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our laws obeyed, and yet THEY are the real racists?

2006-10-24 08:01:14 · 21 answers · asked by brian b 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

yeah, and since when did "white" become a "race", too?

2006-10-24 08:08:26 · update #1

mendi8, what do you mean "you and your kind"?you know nothing about me! but you just proved my POINT! Anyone who is anti-criminals are called 'racist" just to try and shut us up! Well,guess what? It will take more than THAT!

2006-10-24 08:13:51 · update #2

21 answers

This is a blog that I posted not too long ago regarding this issue. I wrote it after the marches that closed down the streets in the area I live (That includes the freeways...in case you don't remember, the kids marched on the freeways to make their point...that they are rediculous)

Free loaders:

I heard someone say something on the radio that pretty much sums up the entire illegal immigrant march. They want to be granted something that should be earned!

That is exactly what is going on.
Look at your history someone in your lineage earned the right for themselves and thus you to be here as an American Citizen. I am proud to be an American & it pisses me off to think that these people feel that they can come here and just be handed something that does not belong to them. They have no right to take what they have not earned!!!

I was watching a cheesy carton on Saturday about the Revolutionary war & it really struck me hard..do you think that those people who fought for our freedom fought for the rights of free loaders? No they fought for the opportunity for people to become American Citizens & to have the rights and privileges that comes along with that. They fought against persecution and unfair taxation. Somewhere along the way came about the Democratic theology that people deserve to be handed everything, whether or not it has been earned. This frame of mind has created an entire group of people who think that for what ever reason "The Man" has suppressed them and there for they deserve the right to have everything handed to them whether or not they are hear legally or illegally whether or not they have chosen to assimilate themselves in this nation. This group of people disgusts me!

Speaking of unfair taxation, how fair is it to be taxed an unreasonable amount of money in order for our government to provide government assist programs for the people who have chosen to come here illegally?

I have been hearing the recent marches being compared to the Black Rights movement and to the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The Black Rights movement was about giving American Citizens an equal opportunity to learn, work, vote..to stop the segregation based on skin color. The Black Americans of that time were fighting for the right to be a part of this nation. They fought in our wars. They earned their education. They spoke our language. They deserved to be here and to be a part of our nation! The fight was not for illegal activity. It was about Equal Opportunity. It frustrates me to hear this being compared to the Illegal Immigrant Movement. It is not the same. It will never be the same. What is wrong with these people!!!???!!

How dare these people come over here, steal our jobs, demand government assistance, rant about unfair treatment & racism because of their legal status. How dare they change our American Anthem, drag the American Flag on the ground, Hang the Mexican Flag,.I am repulsed! This is not Mexico. They need to leave. I have had enough! They are not needed here! Look at the communities that the illegals live in. Look at how much the wages for certain types of jobs have gone down because they chose to be undocumented and therefore they do not have to pay taxes or be paid as much. Look at how many illegal children are going to schools and since there families are unable to help them with their work and choose to only speak Spanish at home, these children fall far behind in school. More then 50% of them drop out before finishing! They end up with low paying jobs just like their parents or involved in criminal activities. Its an ongoing cycle that needs to be stopped.

If these people want to be here they need to earn it. If you gave your child everything that he/she wanted he/she would grow up expecting to have everything given to him/her....and that is exactly the case in the situation. They expect to be able to hold out their hands and receive something that they have not earned!!

These people are ignorant in this situation and in our culture. They are nothing but a bunch of free loaders and I am sick of our government assisting them. They have been here long enough illegally and need to be sent back to whatever country that they came from until they are ready to stand in line and come back legally. They need to understand what it means to be an American. You are either American or you are not and in this case they have chosen to Not be American.

2006-10-24 08:39:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

I think bluntly spoken, racism IS alive and well in the 21st century,
question is if we want it anymore, or not.

I tell you what I don't like, I met this kid who was basically a hispanic skinhead. I've met his caucasian and african-american analogues, and the moral of the story is, your skin color doesn't make you better than anybody else. If you happened to hit the luck of the draw, and you turned out as a genetic celebrity, well good for you, but you're not the 'master race' or whatever...and that's what a lot of this garbage really boils down to, people copping these superiority attitudes...but you see it in all walks of life, always this 'quest for dominance' crap...people that were too chicken for the football team in high school, but are looking for some sort of outlet...so they pick someone that's different, smaller, speaks a foreign language, that kind of thing...

If you watch this board long enough, you'll find one of the pro-illegal types, he finds and posts these pictures on the internet of some fairly geeky-looking white folks, and then poses fake questions, pretending to be them...then, there's the other guy, he's got this picture of someone from either Mexico or some other place, puts a swastika in the corner of it, and goes on his little rant...it goes around and around...nobody I've ever known that's ever read about stuff like the Klan etc will go NEAR such stuff, because they recognize how negative and destructive it is. Yet, the frictions live on, prejudice is a hard thing to kill off, and likely we'll never really see it die. But, you can always read more, and be a step ahead of it...

The illegal alien debate mainly revolves around Mexico's desire to move in en masse vs. the desire of US citizens to NOT see that happen...the latest attitude of 'WHAT you gonna DO about it!' is just more belligerency. Truth be known, if we americans were anywhere nearly as racist as some of these people claim, there would have been tanks and machine guns at the border YEARS ago...talk about biting the hand that feeds...it's pretty stupid, I think...we have border and immigration laws, they kind of need to be enforced...

2006-10-24 08:15:45 · answer #2 · answered by gokart121 6 · 5 1

The illegal aliens call us racist because that is the way to justified their crime of being illegal in our country. When have you ever heard of a criminal in jail being guilty, if you ask them they are all innocents, the same with the illegals, they all came here to work, maybe that's true but they are all illegals.. The other thing that I could think of is that they are trying to earned the sympathy of the American public. By calling and yelling racist they think that the American people are going to go in their favor and I think that their tactic is working. There are a lot of Americans, maybe because of their ignorant and without knowing the truth about the damage that the illegals are doing to our country, defend them. We Americans have to be more alert, watch Lou Dobbs in CNN and start defending the American people and not the illegals that are coming into our country. Right NOW there is a Drug War in our southern border that we have to start demanding from our government more protection, I don't know what's going to happend next if the government don't start taking care of the border. Wake up America.

2006-10-24 08:30:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

The illegal alien from any country need no help to look bad to most intelligent people.I am not the one blinded by my love ,my race,my country....I see fault in others and my self.When one is so blinded by the love of ones race that they cant see things in the true prospective then there is the problem..The illegal alien supporters from all country's cant see beyond their own vested interest,they don't care what harm the illegal alien causes to any one.They don't care about anything but their own feelings.This blindness is a big fault in people.The white power people have it,the brown power people have it and so on.Why don't you for once think about someone other than your narrow limited vision.This is hurting the USA,this is causing problems in school;s,hospitals etc.But on here all I see is your defiance of legal Americans, in your defence of the illegal alien to the point of the ridiculous.Some one can say ,an illegal alien killed someone in an accident,you say well
whitey shouldn't have gotten in his way.Or some other ridiculous statement.Face up to facts. No one cares about your husband who's illegal or your sister or who ever,except you. .We care about our way of life.We are right because the law say so.You are wrong because its illegal to be in this country,with out the proper documents.I don't care what race,color,heritage or nationality you are.I don't care about any thing but the effect your being here illegally has on my state and my country.
I don't give a damn who calls me racists or anything else .I don't care.I know who and what I am and the race card doesn't have any affect on me.
Vote in NOvember
NO amnesty

2006-10-24 09:00:08 · answer #4 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 3 1

Racists is a overused word that has no meaning to me!
Whenever someone cries racism...they are just crying for attention! With the rate of illegeals coming into the country...the US will be over 50% latino in the next 25 years! Then they will have the majority vote...never in the history of the world has a country let theirselves be taken over. We must protect our culture...I know i dont want the US becoming an annex of Mexico! Do you think any other country in the world will let japanese,latinos, or indians take over their whole country!...NO...Just because our country is free dont mean we will just hand it over to whoever! Yes, this is a free country of many different races...but if we let EVERYONE in...our country we will become an overpopulated country with many jobless citizens at an extreme poverty rate and high crime rate...The only people benefitting are the big businesses that get wealthier by paying dirt poor wages! This is cutting the generations of american ancestors jobs, housing, and raiseing taxes because we have all these POVERISH immigrants too take care of....We need to take care our ourselves....The mexican governmant should take care of their our citizens....NOT throw them over here for use to babysit!!!!!

2006-10-24 09:18:57 · answer #5 · answered by flan04osu 2 · 3 2

Its now not raciest! if you happen to desire our government to rise up and lock down the borders and make all that's right here illegally to return wherein they got here from and do it the proper method.Jumping or swimming to get within the USA is not the authorized method. But particularly we must quit giving them jobs they usually desire come.

2016-09-01 02:00:50 · answer #6 · answered by kernan 4 · 0 0

They can call us anything they like. It doesn't change the fact that if you are hear illegally, you broke the law and should be punished. We don't make exceptions for Americans that break the law; there's no reason to make an exception of non-Americans.

2006-10-24 08:16:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

First of all who is "US"...
second of all, the illegals call some people racists because they focus on one ethnicity:"mexicans"... knowing damn well that there are other less numerous groups that are STILL BREAKING THE LAWS...
This is why some people are called "RACISTS"....
and how are they the real racists??? blah, blah

2006-10-24 12:01:59 · answer #8 · answered by ljohgt 2 · 1 2

Do you really care what a bunch of lying criminals think? I don't. They aren't worth considering. They ALWAYS pull out the brown card when they are in the wrong. It's all they have.

I love what Losingmypatience had to say.

2006-10-24 15:55:55 · answer #9 · answered by princess_29_71 3 · 1 1

Because it's the only thing they can come up with to force us into accepting illegal immigrants. To the world, white people are the only humans capable of being racist. They use the word to shut us up and to get what they want.

2006-10-24 08:07:37 · answer #10 · answered by bekkiboo31 4 · 6 3

Anyone can call anyone a racist. Illegals and their supporters call people racist when they have no logical arguments for their position and want to stop all dialog.

2006-10-24 08:19:19 · answer #11 · answered by Mark 5 · 4 2

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