What is it that you feel God nagging you to do, but aren't doing because you are sitting here and messing around on Y!A?
How Does God Wish Us To Sort Our Priorities:
1) God
2) Husband/Wife
3) Family
4) Fellowship / Friends
5) Community
6) Statesmen
7) Countrymen
8) The World
This is how God would have us arrange our to-do lists. So often I decide that I am gong to tend to other things and neglect my husband and my household.
When I do this, is it any wonder why chaos begins to show its face?
God grant me grace to know when you would bless me with down time and when to get up and do as you have called me to do.
(If this is your ministry and you feel led to remain on Y!A---that is an all together different issue, but I know God would still have us have our house in order before we try to straighten out other's houses). ---Thoughts?
15 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Some of you are funny (I suppose sad even) that you would not see that our Father in heaven delights to see us joyful and happy and in good spirits.
There are many accounts in Scripture where God prioritizes a person's obligations. The general example is as I have listed above, of course God has the prerogative to rearrange those priorities as He wills to do so.
And no. God does not NEED us, but He delights in us to do His will and His will is always best for us even if it is a simple a task as cleaning ones kitchen. He knows that this will bring a peace of mind and make my husband happy, prevent disease and make me not embarrassed should an unexpected guest pop over later today.
Yes! He cares about the little things as well as the big things. He is God!
04:48:57 ·
update #1
Bravo- I'd stay and visit but I have dishes to do!
2006-10-24 04:33:42
answer #1
answered by therealprinsess 3
you have sammiches? Yumm, You anticipate too lots. despite the fact that if there are reward to the kinfolk unit, even it has flexibility. I won't problem with a itemizing of them. so some distance as being versatile? How approximately my mom? As a youthful grownup interior the undesirable old 50's and 60's rigid Father is conscious superb heyday? She balanced her outdoors artwork together with her elevating my sister and me. valuable, we'd have been latch key youngsters for an hour or so after college? yet, we did ok. mom's greater effective earnings helped pay for the 60 Fairlane, the powerful a/c (a ask your self then), a great 19 inch b/w television and later the sixty 5 T-chicken. Plus holiday trips. and he or she cooked and wiped sparkling too. specific, we youngsters had our chores. My spouse does comparable to we talk.
2016-11-25 02:05:13
answer #2
answered by ? 4
so you think I should get off my **** and kiss my wife who is asleep, Pray done, talk to my friends who some of are on here. Uh oh you said statesman where on earth am I gonna find one of those. I''m worken on the mend relations with Muslims right here cuz it is the only place I can do that. Guess I have the bases covered. The puppies are squeeling but they've been fed and watered so later for them, once the food hits they will sleep for a coupla hrs. Since your spouse is awake better give um a little lovin.
2006-10-24 04:42:22
answer #3
answered by ronnysox60 3
Do you believe that God is perfect? If so, God has no needs-- he doesn't need your money and he doesn't need your kitchen to be cleaned-- you seem to be using God as an excuse for your own conscience telling you to get busy.... quit putting your own trip on God.
2006-10-24 04:36:23
answer #4
answered by ladsmrt 3
i am at work right now but you got me thinking about how much i have neglected to do around my house lately so i will be cleaning all night after i get home from work........
Thank you....it seems alot of my priorities have gotten a little messed up lately!!!
2006-10-24 04:35:13
answer #5
answered by polarbaby 5
Have you ever noticed you actually feel better after you clean?That's because there are things at work that break down
material, (and spiritual), matter, that creates the material.
And those influences can cause us to have depressing feelings.
Little do we know.
2006-10-24 04:39:19
answer #6
answered by zenbuddhamaster 4
in the prayerful life you ask God for the wisdom to know whats best, then you act as your conscience (also Gods gift) dictates. No external agent can really tell you how to order this.
2006-10-24 04:34:38
answer #7
answered by David B 6
How does anyone possibly know the mind of god?
2006-10-24 04:36:00
answer #8
answered by Gene Rocks! 5
God's priorities are for me to love Him with my everything and to love my neighbor as myself. According to Jesus Christ my Lord, these are the two greatest commandments.
Right now I am on Yahoo! Answers instead of visiting porn sites because I put obedience to God above gratifying my sinful, lustful desires. Tonight I am going to read a portion of His Word (the Bible) and pray to Him. On Sunday I am going to church to worship Him with other Christians. I love and value my God!
Sometime before my wife comes home tonight I am going to clean the kitchen because she asked me to. I want to please her by what I do for her. I love and value my wife!
Today I am staying at home from work with my sick son I love and value my son!
I made sure that my (well) daughter went to school today so that she could grow in knowledge. I love and value my daughter!
In a little while I am going to pick up my neighbor's paper and keep it until they come back from their trip. They have done it for me, so I am going to do it for them. I love and value my neighbors!
On Friday night I am going out to eat with my friends from church. We have been doing this regularly for the last eighteen years. I love and value my friends!
In November, I am going to vote in the elections for some of our local officials. I love and value my community!
I pay my income taxes willfully and gladly . I love and value my state and nation!
I give a portion of my income to world missions every week because I love and value the people of the world. I want them to know Jesus Christ as I know and love Him!
And never forget that sometimes the best thing to do is to do nothing at all. You've got to take care of yourself before you can be of any use to anybody else!
There is a time and a place for everything...the real trick is balancing ALL of your priorities to accomplish all of your purposes in life.
2006-10-24 05:48:55
answer #9
answered by Kidd! 6
You are correct - we should clean our own house before we try to clean others!@
2006-10-24 04:33:52
answer #10
answered by nswblue 6