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I'm about to be 18 in a few weeks...I plan to dropout of HS and get my GED...I also want to move in with my bf. Problem is, my mother doesn't want me to dropout and she doesn't like my bf. I was just wondering if there's anything she can do to stop me from doing what I want even after I'm 18?

2006-10-24 06:23:31 · 26 answers · asked by Jenelle 1 in Family & Relationships Family

26 answers

ouch! your poor mom! dont disrespect her so much!...its only now i realise how much i love my mom, im in my 20s i dised her so much in my teens, just think about stuff before you do it! i dunno its your life! be wise... think hard!

2006-10-24 06:27:46 · answer #1 · answered by cheese 3 · 0 0

Yes you can...But ur desions have always been ur choose. So if you want to make ur chooses, they always have consicuises. So choose wisly.

Now what u want to do is STUPID!! I agree with ur mom. But u will do what u want and she will have to step back and let u do that.

Now she only wants to protect you and she knows the importance to having an education.
2- she knows that u are young to be in a serious relationship and there is a lot more to life then what u see right now.
3rd- She's worried you might end up as a young mother too soon.

My opion- You should continue high school regardless. GED is just the lazy way out. There is no guarentee u will complete the course.
What r u going to do anyways, a job only pays 5-10 dollars an hour. You'll never get more as life preceeds. Inflation will make that 2 dollars in living expenses and so on.
You have ur whole life to grow up and move in and with a boyfriend and be out of school...


2006-10-24 06:30:50 · answer #2 · answered by csabrinam 3 · 0 0

She can't stop you when you are 18. You can do any dumb thing you feel like....including make the mistake of dropping out of school and moving into the home of a boyfriend who would discourage his lover from getting all the education she can and becoming the wonderful woman she should become someday. If your mother doesn't like this guy, I know why. I don't even know him, but I know that any man who would encourage a woman to quit school and move in and become totally dependent on him, is a loser who will not respect you in the future. You will be very sorry if you do this. Some people have to learn the hard way, though. Quit school, move in, take your lumps. Learn the hard way that a guy like that doesn't want the best for you and your future kids. You'll go crawling back home someday, if you are still alive and well. Sounds like your mother is the one who really loves you. She doesn't want you to give up your whole future for a guy who doesn't want the best for you. If he loved you more, he'd encourage you to stay in school and get your education and good job before moving in and satisfying HIS needs. Think about it, honey. This is YOUR life and you are giving it up for him. If he dumps you later, what will be left of you? Think long and hard before you do this.

2006-10-24 06:30:27 · answer #3 · answered by Wiser1 6 · 1 0

You can do whatever you want at 18, but if I were you I wouldn't. You would be much smarter to graduate, then go off to college. I wish now I would've been more enthusiastic about life. I wished I would've cared more in school. Let me tell you, mother's know best. You may not believe it now (because I didn't when I was 18), but she does know what's best for you!! I now realize this since I am a new mother. I understand why my parents did and said the things they said. And the bf, if he cared enough, he would want you to complete school and go on to get a good college degree. Explore life and don't just give up like you want to do!! Travel, make new friends, spend quality time with your parents because you'll never know when they'll be gone. My husband lost both of his parents by the time he was 18. He now wishes his mom was around to tell him what she thinks!! Your mom is only concerned for you and your well-being. I thought I knew it all at 18 and now that I'm 27, I realized I still had a lot to learn about life. I moved out at 21 and I wish now that I would've stayed at my parents longer just to save up money. What if you bf leaves you after you move in with him, then what??? Think about it long and hard........please.

2006-10-24 06:35:43 · answer #4 · answered by khaileebaby 2 · 0 0


OF COURSE YOU CAN, but remember cause and effect.

You are coming into an age that the actions you take will affect everyone but mostly yourself . AND YOU YOU WILL BEAR FULL WEIGHT OF CHOICES.

remember if it works out . then you did a great thing , worked hard , did your the best etc.

but if things go wrong , then its i told you so, i should have listen, why did i do this etc,

oh and by the way its allot easier to get high school diploma then a GED..

i think if you don't get your high school diploma that would be the worse thing for you now.

but hell, you know what you want to do
you want to quit school live with your boyfriend and have no responsibilities
and trade your childhood and the adjustment into adult hood by just providing sex and remaining co dependant with someone that will take care of you.

that is so sad

2006-10-24 07:06:39 · answer #5 · answered by sam 3 · 1 0

Listen girl don't be stupid now u will regret this latter, trust me I've been there and done that!!! When I was 13,14 i did a lot of stupid things, like didn't go to school and then dropout from it, i had a boyfriend that was not good ether and my parents never like him. I did drugs that i shouldn't do, but thanks god my mom and dad felt that it was something wrong with me and try to help me. And now I'm 22 and very happy that I'm not doing those stupid things anymore. Trust me u don't really have to do this, i know how u feel u want to be cool and have a cool bf, don't go to school, but when u get little bit older u will understand that it was dumb of u to do this. Don't waist your time on stupid things, just grow up!!!

2006-10-24 06:45:59 · answer #6 · answered by Martini5 4 · 0 0

Once your 18 your legal and do what you want, but it seems to me what you want to do is to mess up your life. Quit school get a GED and move with b/f. You have some great goals planned, what a fantastic future you will have.
I say listen to your mother, you will only regret these decisions you are making. Is your b/f ready to support you and give you everything you need? How about when he gets tired of you and throws you out? Think about it really good to what your about to do. Life is not easy.

2006-10-24 06:30:07 · answer #7 · answered by Mimi 2 · 0 0

It may depend on what state you live in. Frequently to get your GED, you must wait until you class has graduated to even qualify for classes. Is the boyfriend issue the only reason you want to quit school, or aare you having a hard time with school? It might be worth asking for some help from someone who can work with you and your mom to get thru this.

2006-10-24 06:30:18 · answer #8 · answered by sev1 2 · 0 0

Not really, but she can stop supporting you. If you're going to be 18 in a few weeks, then you'll be graduating high school in a few months? What's so important that you can't finish high school? Getting a GED is fine, but you have a home and the support of your family to finish high school - so please consider that. Then, if you want to move out and in with your boyfriend, at least you've shown your family that you can finish what you start, and you're ready to begin your adult "make my own decisions" life.

But I'm 45 and I still can do whatever I want. :) I have a boss who tells me what to do. I have a husband and we share many responsibilities. There are very few people in life who can truly do whatever they want when they want. :) Good luck to you.

2006-10-24 06:29:05 · answer #9 · answered by sassybree1979 5 · 1 0

Turning 18 actually has nothing to do with it. You can do anything you want NOW, as long as you are prepared to live the with consequences. The same goes when you turn 18. Its not a magical age. You will live with the consequences of your actions no matter how old you get. Forget about the age and do whats best for you.

2006-10-24 06:43:48 · answer #10 · answered by shakespear 3 · 0 0

Don't mean to be mean but those aren't very good decisions, I think you should finish school and if your mom doesn't like your boy friend I don't think he is the right one for you(unless she is just being over protective) also research shows that if you move in with somebody b4 your married you have a less chance to stay together. But yeah you can do anything...

Hope you make the right decisions and hope this helps

2006-10-24 06:43:18 · answer #11 · answered by Kiss 2 · 0 0

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