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27 answers

2 TIMOTHY 3:16, 17

"All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work."

VERY important

All our beliefs should be supported with scripture

2006-10-24 11:00:20 · answer #1 · answered by New ♥ System ♥ Lady 4 · 3 1

You need to know your Bible in order to ensure that what people tell you about Christianity is true. The same Holy Spirit that inspired Scripture inspires people today to teach and prophecy. If this is different to Scripture, then you know it is heretical and you should not accept it. The horrors that people point out in the history of the Church are because teaching strayed from Biblical truth. How else could you get the evils of the crusades, inquisitions and Catholic v Protestant conflicts from One who taught to love even our enemies? If the words of those teachers had been tested, then the Gospel message would not have been corrupted.

2006-10-24 11:37:06 · answer #2 · answered by waycyber 6 · 2 2

its very important to know ur bible it is a roadmap to your life its a guide of how to live you cannot know god and jesus if you dont know his word people died so you could have it so donr you think you should give the curtesy of reading it ,anyway you wouldnt be asking that question if you loved god because you would want to know everythhing about the bible you would have an hunger for it

2006-10-30 03:40:02 · answer #3 · answered by shechinah2@btinternet.com 2 · 3 0

Well, even peope who pretend to be Christians don't know it, so I'd say not very important at all....
...and before you all get upset, what I mean is, there are so many contradictions, between just the 4 gospels, that most Christians just ignore...or just don't know about.
I am amazed at how many people claim this to be 'God's' word, when all it is, is a collection of fables selected over a very long period of time.

2006-10-24 11:50:08 · answer #4 · answered by Mr Glenn 5 · 2 1

Very important. Knowing God personally is the key to becoming a christian, but the Bible is like our guidebook. I was just reading about this in the classic C.S. Lewis book, Mere Christianity. You can probably get a copy somewhere, it's a great book.

2006-10-24 11:22:10 · answer #5 · answered by good tree 6 · 4 3

Very important

2006-10-24 11:21:36 · answer #6 · answered by I give you the Glory Father ! 6 · 4 2

extremely interesting for historical and psychological reasons.
Funny, some people hink you need it to get to know god. They don't seem to realise that it's one of many so-called "holy books" not one of which displays any "religious" truth. just the usual gabble of the primitive mind.

The best way is to read it then compare it with bokks such as Robert Graves "Genesis: The Hebrew Myths". It puts it in perspective.

2006-10-24 12:06:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The Scripture says, "STUDY to shew thyself APPROVED unto God. A workman needeth not be ashamed, RIGHTLY dividing the Word of truth." I'd say it's pretty important, based on that Scripture alone, wouldn't you? To me it means that we use the Bible as our guide whenever we come up against something in life we can't understand or overcome on our own, therefore we can fight the enemy better, who coincidentally, knows the Bible as well as any of us! Remember the Scripture says about that, "the devils BELIEVE and tremble". So, in conclusion, it is very important that we know the word as accurately as possible. Even David said, "Thine WORD have I hid in my heart that I might not SIN against thee."

2006-10-24 11:30:39 · answer #8 · answered by bigvol662004 6 · 4 2

If the Bible is the basis for your faith, I'd say it's pretty important.

2006-10-24 11:31:56 · answer #9 · answered by Let Me Think 6 · 5 1

Not important at all unless you're a history buff. The old testament is just a collection of stories about people wandering around from place to place and the new is a bunch of tales about things that didn't really happen.

2006-10-24 11:22:04 · answer #10 · answered by Rob B 4 · 4 4

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