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each is fully divine in nature, but each is not the totality of the Trinity
so does this mean the Trinity was incomplete when Jesus(pbuh) died for three days?

2006-10-24 03:20:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

9 answers

The trinity doctrine is false. It is a teaching that did not become "Christian" until over 300 years after the Bible was completed. If the trinity is true, why is there no mention of it in the Hebrew Scriptures. Men of God like Daniel, David or Solomon never mentioned worshiping a God made up of three co-equal persons. According to the trinity, all three divine persons who make up the godhead are eternal. How can that be when one part of him was dead for parts of three days? Does that now make him 2/3 God? And even before that, how can Jesus be an equal part of the godhead if Heb. 2:9 says that as a man, he was "made a little LOWER than angels"?

The trinity is a false doctrine that true Christians avoid.

2006-10-24 03:24:40 · answer #1 · answered by LineDancer 7 · 0 3

The Trinity is not a Bible teaching! The word is not even used in the Bible! Even the New Encyclopedia Britannica says: "Neither the word Trinity, nor the explicit doctrine as such, appears in the New Testament..." and the New Catholic Encyclopedia even states the doctrine didn't appear until after the 4th century!
There are so many scriptures that prove without a doubt it is not a biblical teaching. Romans 10:9 shows Jesus is God's son; John 14:28 Jesus says the Father is greater than him; Colossians 1:15,16 show that Jesus had a beginning (God didn't); Hebrews 5:8 shows God taught Jesus; Matthew 26:39 shows there is a superior and an inferior, one is God Almighty the other is Jesus; 1 John 4:2 talks about how Jesus came in the flesh, but John 1:18 says no one has seen God at any time! The list goes on and on. They are not the same, but two distinct individuals.

2006-10-24 10:45:16 · answer #2 · answered by la la la 2 · 0 0

I wouldn't think so... Yes, Jesus died for three days, but he went into the netherworld to deliver the righteous from there. Before he died, there was no way for anyone to get into heaven. But the trinity couldn't not be incomplete. Yes the trinity is three spirits in one God, but Jesus never deemed equality with God. Instead he lowered himself to being born a human. in that way, he was both fully human and fully divine. But the point to be made is that he was always part of the trinity even though he died for three days, because in his divine nature, he was delivering the righteous people from the darkness they were in..

2006-10-24 10:33:05 · answer #3 · answered by me 2 · 0 0

Already answered before, but here we go again.

Think of the Trinity like molecules of water. Water has three forms, each sepperate of each other, but contain the same molecules. God is like ice, he's the solid compact aspect of the Trinity. He was the first. Jesus is water, he flows through us and walked among us. The Holy Spirit is vapor, and it moves through our daily lives. All three are their own enity that make up one whole (water molecules). Other then getting really theological and confusing things more, this is the best explanation I've seen. The Trinity always was, but we had to see Jesus to understand it and he taught us about the Holy Spirit.

Also, I"ve seen the Trinity compaired to a candle. God is the wick, that which all this comes from. Jesus is the flame that burns, illuminating our way, and the Holy Spirit is the heat from the flame, keeping us warm. All are parts of the candle, as all are part of the Trinity.

2006-10-24 10:28:37 · answer #4 · answered by sister steph 6 · 1 1

And where did you come up with the idea that each person of the Trinity is somehow not complete in His Godhood without the others? Then again even in death God (The Father, Son and Holy Spirit) have never been separate....Jim

2006-10-24 10:37:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I do not understand-------------you use the (pbuh) of respect toward Jesus. But, you cannot be a Muslim if you believe in the Trinity, and that Jesus died and did not just ascend into heaven.

2006-10-24 10:27:03 · answer #6 · answered by Shossi 6 · 0 0

According to Arabic sources, Ashama ibn Abjar was Emperor of Aksum at the time of Muhammad, and gave refuge to several Muslims in the Kingdom of Aksum. Variants of the name "Ashama" include Ella-Seham, Asmaha, Sahama, Samaha, Asbeha, and Adriaz. Ashama may have been the same person as Emperor Armah, or his father or son.[1] Taddesse Tamrat records that the inhabitants of Wiqro, where he is known as Ashamat al-Negashi claim his tomb is located in their village.
According to later Arab tradition, Ashama converted to Islam. When the first Muslims emigrated to Abyssinia, the then Arab leaders from Mecca sent Amr ibn al-Aas to bring the traitors back. Amr was a friend of Al-Negashi, and at the same time had good relations with Abu Sufyan, the then leader of Quraish.

Ashama did not act in a hurry but showed patience and demanded the holy scripture of Muslims to be read. At this, Ja'far ibn Abu Talib read some verses from Quran. The very next day, Amr played a trick and asked Ja'far to tell Ashama the Islamic ideology about Jesus. This was a difficult situation because Jesus is not mentioned as the son of God in Quran. To this, Ja'far recited some verses of Sura Maryam. Next, he make a line on the sand with his mace and said, "The differences between you and us is not as broad as this line.", he then declared that Muslims could live in Abyssinia for as long as they wished for. Some accounts state that he read the Nikah at one of Muhammad's marriages. Abu Huraira narrates that Prophet Muhammad announced the death of al-Negashi (Ashama, cp. Negus, Negusa Nagast) on the same day that he died.

2006-10-24 10:27:57 · answer #7 · answered by Jamiul W 2 · 0 1

There are no logic in the concept of Trinity.

2006-10-24 10:22:15 · answer #8 · answered by neshama 5 · 0 3


2006-10-24 10:49:01 · answer #9 · answered by jefferyspringer57@sbcglobal.net 7 · 0 0

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