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I met a guy at a club, i know not a very good start. Begged me to give him a chance, to prove that he isn't like the other guys i have met. I give him a chance but he has a son so i walk away.

I end up getting back into contact with him and we met up and had fun. He came to the club i was at the next night and we had one of those amazing nights that u have with a person you click with.

The next week and a half we talk everyday on the phone. I decide to invite him to my graduation ball, 2 weeks awat. He books a hotel room, a really nice one. We have an amazing night.

Now monday has come. I ask where is this going and he says he isn't ready for a relationship and wants to be friends. I'm like why has he gone to all this effort for a friend. would u agree that no matter how good a friend a person was you wouldn't go to these lengths.

Everyone is thinking it was just to get me into bed. I can say it wasn't because of that as he knows that isn't my style and i made that clear

2006-10-24 02:15:27 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

22 answers

You made that clear? how can someone that doesn't respect himself, respect anyone?? I had more dates at all levels then most men could only fantasize about and the one thing I never did was lie to someone about my feelings to get her into the bed room and than after the intimate experience, shut it down? That's bull Sh*^!! No man that wants to be friends ONLY goes through the bedroom to get to the kitchen table for coffee and chat. I have two things to share, right or wrong, it's my thoughts and I'll give my reasons why after it. This male person (Men don't do this) was playing you fro one reason and it worked leaving you with a bad taste in your mouth for men, hurt feelings and less trust than you started out with. While this piece of *&^% has one more notch on his bed post, the thought of screwing with someones heart, feelings and trust making it harder for you to meet a guy that wouldn't play this game never crosses his mind. This is the kind of puke that ruin's fun and safe dating for everyone and gives real men a bad reputation. Heres something to think about....because there were feelings involved on your side, it was best that you found out just what kind of guy you were hooking up with right off the bat. also, you may have given him a little piece of you but this fool gave up a whole lot of him, striping himself of any pride and respect that he may have had as well as giving up his reputation and putting a lable on himself at the club where he plans on making other women a victum of his low self esteem. You win because you still have your self respect, dignatiy. I said there was two thoughts and here's the second one which I'm not proud of and this has a lot to do with my younger years. I spent my life as a bullrider(champian) and a rodeo clown and I lived for three things untill I grew up and that was wild bulls, wild women and wild turkey 101 proof wiskey. I had a huge following, lined up three deep if you know what I mean and I NEVER lied to a woman to get her into bed. With that comes a reputation that every ignorent male wants until he finds someone that he realy cares about and then that ALL MAN reputation screws all that up because that woman doesn't know if she's just another knotch. It will leave that good guy sadly hanging and that reputation takes a long time to be put to rest. My advise to you... don't give up on the male species, just make sure your out on a date with a MAN. Best of luck to you :)

2006-10-24 03:07:24 · answer #1 · answered by dhwilson58 4 · 0 0

wow - thats messed up.....unfortunately, i cant begin to surmise what would make a fellow guy act the way he does. you've probably already gone over the facts in your mind, and are no closer to figuring this out than i am. honestly, it sounds like something i would have done, wheather i was into you or not.......most men seem to rate looks pretty high on the list of factors that determine attraction. this being said, maybe he's just not attracted to you. maybe he's really into a friend of yours, or a sister, or your mom. we can be real jerks sometimes - i know. and while im loathe to go here, because its almost cliche' at this point, maybe he's not into women. maybe you have a rep that preceeds you.......it could be anything. sounds to me like he has some issues, and i say that because i know i do. maybe he's just a genuinely good guy that values your friendship, and is responsible enough to realize that he doesnt want to jeopardize it by attempting to make it more than it already is. whatever "the problem" is, i hope you dont drive yourself mad over it all. there is someone for everyone, and maybe he's just not the one for you. id try talking seriously about it to him once more, in person this time, and try to get a real answer out of him. if he's hesitant to reply, or you get the sense he's not being completely straight-forward with you again, id look elsewhere........

2016-05-22 05:45:45 · answer #2 · answered by Kelly 4 · 0 0

How soon did you make it clear that jumping in the sack is not your style? Before or after he got the nice hotel room?
Because it sounds like thats exactly what he was after.
I dated a guy for almost ten years who started out saying I just want a buddy to hang out with and talk. AND It got really serious he proposed...now thats just not MY thing.So.....you never know. If you like this guy hang in there. If you two "click " and have fun then stick around for the ride it could turn out really good.

2006-10-24 02:21:54 · answer #3 · answered by Coyote 4 · 0 0

two things could of happened, one he straight played you, he saw you, liked what he saw told himself what ever it takes I'm going to get her in bed, once that happens he hits the road everything was a sham. Second, he liked you, you both clicked he enjoyed talking to you, but something either scared him, or he realized that you would be a better friend than a girlfriend, leave him alone for a bit, see if he comes back around, don't chase love, more people are in love with the chase, they actually like the idea of the pursuit better than the idea of a relationship

2006-10-24 02:28:43 · answer #4 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

You said that it was not your style but he did get you in the bed. How ironic that he wants to just be friends after the night at the hotel. Guys like the cat and mouse game. I think you have to always act like you have one foot out the door. (if you know what I mean)
Take it for what it is. He said it outright...he wants to just be friends.(he might want to be friends with benefits) there is no reading between the lines here. I know this sounds harsh but it is what it is.

2006-10-24 02:22:39 · answer #5 · answered by tonaloha 2 · 0 0

Men (or boys should I say) are manipulative and will make you believe anything to get a screw. You, you must stop giving people a chance, who are you anyways...a goddess...just start looking at yourself as equal to anybody else. Forget the romantic bullcrap. Enjoy it but don't let it go over your head. Stop wondering how this man could leave you like this, that should not attract you to him, he is an infidel and will always be one. As for you you must wake up and be more of a leader.

2006-10-24 02:20:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Hi, I bet you are a really great person, he knows that too. You are also a challenge and men love to see if they can make toy fall for them, and into bed. If he doesn't want a relationship say ," hasta la vista baby" and find someone else. Don't loose any sleep over this guy he is NOT worth it! Rv.

2006-10-24 02:20:30 · answer #7 · answered by rosemary H 3 · 1 0

with so many amazing nights, no, it wasn't that. I'd say fear of committing to even a dating relationship. After having a kid, especially if he was young at the time, some guys get like that.

2006-10-24 02:22:53 · answer #8 · answered by when's my next vacation??? 4 · 0 0

"Everyone is thinking it was just to get me into bed. I can say it wasn't because of that as he knows that isn't my style and i made that clear"

And yet you went to bed with him.

Sorry to say this, but you were nothing more than a booty call. To some, the hunt is more exciting than the catch...............

2006-10-24 02:19:08 · answer #9 · answered by tallerfella 7 · 1 0

Men are like that. The chase is fun. You were just a score and he moves on to the next woman. You live and learn.

2006-10-24 02:17:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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