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27 answers

I'm far more concerned with the conservative christian right preaching hatred for whole groups of Americans blaming them like the Nazis blamed the Jews for everything that goes wrong in this country. Some of these so called men of god, are calling for the extermination of the whole LGBT community.
Tammi Dee

2006-10-24 08:05:08 · answer #1 · answered by tammidee10 6 · 1 1

How about why do 'some' people carry such hatred in their hearts, I don't 'hate' anybody, I may take a mild dislike to some people though.

You see I'm an atheist, it seems to me that it takes religion to really produce good old fashion hatred.

2006-10-24 15:11:28 · answer #2 · answered by fourmorebeers 6 · 0 0

I think this has a lot to due with fear. We hate arabes becasuse we are scared that the man at the shop down the street who sells us bread each day, might jump on a plane and kill us all. Sometimes we hate because they are different.

Some people hate, because they once loved. This is not as strange as it first sounds. Think of the fights between parent and child, sisters and brothers. These people loved each other deeply at one time (I hope) and that changed into hurt and hate.

I know that this is way too simple, for the nature of hate

2006-10-24 15:09:24 · answer #3 · answered by Just Wondering 3 · 0 0

Hatred does not just come in your heart all at once. Neither are you born with it. It comes in just a little at a time for one reason or the other and you start to notice an attitude change. One day you wake up and you are so angry that you feel like you hate everything.

2006-10-24 15:06:48 · answer #4 · answered by ms.melancholy 4 · 0 0

Because there is a lack of faith in the world and almost everyone is bitter and not happy with what they have. If everyone had faith in their lives, this world would be a better place. I believe if u have God in your life and are faithful then people would not carry hatred in their hearts.

2006-10-24 15:11:38 · answer #5 · answered by justmmez 3 · 0 0

Why do some people act in a deliberately provocative way. Has anyone else noticed how proficient the Christians on this board are at being patronising and condescending-I'm convinced they are intent on provocation. Some of them would try the patience of a saint.

2006-10-24 15:12:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I thoroughly believe only God knows the answer to that. Some people go through hard-knock lives, flat-out abuse, undermined existences. But it seems some can make better out of it, some cannot. But since He has created us, there has been evil in our hearts, Genesis 6:5

And God saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth, & that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

2006-10-24 15:22:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I imagine it's because they cannot come to terms with the bad that's going on in their own lives. They look at life as the glass half empty not half full. It has a lot to do with what's happened in his/her life and how he/she views life. One can have lots of bad things happening in one's life, but he/she still thinks things will work out to his/her advantage. It's when one thinks things are hopeless and doesn't care, when he/she turns to hate.

I think it has a lot to do with what we go through, how we view life, and if we see hope in what the future can bring. It's when we view things pessimisitically &/or negatively when we let hatred grow in our hearts. Certain situations and people can make us hurt us and cause us pain and that in turn, can make us hate. I think some of it has to do with our upbringing and what we are taught and what we see others do. We learn alot by examples and seeing what others do and how they react and respond to things in life. Some people are more prone to hate than others because of what he/she has learned through others.

2006-10-24 15:23:00 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Because they're in a lot of pain and hatred is easier to deal with than admitting that they're hurt.

2006-10-24 15:06:15 · answer #9 · answered by CALAVA 5 · 0 0

Because they are unsatisfied with themselves, mainly caused by Envy, Greed, Self-Centered (Pride)...
They probably being looked down by others, Humilliated by others which caused the feeling of unsatisfaction...

I hope everyone (including me >-<) will be patient in all kind of condition... Patient and believe in Karma...

2006-10-24 15:12:29 · answer #10 · answered by Andrew 1 · 0 0

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