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i know sounds like a dumb thing but i'm feeling kinda uneasy and confused.

i have no sexual experience and i was not sure if i was actually rape or assaulted. how do i do a check up on myself without going to the doctor. it would be embarassing

was about a week ago. was at a guy's friend house (close know each other 7 years)was at his house . a normal thing for both of us to hang around. that day i had a terrible migrane (i have migraines quite often) and i donoe i sort of blocked out?

cant remember what happen when i woke up, i had this weird feeling below (something like vaginal pain?)i really am not sure if anything happened as: -

2006-10-24 04:39:44 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

1.my clothes were still intact but my panties was inside out - possible that i wore it wrongly haha
2.he is my trusted friend i dont think he would actually do it
3.the thing that made me uneasy was there was like finger scratches at my lower back?

i donoe if checking and missing my period is accurate as i have irregular cycles even though im 25
should i ask him . this is really buggin me . plz help what should i do ..

2006-10-24 04:40:29 · update #1

i know it sounds like the story is all over the place. but i really cant remember what actually happened..

2006-10-24 04:45:57 · update #2

36 answers

Ask him.

2006-10-24 04:42:13 · answer #1 · answered by Mintygoodness1 4 · 0 0

I'm sorry you're going through this.
Of course you feel uneasy and confused. But--
First, let me say that you have NOTHING to be embarrassed about. Really.

Doctors have seen it all before. You owe it to yourself to go to your own gynecologist-- or go to a planned parenthood clinic.

While a gynecologist won't be able to do use a "rape kit" on you, as too much time has gone by, he or she will be able to examine you for vaginal lacerations and to see if your hymen is still intact.

That will at least tell you what happened.

And then, ask yourself:
1. During migraines, have you ever blacked out before?
2. Do you think it's possible that some sort of "date rape" drug could have been put into your drink? (this happens a lot)

Once you know all about your own condition, you may choose to do a few things:
1. Ask your friend what happened. You may not get a truthful answer-- but if he is a close friend, he may tell you.

You don't sound like the type of person who would want to press charges, if it turns out that you have been violated... but, I would definitely try to find a support group so that you can share your experiences.

If it turns out that your friend did do something, the bottom line is this: he's not your friend.

You are a wonderful, beautiful, trusting woman. And you deserve better than this guy.

2006-10-24 04:58:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You go to the doctor immediately and have them run tests for semen! If they find some, you were raped! I am sorry for you if you were... The good thing would be if you did not remember it even though it happened. I would not hang out with that guy because I personally think that he did it. A passed out girl before a guy is too easy a target. I do not mean that to be mean; I am just stating how a guy thinks. He would grab your lower back for thrusting power while finishing, and the pain inside is probably a result of him thrusting too hard in the wrong directions. I would get it checked even though. I think he did. Im truly sorry!

2006-10-24 04:46:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Confront him! The main thing is that when you woke up your underwear was inside out. Not too many people wear them inside out unless for good luck for a test for school or when trying to run from a house when the actual wife comes home. Scratches on your back...? Yeah...I only leave those on my partner when I'm in the middle of sex. Go get checked out by a OBGYN doctor and they can see what may be wrong down there if you're surely in doubt from what I've said.

2006-10-24 04:52:29 · answer #4 · answered by jacqueline6001 4 · 0 0

I think that you need to talk to a counselor because if you don't find out what really happened to you, or possibly remember anything that occured, then you are going to be deeply affected in the long run. It's horrible that you can't even remember what happened, but it honestly sounds like you were violated. No offense, but he not's really your friend if he took advantage of you in such a vulnerable state. You should go to the doctor, but if you didn't go to the doctor immediately after it happened, it's possible that you could have washed away some evidence. In the future, if you are not sure that you consented to intercourse with someone, but feel that you were still violated, go to the hospital immediately and file a police report. Don't feel embarassed, you don't have anything to be shameful of. No one has the right to treat you that way. If you feel your friend violated you, press charges against him.

2006-10-24 04:51:17 · answer #5 · answered by pumpk713 5 · 0 0

You need to find out for sure what happened! I don't think asking him will really let you know the truth because if he did take advantage of you blacking out and he raped you do you honestly think he'd admit it to you. First of all, until you can be sure you can trust him don't put yourself in a position like that again. I wouldn't be alone with him until you can be sure nothing happened. If you were still a virgin when this happened you can go to your obgyn and ask them to test to see if you're still a virgin. You don't have to tell them anything! Just tell them you want the test and don't offer up any details about why. Also, while you're at it go ahead and get the tests for std's just in case. Once you know for sure if you're intact of not than you can have some ammunition if you need it.

2006-10-24 04:46:20 · answer #6 · answered by Phaylynn 5 · 0 0

I would advise you to see a physician as soon as possible!

If by chance he raped you, there’s a possibility that you may be pregnant or may have contracted a venereal disease. I pray that this is not the case.

And as for your embarrassment, you have nothing to be ashamed of, Sweetheart. You simply trusted a friend of many years, and if he chose to do something without your consent, then he is the one who should be ashamed.

May I ask if your friend offered you a drink of any kind (or medicine for your migraine)? If so, he may have given you a date rape drug. Something to consider…

Do not ask him about the situation, yet. Get examined by your physician and go from there. If he violated you, sexually, while you were unconscious, then most likely he is not going to tell you the truth about what happened on your visit.

Be blessed.

2006-10-24 05:19:29 · answer #7 · answered by Decent 4 · 0 0

well it depends on how many days since this happend. Honestly, there is not a sure way to tell unless you go to the doctor. And they have this sort of thing happen all the time. if you go to a womens center, then they can help you out. But the story does sound like rape if in fact you do find traces or being foreced upon. I hope you find out and can get help.

2006-10-24 04:56:09 · answer #8 · answered by Ask&Receive 2 · 0 0

You should go to the doctor ASAP!!!!!
this is no joke if you were rape this definitly can be a issue later on in your life. I dont recommend you confront him and the reason for that is because you dont know if he might try to do something again. He might be your friend for seven years, but remember some girls have been raped by their own fathers. If you feel embaress talk to a girl doctor they always have a way of understanding better, because you are talking to a actual women. Dont feel better, you should love yourself enough to get it check out. In the long wrong you will feel way better.

2006-10-24 04:46:34 · answer #9 · answered by Super Girl 3 · 0 0

talk to him... be honesty about your feelings! If something did happen then he will act different than he normally does. If you were drugged and he did do something then you were definitely raped and he is in big trouble....

going to a doctor will help if this did not occur too long ago and if you have used vibrators then your hymen will not be intact so have the doctor check for issues inside of you (tearing, scarring, etc.)
I hope the best for you- good luck!

2006-10-24 04:46:13 · answer #10 · answered by P!ss Ant 5 · 0 0

Would you have been able to remain asleep if this was occurring? Surely unless you were under the influence of something ie: alcohol/drugs you would have stirred. Unless this was the case, it's doubtful he has done anything to you. But if you are still worried about it, perhaps it might help to confide in a friend or Doctor. Someone who could put your mind at rest for sure.

2006-10-24 04:47:12 · answer #11 · answered by mizzsquitz 3 · 0 0

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