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Suddenly you can’t understand things like cosmology and evolution but you can read the Bible and believe that slavery, genocide, misogyny, murder, and sexual slavery are the moral high ground.

Can someone please explain this to me?

2006-10-24 02:59:59 · 15 answers · asked by The Chaos Within 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

Boy, are you a jerk. You do not loose anything, but you gain an understanding of God. You gain inner peace and an extended family. You, personally, however, seem to thrive on spreading hatred about Christianity. We don not believe in slavery (some idiots used it as an excuse, but that is not the majority these days), genocide, murder or the other points you made. That's a lie and you know it. If you'd care to recall, it was also Christians who fought to end slavery. It was Christians who marched for Equal rights. The great leaders of Equal rights were Christians. Martin Luther King Jr. was a pastor. Christians are good people and you cannot see beyond your blind hatred to understand that and I pity you for it.

2006-10-24 03:09:09 · answer #1 · answered by sister steph 6 · 0 0

Why single out Christians? How about other religions like Muslim or Buddhism or Hinduism? Christians don't agree with slavery, genocide, misogyny, murder, and sexual slavery as good. These are acts of human nature and Devil. Instead, Christians beileve in Bible's teaching, and that teaching, when become a human's value system changes human behavior fundamentally. In addition, Christians rely not just the values from Bible, but actually having God reside within them to act out those values. What does atheism or naturalism as religions (surprise...they are religion as well because both have faith that there is no God and only believe in the "laws of nature") do with slavery, genocide, misogyny, murder, and sexual slavery? Yes, they condemn those acts as wrong. Yes they enact "laws" And what? Do atheists and naturalists actually do anything more than Christians or any other religion believers in these issues? Or are atheists and naturalists actually have been any more effective than relious groups? If anything, one can argue from atheism/naturalism's point of view that since human behaviour is an subset of "laws of nature", the victims of slavery, genocide, misogyny, murder, and sexual slavery are just the weaklings in human race and the issues in discussion are means of nature's law to eliminate them---the the fittest survive, right? I don't know, in term of moral high ground, the viewpoint that you subscribe is pretty...uhh....well, sick !!

2006-10-24 03:30:54 · answer #2 · answered by Steve R 2 · 2 0

Generalizing is a great and effective way for someone to discount the innate value of something that so blatantly affects them to the point that it controls their life. If Christianity is so silly why not treat it the same way we treat fairy tales? Religion causes problems when it is watered down by complacent individuals---especially if they happen to be in power---but not in its pure form. Do you even know what Christ taught? What did Christ have to do with slavery, genocide, misogyny, murder and sexual slavery? After all, what is a "Christian?" Please be logical and use the reasoning power you were given before trying to place yourself in a position of potential dispute.

2006-10-24 03:15:52 · answer #3 · answered by Weldon 2 · 0 0

No, I can't explain why you think Christians justify murder and slavery. If you have any brains and some education it would be normal for you to say the opposite that Christians don't believe in either murder or slavery.

2006-10-24 03:05:26 · answer #4 · answered by neshama 5 · 0 0

Your talking about cults like Methodists, Presbyterians, Catholics, not about Christianity.

The moral high ground is true. You advocate immoraility? You are saying YOU, personally, stand in favor if IMMORAL behaviour?

Thus, you'd pardon Keating from Enron. I mean his only crime is being a greed capitalist who isn't as smart or adept as Bill Gates.

You'd pardon Charlie Manson.

Immorality. All right, lets get rid of the rape and pedophilia laws. The laws against stealing and theft.

Let's let, fat, old, ugly men walk around naked on the streets! Like wild animals!

Morality, that's your spouce or signficant other NOT cheating on you sexually with your best friend or a person at work.

That's cool. You're for it!

Morality is definately a part of religion.

The rest of those things are not. They are basically banned or those with high religous and moral standards should not be a party to those things.

As for cosmology and evolution, well, first off the Big Bang theory was postulated by a Catholic Jesuit in good standing with the Catholic Church. That's a fact! And Einstein stood up for him at a conference and applauded his concepts of gamma radiation.

But, if one Masters what God and Jesus has said in the bible, you don't need those things nor do you need to know them. We all have the powers of God and Jesus within us.

Jesus said we could all walk on water, change water into wine, make food out of thin air and raise the dead with a touch of the hand.

What, you've never seen a Boy Scout practise CPR?

Now, we learned that little tid-bit. There are a LOT of other things to learn.

The problem is man is finite and dies long before he can master any of these things, without tips and tricks. Jesus got one of his disciples to walk on water for a short period of time.

What, you've never heard of surface tension?

What makes it happen? Don't be bound by the physical laws of the science you ACCEPT, that has limitations.

Einstein showed that the Newtonian concepts of gravity do not apply in a relativistic universe.

Einstein predicted the A Bomb.

What, you never heard of the destruction of Soddom and Ghamorrah in the Bible and how Lot's wife turned to a pillar of salt when she went back and got too close to the "blast" zone?

Go see what happened to a few people in Hiroshima.

Christians AND scientists AND agnostics have to learn to think outside the box.


We prove it every day and are now on the verge of Intellegent Design with genome mapping, gene splicing, test tube babies, gene alerations and cloning.

Within 500 years science will manufacture a species.

What will we do with them without MORALS?

Read Huxley's Brave New World

Delta Minus workers and Alpha Plus Psycholigists.

That's what happens when you have no morals. DAY PLUS ONE EQUALS NONE.

Sex is not for making babies, Sex is for fun. Babies are made at the processing plants!

This is NOT far from happening. About 500 years or less. Your Science will do it!

Let's hope YOUR SCIENCE with NO MORALS never unleases a flu virus so viralent it makes the one from 1917 look like the common cold!

Now, go read the Bible -- many versions not just one, original Greek and Hebrew even -- and you will find everything you need to know to master it all and be so far above "common" man that it makes your science look puny, for your science will take thousands of years postuatling theories before they figure it all out.

Can you unlock the secrets of everlasting life, raising the dead, walking on water, feeding the masses with nothing.

It's all in the Bible, you just gotta figure it out instead of wating around for something coined by a 15 year old girl called "Rapture" and end times.

End of times is for those who didn't figure it out.

Those who DID figure it out are with God and Jesus TODAY in there here and now. They are super humans!

Only a FOOL puts their eggs in one basket.

To deny one book is to deny yourself an education.

Don't be fooled by the nay sayers, whatever names they shroud themselves under such as Methodist, Scientist, Atheist, Theist, Buddist, Scientologist.

If YOU don't master life and living, you are just another animal running around the streets and alleys of the world created by humans.

Don't you want to be better than that?

I anticipate your next question. No, I have not figured it all out yet, but I keep looking and I keep searching and I turn over every stone to see what is underneath.

I once owned a Gita. I have read some of the Quran. I attempted to read Martin Buber and Einstein, one sentence at a time. Then it takes years to digest it.

2006-10-24 04:33:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, you do understand the flaws of evolution and how it doesn't explain anything.

You understand that homosexuality is wrong, abortion is the murder of children, chattel slavery is wrong. In other words you realize the lies of the liberal media.

2006-10-24 03:04:41 · answer #6 · answered by N3WJL 5 · 1 0

It's like a veil has been removed from your eyes and the truth is plain to see. You have a regenerated spirit that is able to be mingled with Christ and you will become an expression of Christ on this earth

2006-10-24 03:08:08 · answer #7 · answered by ckrug 4 · 0 0

Like all religions, when you subscribe to the dogma, a portion of your brain turns to mush. To re-solidify that section of the brain is possible, but very difficult. It requires a total commitment to reason and logic.

2006-10-24 03:12:51 · answer #8 · answered by iknowtruthismine 7 · 0 1

You can't explain,,everyone is different..But for me,,ya it change my life around,,I see myself differently now..I don't see myself as nothing but something..Important to God now..God does love you and sees you so differently than you think..He has shown me a true love noone has ever shown to me before...

2006-10-24 03:03:44 · answer #9 · answered by I give you the Glory Father ! 6 · 2 0

Your past sins are forgiven and you walk after Christ. That is why we are called Christians.

2006-10-24 03:04:56 · answer #10 · answered by Rhonda 3 · 0 0

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