 1.5 yrs ago. Contrary to popular opinion, I hate CA, or just really miss home. I've been living in a perpetual state of sadness and anxiety and it's starting to manifest physiologically now with aches, migraines, and serious lack of energy. I have no health insurance to speak to a Dr and I literally have no friends. I can't take this anymore - need to find a way out. Make matters worst, I have a live-in GF that I totally believe doesn't understand me nor my situation. I'm sure she just thinks I’m a jerk, but I know there is more to it. I feel like I'm trapped in a corner by my own and external forces and in a few days I’m bound to crack. I don’t want to hurt myself nor anyone, but I feel so lost Please help, I'm begging.

Only legitimate reponses please, thanks.

2006-10-24 08:21:58 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

32 answers

seek some professional help

2006-10-24 08:24:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Well I am sorry to hear that I have been very depressed myself latley but I dont let it take control. I have been getting the migrain headaches as well. Although its probably from thinking and crying. I love CA so you must be home sick or in the wrong part. I have no insurance either but I don't feel I need a doctor maybe a friend yeah at least you have a gf, my BF is in jail again. I live with his parents and took care of his grandma the past 3 years and she died last week imagine how alone I am now feeling. I have a 3yr old who drives me nuts above everything else just mentioned. So I have to stay strong for the two of us. Last night I was so depressed after court for my bf who will probably be away for all the holidays again and our daughters b-day. So I scared the heck out of his mom with an alien mask it was so FUNNY!! I felt better so much so I think you should try scaring your GF. It will make you laugh so hard if you get her really good!

2006-10-24 08:35:15 · answer #2 · answered by calieyecandy 3 · 0 1

You could use some counsel and maybe move back home near family and friends. Changing a new job is hard, but change is good. Concentrate on getting yourself back on track. It there is no real relationship with the GF then move away. You need to take care of yourself and figure out what you want out of life. You only get one so go and learn new things. If there is no health Ins. you can go to your local mental health clinic and ask questions there first. You can also go to a book store and get books on depression and anxiety, and there are other books on self help. One day at a time. Sit down and think before you act. I sure hope you have an understanding family that would take you in till you can get back on your feet. For the migraines get exercise like walking and eat healthy.

2006-10-24 08:38:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'm so sorry you feel this way. I worked many years in psychiatry.
First don't worry what your girlfriend or anyone else thinks. Whatever you are feeling is real to you and that's all that matters.
You are what's important here! Go to see a professional ASAP! Do what you have to do to save you. Find your inner light and strength that has sustained you this far in life to help guide you to your self and peace, but you must have help. Go to a free clinic in your area or log on to NAMI.org to locate some place in your area.
Get your blood tested as well, it could very well be something organic that has caused these symptoms your entire life.

By all means pray! GOD loves you and wants you happy and whole!

2006-10-24 09:36:16 · answer #4 · answered by mythoughts 2 · 0 0

You can actually apply for health insurance that is based on your income. A lot of studies show that depression can be caused by an imbalance of chemicals in your body. Try to eat better or to exercise. I know when I experienced depression, I felt like there was no way out. I called a doctor and asked a few questions. He told me about the imbalance and told me to exercise for 30 mintues a day. I immediately felt for energized. So I joined a kick boxing class. It was great. But it isn't for everybody. Maybe take up a hobby. You might discover a hidden talent. Try to keep your mind focused on the things you have in your life that are good.

2006-10-24 08:38:52 · answer #5 · answered by good drummer bad guitarist 2 · 0 1

Set up an appointment for counseling. Insurance usually covers it or you can usually find places that offer it on a sliding scale. No matter what anyone says this is not something to play around with. You may never do anything dangerous to yourself or anyone else but depression can impact every aspect of your life. There is help out ther. Everyone deserves to be happy.

2006-10-24 08:26:36 · answer #6 · answered by toff 6 · 0 1

This book will help you more than any psychologist or any prescription drugs: "Emotional Resilience" by David Viscott, MD. Just read the Amazon.com reviews if you don't believe me that it could very well change your life. I've been off meds and discovered so much about myself over the last year, and feel so much better since reading this book.

No more road rage, depression, OCD thoughts, bursts of anger, confusion about where these feelings are coming from and what to do about them... There are simple things in this book that if any psychologist had just told me could've saved me three years of pointless therapy. It's like they're all incompetent or improperly trained?

Emotions come from real events, they don't just inflict themselves on you like some disease as people would have you believe, and you have to face these events, remember them, and change the way you think about them, either just from realizing the source of your hurt, or from actively forgiving the people who've hurt you, and especially forgiving yourself.

2006-10-24 08:28:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I would speak to your GF and be HONEST, take a day at a time, nothing too hard, it may not help but there is a large percentage of the population suffering the same to a greater or lesser degree....A doctor is only going to prescribe drugs that treat the symptoms and not the cause....identify the problems and get rid of them....it is very easy to get these things out of proportion in your mind...

all your fellow suffers feel the same( and there are alot of them!), trapped by lifes circumstances, the need for working, supporting a family. mortgage etc...

life can change direction quickly for people...especially with a little help from you....re-examine goals in life and be realistic....

try and take timeout, a walk in the park...especially with those closest...you may not think it, but they probably already realise there is a problem and are likely to be more understanding than anyone....

2006-10-24 08:39:18 · answer #8 · answered by Davey N 1 · 0 1

I think you definately need therapy. Most cities have mental health clinics who charge you based on your income. Some of the churches might be able to refer you to someone. Some churches have their own counselors and so it probably would not cost you anything.. About your GF...she may need to be gotten out of the picture unitl you are better. especially if she isn't encouraging you and or tyring to help you. There's nothing wrong with taking a relationship break. Sometimes it's hard to have to try to take care of someone else's needs when you have severe needs yourself.

2006-10-24 21:52:25 · answer #9 · answered by chilover 7 · 0 0

First off, let your gf read what we are reading....it doesn't seem as though you are a jerk when you write..it's just that when you are in front of her your emotions might take over...i say let her read this b/c she'll get to add her own emotion and interpret it in a way she prolly has never had...that's first....

Although you might have these challenges ahead of you with living in a new environment, lack of benefits etc...But, you must change your mind....easier said than done(i know..i feel the same way you do.) but that's the trick to life that not many figure out..that's why suicide rate is high as hell..not many people can endure the mental challenges to make it through..and look at what people do..they take the easy way out...it's our nature to take the easy way out...Everyone wants to find that magic pill to help them lose weight, they rob banks to get rich quick and so on and so forth...nobody wants to struggle....but allow me to inspire you about the benefit of struggle..

okay, do you know about the caterpillar? well, there is a point in a caterpillars life that it weaves a cuccoon and totally changes into a butterfly..but during that stage, the caterpillar must force itself out of it's cuccoon..during that struggle, the muscles strengthen and enzymes are forced to the wings....and, if someone was to come along and do the butterfly a "favor," it wouldn't survive because those natural processes wouldn't of occured..you see, the struggle is salvation.

As far as your outlook, you are being pessimistic...A good saying for optimism goes,"Face the Sun and your shadow will always fall behind you." You would be surprised at how many people actually think the same way you do..man, i know i do...i'm still conteplating suicide...but it's just that i now know the truth...The harsh reality of life is finally realizing that nobody is coming to your rescue...it's just you all by yourself...BUT, after the grief settles, you finally realize that YOU is all that's needed...YOU are enough..nobody knows you better than yourself..you know your strengths and weaknesses...there is nobody more in charge of your destiny than you!

My advice is to find out that secret to the trick that every1 is missing...we must remain strong and explore this negative emotion..try living in the moment when you are at your worst..think deeply to what's goin on in your head..It's a courageous thing to do...And if all else fails, just say **** IT and say," You know what, i don't care what life throws at me..I can take it b/c i'm a man." But you know what, that never happens..this universe tends to unfold as it should...

So yeah..i would say good luck..but **** luck...i know you would want to conquer this dilemna on your own esteem..do it for all who have failed..you will be a hero! after all, that's what a hero practices...altruism...that's what it's all about...ONE*

2006-10-24 08:45:22 · answer #10 · answered by Adeist 2 · 1 0

I am severely depress too. I was treated for years. Nothing worked. Sometimes things just happen that way. I know of many who have been helped and some who have not. The odds are you can be helped so check it out and the sooner the better.

2006-10-24 10:11:35 · answer #11 · answered by gimpalomg 7 · 0 0

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