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I don't think it is but please give me your input. thanks

2006-10-24 07:28:15 · 23 answers · asked by ♥♡CrocsRule♡♥ 1 in Family & Relationships Family

23 answers

I suppose it depends. If a person is constantly dropping their child off to go out and shop or hang out with their friends and have fun then yes, I think it is neglectful but if someone is dropping their child off so they can go to work to earn a living to put food on the table and clothes on the child then no, it isn't.

2006-10-24 07:30:44 · answer #1 · answered by Sarah K 4 · 0 1

Daycare is not but the person doing the day care can be. Actually it is the fact that your leaving your child, another human whom your in ultimate charge of, in the hands of another person or persons. I knew a woman who took in kids and the parents loved her- boy did she have them convinced! As soon as the parents left she made all the kids do nother but watch TV all the time. Some parents would send a meal they wanted their child (2-3 year old) to eat. So she would eat the kid's food the child's mom gave her for the child and then feed the child PB & J sandwhiches and kool-aid like she did the rest of the kids.
The law she is under also only allows her to sit with no more than 6 kids and that includes any of her own kids she has. So when she wanted more money she would send her daughter to take some of the kids for a walk when other potential parents would visit her. This way the new potential parent thought she did not have so many kids. She also often told of a time that she took on too many babies and found one infant with a pillow over her face but after CPR the kid was OK. She never took the kid to the doc or hospital or told the parent.
The fact is if your leaving your child with another person, you are taking a chance. There is really no way of knowing what goes on while someone else is in charge of the child(ren).

2006-10-24 07:40:32 · answer #2 · answered by home_maker97 2 · 0 0

No way! Although many people see the negative side of daycare there are so many benefits that come with using daycare. Having experienced working in a daycare back in the day and now raising my children I think that it is a good experience. Parents have to work, some families have to have a 2 person income and need something to do with their children. Nannies can be very expensive and daycare costs can be very reasonable. My children were in daycare and now they are with a nanny, one of the main reasons we switched was because after having our 3 child the cost of a nanny made more sense than putting 3 kids into daycare part time.

When your child is in daycare they will inevitably get exposed to illnesses that are going around the center and although at the time it can be an inconvenience if you have to miss work in the long run there are definitely benefits. When your child gets exposed to these run of the mill child illnesses at a younger age, they most likely will not get sick as often when they get older and hit elementary school. Their immune system has been built up by being exposed to the elements.

Another pro of daycare is the socialization aspect. Your child is surrounded by a number of other children throughout the day. They get taught how to work with others, how to cooperate and so many other wonderful life lessons. They also get to do endless activities, projects and have lots of play time. It can be the ideal situation for a young child and as your child gets older they realize that they are not only there to play but that they are learning things along the way.

My oldest daughter loved her daycare so much she still talks about it to this day and she hasn't been there for over 2 years! She keeps in touch with a handful of the girls that she met there and has continued to work on these friendships even though they all go to different schools now since we all live in different areas.

One last point--many day cares employ college students who are going into the education field. One of the huge benefits of this is that they are learning all the new and old methods of teaching and working with children and then they are able to apply it to their job. It gave me great pleasure to know that my girls had the chance to have some of the best future teachers as their staff in their classes.

Anyway, that's just my 2 cents on the wonders of day care!

2006-10-24 07:43:39 · answer #3 · answered by Michelle 4 · 0 0

I think it depends on how many children are assigned to a worker. It also depends on whether or not it's a good day care. How old is the child? If the child isn't old enough to speak and put up a fuss then I don't think that child should be in daycare. You are neglecting your child if you don't try to find out. I never put my children in day care because I don't think children in day care get enough 1 on 1 attention. I wanted my children to have that. I think I was the best person to give it. I am their mother.

2006-10-24 07:33:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nope, not at all, it's what us parents do when we need to work and don't have a dependable person to care for our children. Some people frown, but if your child is happy and developing social skills playing with the other kids.... the child center is trustworthy, then how could it be neglect. Just because we have children, doesn't mean they can go absolutely everywhere we moms have to go! Some people just don't understand!

Have a great day : )

2006-10-24 07:36:05 · answer #5 · answered by Michelle Lynn 4 · 0 0

No, but I'm sure there is child neglect instances. I think there are too many children for the amount of workers. I think leaving a child in day care all day to support a certain lifestyle to be a from of neglect. But that has much deeper connotations. Have a lovely day!

2006-10-24 07:33:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No, as long as you put the child into a decent place.

In this day and age with cost of living rising, prices rising and paychecks getting smaller, it now takes two parents working just to pay the basic bills. Or sometimes one parent is a creep and runs off leaving the other to raise the child alone and daycare is the only option.

The last one I had my kids in, was moderately priced, but it was clean, the staff was trained, they had regular inspections and they had cams in all classrooms, so I could go on the internet at work and see what my child was up to at any time. I found that to be a nice feature.

2006-10-24 07:32:31 · answer #7 · answered by janicajayne 7 · 0 0

With the way the world is today and how everything is so expensive, it takes 2 people working to barely make it. Long gone are the days where a loving mother can stay home and take care of her children. I think God intended for mothers to be able to stay home and care for their children, but the way the world is, it's so hard. Yes, I know it can be done and is done, but I really don't see how, unless you sacrifice everything and sit at home all the time and never go do anything outside the home or if your hubby makes boo coo bucks. I have to work and so does my hubby, to keep the bills paid, groceries, gas, clothes, and any activities my kids want to do. Plus on the weekends we want to "do" something besides sit at home and eat bologna. P.S. My job is daycare provider, so I get to be home with my kids while watching other people's kids. It works out good for me. I would like to not work at all, but if I have to work, this job lets me stay home and be with my kids, and also work and help with the bills. I also don't have to pay a babysitter while I work. Yes, it's very hard and stressful but on payday, it's well worth it. Plus, I'm with my kids all week, not someone else. But for the answer to your question, NO it is not neglect! Parents have to work to pay the bills and if you have a good babysitter, the kids are in good hands and are well taken care of. They also have friends their own age and have lots of activities. Of course nothing is better than parents, but if you can't pay your rent, how is that good for the kid? Also, kids go to school at 5 yrs. old, is it neglect when you send them off to school?

2006-10-24 07:43:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


I guess it depends on a few other issues. Is the day-care provided giving the child the necessary care, attention, and love needed to flourish?

Why is the child in day-care? Is the adult working? Does the child go to day-care because the adult doesn't want to deal with the child.

Without day-care, I would not have been able to work after my husband died.

Those are just my thoughts.

2006-10-24 07:33:18 · answer #9 · answered by sonorarat 3 · 0 0

Absolutley NOT, child care is a wonderful source so you as a parent can provide for your family. We dont livr in the old days were we all have farms to feed us, we have to earn a living. But take it from a single mom of 2 make sure you do evaluate everthing about the daycare you choose to ensure that your child(ren) are well taken care of.

2006-10-24 07:35:16 · answer #10 · answered by Robynette 1 · 0 0

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