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Yes another child murdered for absolutely no reason and probably at the hands of another child which in the UK is happening more and more.

2006-10-24 07:59:20 · 34 answers · asked by Candy 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

34 answers

It is because of the parents in the UK. They should be able to spank their children if they are misbehaving. Instead they try and copy the Super-nanny from the TV - look where it is taking them. The children have no respect for anyone and it WILL get worse.

2006-10-24 08:03:04 · answer #1 · answered by Grisu 2 · 3 1

Here's my view on the situation. It is a sad world that we live in, but the sad truth is that Humans as a species are probably going to destroy ourselves one day.

It's human nature to want to have as much power as we can, no matter what the cost. Just look at the most powerful people in the world. Many of them (Such as president Bush, no offence to Americans) don't seem to realise the effect that they are having on the world. The Iraq situation is an example of this. Even though Saddam Housaine has been captured, there are still too many troops over there. Iraq is currently in Civil war and the best thing to do is to leave them alone and let them sort the situation out. That's how civil war ends normally.

The same can be said with pollution. With the industrial revolution, there was a huge increase in technology. As a reault, it brought pollution into our world. We are only beggining to realise the effect that we have caused on the planet and are trying to reverse it, but it may already be too late.

The current generation of children are being educated on these matters at an early age. The idea is that they will not do what we are currently doing today and arttempt to reverse our own destruction. This has some logic, since children learn better than adults, however, there are some sick minded people out there. Some can't see the trouble that they are causing and think that the new generation is just wasting time. This can lead to insanity which can lead to child murdur. Sadly, this prevents the new generation from saving our declining world.

Child psycology is also, unfortunately, affected by the psycology of their parents. If their parents, are mean criminals with no regard for anyone, the child will probably grrow up like that. They think it's right because it's what their parents do. This is often the cause of child violence. Another cause might be child abuse. Similar adults might vent their anger oin their own childto quell it. The result scars the child and they may take out their anger on another child of their own age. It's almost a "Since I'm suffering, you'll suffer" belief.

Unfortunately, there is virtually nothing we can do about the adults of the past generation and what they have done. All we can do is educate current young and try to reverse our own errors.

I hearby apologise for any offence my offer may have caused. If you have any issues regarding it, feel free to contact me.

2006-10-24 08:28:53 · answer #2 · answered by ahendersonbegg 5 · 1 1

It is quite a sad way to end another person's life and all because one wants to instil fear into the community. Whatever it is that has gripped our society is now driving everyone crazy. The only solution is to ban firearms licenced or not or to get really tough when sentencing the perpetrators. No parole!
However, the world is losing some fine and ambitious young people through these weapons which keep on landing in the wrong hands; but to everyone's dismay more weapons are being made with some still on the drawing boards.
Some musical lyrics also fuel hate amongst the populace and glorify the gun culture. What we need are love songs not gangsta rap. I hope both the arms manufacturers, gangsta rappers, and those suppliers of those horrific and violent playstation games should hang their heads in shame since they can be indirectly associated with this horrible mess.
Many young people seem to be of the notion that being rude and either into or peddling drugs is the "in thing" and should one possess a gun, then he is seen to be going places. But as in most cases, it is the innocent who perish. Let us band together and get rid of this menace from our society.

2006-10-24 09:22:29 · answer #3 · answered by marizani 4 · 0 0

It is all over the world! It is so depressing. The world has become a very scary place to bring children up in. It almost makes you think twice about wanting to bring new life to a world that is so hard...there is not alot to read in the paper...It is always killings etc. The innocent children are the hardest ones to hear about. There are many people who would love to take the children people are leaving home alone or putting in the dumpsters or whatever...Shaking them to death...The even scarier thing is many of these killings are from the kids own parents. Why bring them into this world?

2006-10-24 08:13:38 · answer #4 · answered by bbmk333 3 · 0 0

It is terrifying. It makes you want to never let your children out or never go for tea or to a party where you are not personally supervising. I work in a primary school and we have children that I would not be comfortable being left alone with !! They are violent, out of control, have no sense of respect in any way, sense or form and don't seem to feel remorse or guilt. It's utterly terrifying. However, this is about 4 children out of a school of 300 so we have to put some perspective on it. But added to that, they take up most of the day with their behaviour and thanks to the Governments inclusion policy - we can't get rid of them!!

2006-10-24 09:14:33 · answer #5 · answered by helen p 4 · 1 0

It's not like this hasn't happened before.
People were cruel 300 years ago.
They still are.
It's really nothing new.

And to the person above: Don't worry, very few Americans would be offended at the use of Bush's name in a negative way.

2006-10-24 08:37:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No better here in the US with all the school invasions / shootings! This world is coming to an end and that is that...

It won't take God to come and end the world...the people here are doing just fine at doing it themselves!

2006-10-24 08:14:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the cases have replaced in a great way. Many states are passing charges to make it unlawful to spank your toddler. there's a a great distinction between self-discipline and abuse. maximum families have lost the values of love and appreciate for God,united states, and relatives.Many toddlers have not been taught to appreciate their elders and are being instructed with the help of their mom and father you do no longer could desire to hearken to absolutely everyone yet me. they have not been taught to appreciate themselves, which additionally makes it frustrating to appreciate anyonelse. i replaced into spanked as a toddler and it has made me a greater efficient man or woman. i in my view think of that many mom and father are placing there toddlers up for failure via fact the youngsters have become so spoiled that they think of absolutely everyone ought to cater to them and their needs. How can we predict those toddlers to make it interior the international as adults devoid of ethical skills and appreciate, the place the international would not revolve around them.Society has quite made it greater frustrating for oldsters who're attempting to boost solid youngsters, who in turn we are hoping would be effective adults. it is all truly unhappy.

2016-10-02 22:08:23 · answer #8 · answered by greenwell 4 · 0 0

to that KNOWALL person who obviously don't READ extensively, think about the bulgar boys and lots of white british kids who kill their parents, grandparents (for money!) and the case of the bulgar boys who werent even teenagers killing a 2 year old child! i taught here for 4 years and i know that parents here let the kids control them. even the law makes provision for kids to rule the roost (although a smack or 2 has been reintroduced legally)...parents equate love with allowing their kids to get away with things, several parents used to tell me (in response to my complaints about poor behaviour during lessons) they either don't know how to control their kids or they feel guilty that the child has a single parent so they try to "make up" by this implying, allowing the child lots of ...wait for it...FREEDOM. yea, make more of the "freedom" thing, when the wise thing to do really is to help children exercise the freedom to choose freely, rather than be influenced by bad peers... on more than one occasion, being here in essex, i see white british kids telling their parents to go f**k themselves, once i even heard a SEVEN YEAR OLD shouting at her mum "shutup your f*cking b*tch...the mother stood by and just proceeded to ignore the child, didnt even flinch. i can only assume this is their ordinary daily way of conversation making?

2006-10-24 10:44:01 · answer #9 · answered by Wisdom 4 · 0 0

When the children can tell th eadults what to do and how to do it, it does make you stop and ask that same question. WHat is this world coming to? Well as for my opinion we need to take back out schools and our homes. When the state steps in and tells you you cannot spank you child or you can go to jail. I say the hell with that and spank away

2006-10-24 08:06:56 · answer #10 · answered by cherokeelady_42 1 · 4 1

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