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have u ever beaten ur pet? for no reason, or just because he made mess in a house, broke glass or shat somewhere in the house?

2006-10-24 04:24:41 · 43 answers · asked by Dei 1 in Pets Cats

43 answers

Are you asking this question because someone in your house is beating your pet? I don't know how old you are, but you sound very sweet.
Some people do beat their pets; it is usually dogs that get this awful treatment but not always. It is called cruelty and abuse and can be reported (anonymously) to the R.S.P.C.A. and maybe even to the police. But you have to bear in mind that if the abuse is serious, the pet will be removed, which is also a heartbreaking thing.
Using violence is the worst possible thing you can do to try to train your pet, even if that violence is considered "moderate". For one thing, a dog might be strong enough to withstand a beating physically but other pets are very frail, cats look strong but have very delicate bones. For another thing, it will not stop the behaviour as intended but make the pet fear and even hate the abuser and eventually all humans.So, even a big dog who is physically strong will suffer psychologically.
My mum trained all our cats by using a folded-up newspaper. Whenever a cat jumped onto the kitchen table or somewhere else which was a no-go area, she'd slap the newspaper down, really hard, NEXT to the cat and say "NO!" in a very strong voice. The next stage was looking the cat in the eye and reaching for the newspaper and saying "NO!" when he tired to jump up, and then saying "NO!" alone was enough. And each time the cat didn't jump, and was beginning to understand this "game", she rewarded him with a bit of chicken or whatever.
If you are the one who is beating the pet, then please stop. You have probably had loads of great advice on alternative training before my answer.
If it is someone else in your family and it upsets you (as it should) try to talk to some caring adult, such as your teacher or phone a vet or a relative you can trust.
But you haven't said if the pet is yours, or a friend's or whatever ... so maybe I am worrying too much.
Whatever, the answer to the question you asked is that I have never beaten a pet for any reason and I never will.

2006-10-24 05:04:12 · answer #1 · answered by kiteeze 5 · 2 0

Well in my opinion every dog is beautiful, maybe in different ways but regardless,beautiful. And some people say it will just make it skittish, well there wrong. Isn't it true that what make s a dog beautiful is not only the outside but the inside as well? For example if a dog is the most beautiful dog on earth but just as mean, will anyone want it? A beating of a dog is cruel and horrible and should never happen. It will scar them for life and make it so that they can never trust someone, kind or mean, because of the fear of being hurt again. Imagine your self getting beaten, wouldn't it hurt, wouldn't it leave scars? Yes it would so why are they any different?

2016-05-22 06:53:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


If they've made a mess it is MY fault not theirs!
As I have had many dogs and cats that have BEEN ABUSED in this way I spend my time training them without even raising my voice!
A beaten cat will find a new home if it can or run away and turn Feral and a Dog will become Aggressive and fearful and start attacking FIRST!
We recently had to have a Dog put down because this type of aggression is UNCURABLE! He had behaved like a perfect GENT in the kennels but became a Devil once he settled in with us.Not even an experienced TRAINER would take him on and after he attacked some-one I didn't wait for a court to order me to do it. If it had been a child it could have KILLED rather than INJURE!
If you want to BEAT something try Hitting Yourself!!

2006-10-24 04:47:54 · answer #3 · answered by willowGSD 6 · 2 0

No you shouldn't but you should let the animal know the behavior is inappropriate.

So, the cat gets sprayed by water in a spraybottle and you pick him up and tell me NO.

The dog gets a talking down and if that doesn't work use a newspaper very gently but it makes a loud noise.

Animals that are beaten may well become agressive or run away

2006-10-24 04:40:06 · answer #4 · answered by dayakaur 4 · 0 0

People need to find another way of telling a pet what is "acceptable" behaviour rather than beating them.
When my dogs were small and they started to wee or poop in the house when i noticed i would say "No" in a stern low voice and pick them up and carry them outside. normally the lift off the floor was enough for them to stop mid flow and then they carried on outside and were praised. pets dont wreck things on purpose either, if they happen to shread the carpet its probably because they are bored, get them some toys and divert their attention. just like kids!!!

2006-10-24 07:46:28 · answer #5 · answered by bebishenron 4 · 0 0

NO-Did your mother or father beat you for peeing in the bed when you were just learning to sleep without nappies/pull-ups on????..........Now THAT sounds more like your intelligence level just in your 22 words. I work by trade with K-9 dogs, and people think that they have to be manhandled, unloved, hit, beat to make them fierce., and that could not be anything further than the truth-I've NEVER hit,slapped,smacked,kicked,punched,beaten my dogs when all they were doing is learning to "make me happy" that is ALL my K-9 dogs have lived for: To make me happy, and they were rewarded with tons of love in return. Didn't your mama teach you that you get more with honey than you do with vinegar?, Forget it, you;ll probably not understand that slang, and just sit there and scratch your head wondering if there is going to be a rap on your door with a billy-club for an anonymous pet abuse call check in. You do not deserve to have a pet, not even a pet cockroach.

2006-10-24 05:29:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No i have never beaten up my dog are any animal for that matter. I may have walked on a spider by accident but would never beat an animal. NOT FOR EVEN MESSING UP MY WHOLE HOUSE

2006-10-24 07:44:36 · answer #7 · answered by chass_lee 6 · 0 0

No I have never beaten my pet. I just hit them on the nose and put them outside. Just so they know that they are in trouble and I don't think it is beating them to hit em on the nose once.

2006-10-24 04:27:42 · answer #8 · answered by Sazziable 6 · 0 0

Are you serious?

NO, I have even worked with animals other persons have determined were "Untrainable" (dogs & horses) and many of them had been beaten or abused because they were mis-handled and/or mis-understood. A mistreated animal is a sad happening. It isn't the animals fault that the person isn't handling/training them properly!!!

And if you refer to no reason??? There is a phrase "Kick the Cat".. meaning taking your frustration out on something your frustration doesn't belong to..... it ISN'T INTENDED TO BE TRANSLATED LITTERALY -- please don't take a bad day out on an animal or a person

So... are you looking for commonality with similar persons? Why because you feel PROUD of yourself or because you feel GUILTY and are looking to reduce your guilt feelings. Either way, please seek professional help for your hostilities!!!

2006-10-24 04:46:17 · answer #9 · answered by Bama 5 · 1 0

No - and I hope you haven't. If your pet has made a mess in the house its your fault for not having the time to train them properly or to let them outside.

2006-10-24 04:36:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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