If it's a good joke, then I'll enjoy it all over again. Sometimes it's not the joke itself, it's the telling of the joke and how it's presented. I might wait until the teller is finished, laugh and say "yeah, I think I've probably heard that one before, but it's still funny"(or something to that effect)
2006-10-24 07:18:14
answer #1
answered by paganvegan 3
Depends who is telling the joke. If it's someone like your brother or a close friend, it's no big deal if you interrupt and laugh anyway cuz the joke is funny.
If it's your boss or someone you're tying to win favor with, you wait 'till the joke is finished, laugh your butt off and then say "I think I heard that one before, but it's funny every time I hear it."
2006-10-24 14:05:25
answer #2
answered by K-Tech 2
I let them finish, laugh, and depending on who told me, I say that I have heard it before but I liked the joke.
2006-10-24 14:10:42
answer #3
answered by parrothead2371 6
I usually listen to the whole joke and when they're finished talking, I laugh then say, "I've heard that one before but I still think it's pretty funny."
2006-10-24 14:14:13
answer #4
answered by ☼Grace☼ 6
If you already know the answer, if it's a friend you could tell them that you already heard it before. However, if it's a random person, you can just let them tell the joke.
2006-10-24 14:08:31
answer #5
answered by chocolate beauty 1
if that person is a good friend, i just tell them the truth. if that person is someone im not really close with, i pretend to have never heard it before and laugh at the joke.
2006-10-24 14:20:51
answer #6
answered by j o s 4
If you like that person act as it is new to you,if you cant'stand him-her say that you heard that joke before,your grandfather told it to you when you were a little girl.
2006-10-24 14:13:19
answer #7
answered by domedweller2 3
Simply be very etiquette and listen to what they have to say. Then tell them when they are alone that you have heard that joke but tell them the way they told the joke was very creative! Try not to hurt there feelings then afterwards change the subject and Ta Da, your done!
2006-10-24 14:11:05
answer #8
answered by Careatha 3
Shut up and pretend you haven't heard it before. Laugh appropriately. Don't kill the joke for the others. Don't embarrass the person telling the joke.
Follow the Golden Rule.
2006-10-24 14:06:35
answer #9
answered by ssbn598 5
I let them finish and laugh it off and mention that I have heard the joke before.
2006-10-24 14:04:45
answer #10
answered by Peace2All 5