What the **** is wrong with you? Just because this is the Religion and Spirituality forum doesn't mean people who support evolution and atheists aren't allowed to be here. Get off your high horse, because nobody likes your whiny ****.
This is not the Christianity forum, and you are not the admin. So stop acting like it is and stop acting like you are.
2006-10-24 07:05:52
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It is sad that you have been told that you can't believe in God and be convinced of evolution. God and evolution are perfectly compatible. In fact most Christians world-wide believe in God AND are convinced of evolution.
For some reason, there are some American Christians who think it can only be one or the other. They put a a lot of websites and etc out there that spread lies about what Science actually says, and pseudo-scientific sounding propaganda against it. If you really want to convince yourself that science isn't true, then they might be able to 'convert' you. But it will be based on deception. At the end of the day, the only honest reason for someone to think evolution isn't true (apart from ignorance) is "it's against my beliefs therefore I don't believe it". That is fair enough.
But you shouldn't have to do that. Good luck.
2006-10-24 07:26:24
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
No, nobody can.
Only you can, and seeing that is your objective it won't take you long to delude yourself.
By the way, why do you want someone to convince you evolution is true rather than whether a deity existing is true? Your naturally bias. Heres the different between religion and evolution.
Religion: Based on nothing, fables, stories supposedly handed down as truth.
Evolution: Based on the scientific method.
2006-10-24 06:56:57
answer #3
answered by Shane 1
Look at it this way, any belief that is forced upon you, even through less violent means is never going to have much value unless you believe in it. Of course hearing peoples opinions is valuable and in some cases vital to learning, as we cant know everything, be active in determining your own opinions and beliefs; espeically considering they will be valuable to you. Hear and read about peoples views on both sides of the debate, and then make your own inferences and find what you believe should matter.
That way you can believe what you want and will be fufilled because you did the work to get there.
2006-10-24 06:55:54
answer #4
answered by blindog23 4
Don't waste your time dis-believing in evolution. Instead, look up the topic of THEISTIC-EVOLUTION. Simply put - God created the universe and the natural laws and all that stuff and evolution is the mechanism that he invented to create life.
Very simple and you can sleep at night.
2006-10-24 06:56:09
answer #5
answered by Alan 7
Evolution doesn't say that we "evolved from Monkeys".
I suggest that you stick with the truth about evolution (yes, we did evolve from earlier forms, and evolution is why we have the current diversity of species) and work at establishing faith as the basis for your religious beliefs. Faith is harder than belief - a LOT harder - but it will give you the honest grounding you seem to be willing to work for. Good luck.
2006-10-24 06:56:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
God's Word says He 'created', it does not say He 'allowed things to evolve'.
Evolution says life evolved. Since life can't evolve from non-life, what did the very first life form evolve from? It didn't, God created it.
Darwin has made a monkey out of all the evolutionists, and they go ape when confronted with the truth showing them wrong.
2006-10-24 07:06:00
answer #7
answered by Born Again Christian 5
I believe that science proves a lot of things because God created science. The universe is so complex, that even scientists only have a theory. There's a bigger picture here.
2006-10-24 07:01:40
answer #8
answered by ♫O Praise Him♫ 5
there is such thing as creationist-evolutionist. the idea that god created everything, and let us (or helped us) evolve to what we are, teaching the earth is billions of years old and we did evolve from monkeys but not negating the fact that it was all done through god.
2006-10-24 06:55:17
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
There doesn't have to be a conflict. Do some searching on Intelligent Design. You can see how evolution can be tool of God's. That it just didn't have to happen on accident.
best wishes
2006-10-24 06:56:55
answer #10
answered by daisyk 6