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Backstory: I am 22 and living on my own. I work through a temp agency at the moment, but I generally make enough to be comfortable. My dilemma is I want to go back to school and get a degree. I am uncertain as to what field I want to study, and I am also uncertain as to how I will pay for college. I don't have any help from family or friends; I'm pretty sure scholarships are out of the question; and gov't grants probably won't cover enough. I don't make enough to pay very much for school, especially since my jobs are only temporary.

In this situation, what are your opinions on entering the Air Force? Not only will I be able to serve my country, but I will be able to go forward with my education. I know it would be tough, but my education is very important to me!

Thank you for your answers!!

2006-10-24 05:12:16 · 14 answers · asked by KT 2 in Politics & Government Military

14 answers

My husband is in the AF, so I am a bit bias, but I think that joining the AF is a great idea for education.

First, they will train in you career fields that can be very beneficial when you get out. My husband started school for business, andis not working communications in the AF. Even if he gets out at 4 years, he can find a job that will pay close to six figures on experience alone.

Another benefit is that education is very important in the AF. For most airmen, pretty much after you complete basic and tech school you have almost enough credit to get your Associate of Science from the Comm College of the AF. You'll have to take some gen ed credits from a local college, but that isn't too big of a deal.

100% of your tuition will be paid (up to a certain amount) for classes you take while active duty. The AF will pay for you to recieve one higher degree while in whether it's a Bachelors or Masters. After you get out, you will have your GI Bill (if you opt to pay into it). They will take $100/month out of your paychecks for your first year, and you will get at least $36,0000 for school. They also offer a "top off" program where you can contribute up to another $600 and that amount will increase dramatically.

They are also dying for Flight Navigators and Pilots, so even if you go in as enlisted, your chances of gaining commission in those fields are very good. The education office told us that as soon as my husband finishes his Bachelors and keeps good work records, he's pretty much a shoo in for Flight Nav. In theory, he could go from an A1C to an officer in a year and a half (not bad!). And his degree can be in anything to qualify, he just needs the piece of paper.

Another program that have that could benefit you, depending upon your interests is the Airman Education and Commissioning Program. In short, the AF will pay for you to go to school full time (like a normal college kid) while you are still enlisted and recieving all pay and benefits, and when you finish your degree you will earn commission. This only applies to certain majors, however.

Sorry it's so long. I told you I was bias. Good luck with your decision!

All education info can be found here: http://airforce.com/education/enlisted/index.php

2006-10-24 05:37:52 · answer #1 · answered by Sativa 4 · 2 1

My husband joined the Air Force wanting to serve our country and finish his college education... He's been in since January of this year and he just found out that he can't use the Gi Bill until he's served for 2 years... He can get grants and scholorships just like a civilian can... But he gets deployed to Iraq In January so he will be pretty busy... Not to mention that we still have to pay for his books and other stuff that Are not covered by grants and scholorships... And I got to looking into the whole Montgomery Gi Bill and you can only use so much money per month on classes and you can only get a certain amount over all... The recruiter made it seem like the GI bill would pay for everything and that My husband would never be deployed... So my husband wont be continuing his education until we get enough money and he can use the GI bill... Your pay when you first join the military isn't much at all... I think we got $600 a month for the first 4 months he was in... Now he's an E-3 and we make $1,500.00 a month... That might seem like alot of money but we have 2 children with 1 on the way... Not to mention that our first duty station is in a state where everthing is over priced... Our Housing Allowance doesn't even cover our rent...And we live in a 2 bedroom shack off base * the waiting list is long*... I'd say Good Luck to you if you Do Join... It is a great Life and HONOR to serve our country... Just make sure that you are prepared to serve first then get your education, The Military is a good way to get educated but I think you would do just as well staying a civilian and applying for grants and scholorships... Thank you for wanting to protect our country...

I almost forgot to tell you that just because you enlist for one job they can shove you into a job you didn't even want... My husband enlisted as a weather man and he is now a crew chief for the C-17's ... I would love to go back to that recruiter and whack him with a stick for lying to us... But I guess they have to do whatever they can to get another person signed...

2006-10-24 05:42:11 · answer #2 · answered by secret agent lady 4 · 1 0

You should go and talk to a recuiter. There shouldn't be a huge amount of pressure from them to sign up right now. Take your time and look at all the job possibilities the Air Force has to offer. You might find a field you want to go into with the Air Force and then you can even continue that same field in college when you get out. Good Luck!

2006-10-24 05:15:28 · answer #3 · answered by Scotsman 5 · 2 0

If you can test high enough to get in the air force its a great choice. But if you want an education you will want a 9-5 job so stick with supply, admin, or jobs such as that. I was in a technical job and rotated shifts constantly and never had holidays off unless I was lucky which was only twice. I wouldn't trade my experience for the world, but attending classes was next to impossible. The mission always comes first.

2006-10-24 05:20:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Yes, you can get a degree in electronics from the Air Force, but let me tell you a little something about my experiences with people from the service with "military experience"......they don't know ****. Most of the technology you learn in the service is archaic. Don't get me wrong, you can get places with the "military experience", but that's because most companies are naive to what's actually learned there and businesses will kiss your *** if you come from the military thinking you are cutting edge. That's a pharse. The military contracts out all of their R & D. It's not like the people are smarter because it's government funded. The military industry is just more bloated and overpaid.

2016-03-28 06:08:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi Kat,,,,
I commend you on using your head !!!!

I was in the army, but already had my degrees,, but You are making a smart move,, and Air Force is the way to go in my book, having been the the Army.. better food and places to sleep.. and go..

Look, get everything in writing before you sign the line!!!! make them promise you your MOS field of specality.. and pick out one that you may can use in Civilian life also...

Good luck

2006-10-24 05:24:00 · answer #6 · answered by eejonesaux 6 · 1 0

Air Force is great. You might even end up making a career of it.

It's the perfect place to be an enlisted person because when the USAF goes to war, it is usually the officers who are in harms way.

2006-10-24 05:23:29 · answer #7 · answered by mmd 5 · 1 0

Joining the military for personal benefit is not bad but if the time comes when your asked to go into combat, don't refuse and start whining about your rights like some people have done in the past.

I hate that...

2006-10-24 05:19:28 · answer #8 · answered by gulf9191 2 · 2 0

If you can make the cut, make it through training, and get into a decent rate, it would be a good thing. Miltary service has helped millions of people get an education and get on their feet - I know the Navy sure helped me get past a family that couldn't help.

2006-10-24 05:15:13 · answer #9 · answered by Jim P 4 · 3 0

All I will say is this seriously know what your going to get out of it before you go. I know people who had this plan and are now 35-40 still no education and no military help. And I lived in Panama City, FL. Plenty of different bases there to know enough people to know what I am talking about. Do your homework dont just believe some guy at the recruitment office.

2006-10-24 05:16:26 · answer #10 · answered by KittyKattsMeow 3 · 1 3

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