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They could not leave anything for the rest of us. They had to wipe the
bottom of the plate clean for there $652,000,000 compensation package in the case of the President of Exxon. Do you think they put that much in for the rest of the entire work force hell no. We allowed this group through lobbyist and NSA/CIA strong arm to stifle rights of workers and hinder unions. Beleive me they will do anything to keep even the smallest voice saying anything about starting a organization againist them.

2006-10-24 02:49:52 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

25 answers

Americans the "brokest" people in the World??? What the F*ck planet do you live on??? You don't have a Freaking clue do you? You apparently own a computer with access to the Internet.... You need to get off your fat *** and venture outside of this country and see how some the rest of the world lives.... I am tiered of hearing union people ***** and moan... where else in the world can you go with out any college education and earn 50k a year?

2006-10-24 03:01:51 · answer #1 · answered by Rob B 69 3 · 2 0

If you mean "Broke" because we spend with "credit" instead of waiting to purchase a product with cash, maybe you should move to one of the Countries that you feel is doing better than the average American.
Since I chose not to live in a "cardboard" house, and I could not wait to get out of the rain. I, like many other Americans chose to "finance" my house, since I could not "drop" the money down to purchase it, upfront. That does not make me, or my neighbors poor!
Sure, there are a lot of folks who can't wait to get a bed, clothes, food, "toys" and anything else to make life easier, so WE finance it through credit. Thus, in doing so, we "drive" our Economy! By the way, 70% of our Economy is driven by "consumer-spending!" Capitalism Is A Good Thing!! Look at all of the jobs it creates. Or would you rather have a "Commy"(Communist) Government that tells you what job you can have, and what pay you will receive from it?
Exxon/Mobil is a Corporation, that is "a publically-held business" run(operated) in a "Capitalist"(Democratic) Country! Nothing and No one is stopping you from buying "shares" of their stock. If you don't like the way they "compensate"(pay) their CEO's, and upper management; buy 51% of their stocks, so you can take over Exxon/Mobil, and run it the way you see fit!
Just remember; "Absolute Power-Corrupts Absolutely!!"
Would you stay "righteous" as you are now? Or would that much money and power corrupt you, like the people you despise at Exxon/Mobil?

2006-10-24 03:23:56 · answer #2 · answered by 1moe4u 3 · 2 0

If you think we are the brokest people in the world then you apparently have lead a sheltered life. I've been to 14 countries. America is a beacon of promise in the world. Don't begrudge someone else because they attained wealth. I was a high school drop out and became vice-president of my company. Stop being lazy and create the life that you want for yourself and stop blaming everyone else.

2006-10-24 05:09:32 · answer #3 · answered by gulf9191 2 · 2 0

Two things....what exxon did was wrong, and they are going to be punished for it....however your statement about americans beigng the poorest people in the world....you need to look at reality.....even our low income families make more a year than a good portion of the rest of the world....there are many countries where we make more in a day than the people there make in a month.....no matter what your income I don't think people realize how good we have it here versus many other parts of the world. Before you get pissed, I am far from high income...and I am not even sure I would qualify for a middle income. But I would not want to be anywhere else.

2006-10-24 02:54:26 · answer #4 · answered by yetti 5 · 3 2

because the american people are paying colossal interest on war loans etc, taken out for years by goverment and the bankers grow fatter each passing year, while inflation goes thru the roof.
do a little research on the web and find out what presidents lincoln and jackson did to combat this evil, and then ask yourself why no president since has done anything.
the real wealth and power is still in the hands of the rothschilds, rockerfellers etc, did you know that the federal reserve is neither federal nor a reserve but privately owned by such as these and that the american people have no claim to it whatsoever.
in 1883 andrew jackson removed the governments deposits from the rothschild controlled second bank of the united states and put them into banks of democratic bankers, this made the rothschilds mad and they tried to cause a depression, jackson called them a den of thieves and by God he would rout them out.
in 1861, lincolnasked for loans to support the ongoing civil war and the banks wanted 24%-36% interest, lincoln was so angry that he printed his own debt free money that became legal tender for public and private debts.
he stated that we have given the people a great blessing their own paper money to pay their own debts.
sadly this priviledge is back in the bankers hands today, God help us.

2006-10-24 03:25:03 · answer #5 · answered by Sentinel 7 · 0 2

You are using the internet to tell us that Americans are poor? There are tens of millions of people who don't have electricity. Broke? See the rest of the world and then you may appreciate what how rich America is.

2006-10-24 05:06:33 · answer #6 · answered by Richard B 4 · 1 0

For those that say that the poor are paying the taxes for the rich. You really need to check your numbers. The upper 5% of income earners actually pay 54% of the total taxes in the US. The top 10% pay 66% of the taxes. As we get into the lowere and lower income rates, those groups of people pay less and less of the total tax burden. It is not the poor that are paying the taxes for the rich. It is the rich that are paying the taxes to support programs for the poor.

2006-10-24 03:59:06 · answer #7 · answered by Glenn Blaylock 2 · 2 1

I don't know where you are from but even the poorest Americans are far better off then most people in third world countries, including their (rich). As for our corporations being so rich, you can thank President Bush and his tax breaks for the wealthy. Before Bush took office Clinton had us out of debt and in a surplus of funds. As for Exxon think about it, Bush is an oil millionaire. He's just kissing the right *** to insure his own profits down the road.

2006-10-24 03:05:38 · answer #8 · answered by BetteBoop 3 · 0 4

Leave the damn credit cards alone and you wouldn't be broke. Don't spend what you don't have. Funny how almost every American has 3+ tv's in their home beings we are so broke. How could we afford cable then?

Fairly smart.......no you are not!

The upper 1% of wage earners in the US pay more than 50% of the total tax burden.

2006-10-24 03:05:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

The American slogan should be:

America, the only place in the world where people complain about having only 2 televisions and a car!

2006-10-24 03:04:36 · answer #10 · answered by El Pistolero Negra 5 · 4 0

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