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2006-10-24 05:29:30 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

unscreened people?? They are going to require the Consular card to give the licenses, these people are not unscreened...

2006-10-24 05:40:53 · update #1

26 answers

This is such a difficult problem. It is probably better to issue the driver licenses, so they have to get insurance on their cars, also they have some idea who they are dealing with.

2006-10-24 05:36:38 · answer #1 · answered by mimi 4 · 2 2

No I do not. I think all benefit and employment magnets need to be dismantled. I don't think more should be added. It is otherwise as if we are saying that once they are in it is ok and we will make life easy. That is the wrong message to solve the problem.

Even on a national security basis, giving unscreened people state ID is a really bad idea. The criminal percentage of illegals is much higher than the proportion of criminals to people legally here. (And that is NOT racist. Our legal immigrants have a LOWER crime rate than our indigenous population, doubtless due to screening. Those who come illegally, however, are a different story.)

2006-10-24 05:35:40 · answer #2 · answered by DAR 7 · 3 2

Absolutly not. It's the most insane thing any of these politicians come up with. Near where I live they actually spent tax payer money to bring Mexican police here to learn tolerence of the different driving style they have in Mexico vs here. Stop means stop here. It means "if you feel like it or if you think you have a chance to make it you can go there". They are increasingly driving drunk and fleeing the sceen of accidents. There's no way to know if they are who they say they are and no way to control that they won't have another license in a day or many from various states. They don't belong here, they deserve NOTHING.

2006-10-24 06:27:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Anyone who cannot verify legal status in our country needs a bologna sandwich and a bus ride back over the border, not a drivers license.

2006-10-24 06:16:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Some documented workers shouldn't have driver's licenses, nevermind the undocumented ones!

2006-10-24 06:46:48 · answer #5 · answered by El Cupacabra 3 · 2 0

I too, think he is a communist .Its ridiculous,its to try to allow illegals to vote illegally.He thinks people don't see the real agenda.
Screened ...unscreened who cares they are ILLEGAL

2006-10-24 05:43:49 · answer #6 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 3 0

Angelides should promise a free ride back to mexico courtesy of the california government

2006-10-24 05:42:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

no i think you misunderstood i found out through a person i know that works at the immigration of state border that they actually thinking of changing it to just a regular photo i.d. but you need to make sure you show you foreign i.d. from where you from.

2006-10-24 05:47:17 · answer #8 · answered by emska8ter3 2 · 0 0

No I don't agree with him. Could I get a driver's license in France?

2006-10-24 05:33:24 · answer #9 · answered by Niecy 6 · 4 1

Angelides Will Never Get In

Giving illegal aliens driver's licenses
is like giving a gun
along with the keys
to the front door of a bank
to a habitual bank robber.
What will happen?
He'll keep coming back to rob the bank.
Who pays?
Not the president of the bank!
You do!
You pay in higher interest rates
or whatever it takes to cover the cost of the robberies.

Question :What happens when you give driver's licenses
to illegal aliens to remain in the United States?
Answer : More illegal aliens are streaming into our country.

Today, our elected officials
from governors to mayors to senators and congressmen
all the way to the highest power brokers in the White House
have failed to enforce our laws.
We suffer 15 million illegal aliens within America's borders.

Just like the bank robber bringing more of his buddies to rob the bank,
Time Magazine (September 12, 2004, "Who Left The Door Open?")
reports we suffer 4,000 illegals crossing our borders in Arizona nightly.

Two 9/11 hijackers enjoyed Virginia driver's licenses.
Mohamed Atta was stopped by a traffic cop
but was not detained because he showed a valid driver's license.
He was an illegal alien with expired visa.

Fraudulent Matricular Consular Mexican ID cards
from 46 Mexican consulates in major cities across America
allow federal criminals easy access to our banks and services.

Fourteen states offer driver's licenses to illegal aliens.

You've got to wonder whose country is this, anyway?
Who in their right mind, after 9/11 killed 3,000 Americans,
would give a legal document
to someone who broke our laws to enter our country?

Governor Baldacci of Maine for one!
Mayor Bloomberg of New York City for another!
Governor Janet Napalitano of Arizona for a third!

Congressman Mark Udall of Colorado
would give in-state tuition to illegals.
He and Senator Orin Hatch
encourage anchor babies,
H-1B visas,
chain migration
and diversity visas
that are given to people from terror-sponsoring countries.

Chris Cannon of Utah assists illegal aliens in every way he can.

In fact, the majority of Congress
supports illegal alien migration by doing nothing to stop it.

While American citizens are being run out of jobs at every level,
our leaders undermine our rights,
their responsibilities,
this nation's laws
and incapacitate the value of citizenship.

In the meantime,
the ability to break the law is being legalized
by giving lawbreakers driver's licenses.

For example:
The Associated Press, Oct. 12, 2004, Charlotte, N.C. reported,
"A Pakistani man arrested after a police officer
saw him videotaping skyscrapers and landmarks in Charlotte
pleaded guilty Tuesday to five charges."

Under a plea agreement, Kamran Akhtar, 35,
faces up to six months in prison before being deported.
The charges carried a maximum of 33 years in prison.

"He was charged with making false statements
when he told authorities
that he was in the United States legally, had a green card
and had never been ordered deported.
The false identification documents charges
cited a New York driver's license
and a Social Security card," the Associated Press reported.

The guy sported a New York driver's license
thanks to Mayor Bloomberg and Governor Pataki.

Never mind that over 250,000 illegal aliens
were discovered carrying false Social Security cards
and driver's licenses.
Imagine if Akhtar was another sniper like Malvo
who found another buddy and started killing people out of the trunk of his car.
What if he decided to leave C-4 plastic-filled backpacks
in malls or movie theaters?
What if he learned to fly a single-engine airplane
loaded with C-4 plastic into an NFL football game
with 80,000 fans?

John Slagle,
a former 30-year veteran Border Patrol officer,
noted last year that, among 37,000 captured illegal aliens
in the Tucson, Ariz., sector, 7,500
were from terror-sponsoring countries.
Since they catch only one in four,
what if the ones that got into the USA gained driver's licenses?
Another 9/11 brought to you by your leaders.
How do you think we suffered the first one?

It's time Americans demand that illegal aliens be deported.
We do not want an invasion from terrorists
or other illegal aliens who do not respect our laws
but subscribe to the lawlessness
that engulfs much of the Third World.

Why won't our leaders adhere to their sworn oaths of office?
Why are they in violation of their oaths of office?
It makes you wonder if any of our leaders
have an ounce of common sense

Your Vote Counts In This Election

This Election Semester
Can MAKE Or BREAK The USA As We Know It

Please Consider All The Issues
And Make The Right Choices

Parts Of My Answer Taken From An Article By Frosty
Website: www.FrostyWooldridge.com

2006-10-24 06:00:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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