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35 answers

What ? Are you nuts?
You have a sound dog. He will be a puppy for quite some time. When he matures he will figure out on his own who is good and who is bad.
Don't turn him into a liability!

2006-10-24 03:35:23 · answer #1 · answered by woooh! 5 · 6 0

If your dog is "too friendly" then you--or whomever raised it---needs to be congratulated. Friendly is exactly what you want in a dog.

The "hostile" dogs you see barking at everyone who passes by on the street are really insecure and afraid. A confident dog doesn't need to bark at everyone.

If you want a dog that will protect you, then train it and give it lots of love and affection. Make it a part of the family. If you need protection your "friendly" dog will be able to handle it.

There are many stories out there about sweet, gentle dogs that protected their families from burglars, attackers, bears, snakes, you name it.

If someone tells you that a dog has to be in your face snarling and growling or he's a wimp, then they are wrong.

Here's another way to look at it:

I have met a few US Marines and I am an admirer of the Corps. Without exception each one I have met has been unfailingly polite, called me m'am and looked sharp in their uniforms....they were also courageous, powerful and I am quite sure they are deadly in a fight.

Having manners doesn't mean you're not tough.

Being friendly doesn't mean your dog is weak, it means he's good at threat assessment.

Love your dog, treat it well and enjoy it.
Good luck with your pup!

2006-10-24 04:32:52 · answer #2 · answered by bookmom 6 · 3 0

Your Dog doesn't need any Training YOU DO!
You are not a person who SHOULD have ANY DOG!

If you knew anything at all about the breed you would know that a 'normal' Shepherd IS friendly. It will soon begin to tolerate rather than be friendly to strangers anyway as a Shepherd is a One Person dog as an adult.
Why do you want to make a dog aggressive? Have you ever seen what an aggressive LARGE breed can do? I HAVE!! Even a little dog can inflict horrific injuries a large one can KILL!
And if you try to make it aggressive YOU will probably be its First VICTIM!
And Dogs who are vicious end up in shelters or WORSE get put to sleep!

In a few months you'll be back asking how to stop aggression so
Do me a favour give your dog to some-one who Loves the breed,
And knows HOW to TRAIN it!

Learn about any animal BEFORE you BUY!!!!!!!!

2006-10-24 04:08:19 · answer #3 · answered by willowGSD 6 · 2 1

Why on Earth would you want to make it mean?I've got a very friendly shepherd as well,and I'm glad of it.She loves everyone and I don't have to worry about a law-suit if she would attack someone.She's smart enough to bark when she hears a strange noise or when someone's at the door.If a stranger comes to the door and she's barking,he's not going to know that she doesn't bite,he's just going to know that there's a large vicious sounding dog in my house(actually there are three),and I'm sure he'll go on his way.If you need protecting,get a gun.Don't torment a lovely young dog to make it mean.If you feel that way about dogs,then perhaps you shouldn't own one.Idiot!

2006-10-24 13:24:12 · answer #4 · answered by Dances With Woofs! 7 · 0 0

Don't worry about this. Your Shepherd has natural protective instincts and can sense the difference between someone who is a threat to you and someone who is no threat. At 10 months your aim should be to make him as relaxed as possible in all situations and if he is friendly to strangers you are doing a good job so far. If he is relaxed then he is confident and you can rely on him knowing if something is wrong. Surely you don't want your dog to be dangerous and attack anyone?

2006-10-24 04:22:07 · answer #5 · answered by PetLover 4 · 3 0

You don't want to make a Shepherd vicious - I have three and they are all very loving and friendly, but make excellent house dogs - they bark when anyone comes to the house and just the size of them is enough to deter people from entering.

If you are cruel to them in an effort to make it hostile, it could end up turning on you. I would not want to see the dog put down because of your behavior.

2006-10-24 03:41:41 · answer #6 · answered by Dogs'r'us 4 · 5 0

German Shepherds are usually what they call 'aloof' with strangers, they will 'say hello' but will not usually be over friendly, your Shepherd is still very young, he/she will learn to be naturally protective to you and your family as it gets more mature, you don't want it to be too forward as that is when you run into problems, as its a family pet you do not want it to bite only to be alert and aware when strangers are near, I have kept Shepherds for 30+ years and have NEVER taught them anything other than basic obedience and agility, their protectiveness came instinctively!! And none of my dogs has ever bitten anyone!!
I would just like to add, you really do not want an aggressive GSD they are lethal!! I used to be in the army working with trained guard dogs (attack dogs if you like) and it is bloody scary watching a dog being sent in to attack someone (in padded suit) so imagine a fully grown GSD coming into attack you while you are in ordinary clothes.
Train your dog well in obedience and it's loyalty to you will be 100%
Good Luck

2006-10-24 04:36:37 · answer #7 · answered by Pawstimes16 4 · 3 0

That is his personality.

You are not going to "train" him out of it. And you certainly aren't going to "fed" him out of it.

You can train him to react to certain situations and commands in a certain way - teach the dog that it is a game to knock down and hold. You need far more help than an online chat commentary.

Find the nearest Shutzhund group near you and work with a qualiifed trainer who can assess his personality and drives, and the training methods that work best with him..

2006-10-24 06:16:55 · answer #8 · answered by ann a 4 · 0 0

DUMB A**....why would you want a hostile dog? You sound like a person who needs to learn the hard way! Hopefully you are just ignorant and didn't word your question properly. If not, well post again when your dogs turns on you...so we can all have a good laugh at your expence!

2006-10-24 04:01:22 · answer #9 · answered by julie's_GSD_kirby 5 · 0 0

PUPPY= friendly, happy- like a toddler.
DOG= developed instincts to determine safe/unsafe situations.

You do not NEED to TRAIN this. If you are kind to your dog, it will WANT to PROTECT you. Naturally. Training for serious protection is for a working dog, not a pet. You also should enlist a professional unless you are trained for this. Otherwise- you're going to be looking at some serious lawsuits, and risk having your dog put to sleep.

2006-10-24 04:35:07 · answer #10 · answered by rottymom02 5 · 3 0

You need to show the dog how to be mean. First get a baseball bat. Put it in your RIGHT hand. Lean forward......and then hit yourself about 25 times until you are all bloody with lots of broken facial bones. Rinse off and repeat.

The dog will know what to do then. Trust me! This has worked for numerous people. That's why we have so many mean dogs. Try it.

2006-10-24 03:40:11 · answer #11 · answered by msnite1969 5 · 4 1

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