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I'm speaking particularly in relation to tolerance of beliefs, multiculturalism, human rights, etc. What society do you want? Really I'm interested in what British nationals want.

2006-10-24 02:13:34 · 25 answers · asked by White_Clothes_Scare_Me 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I'm speaking particularly in relation to tolerance of beliefs, multiculturalism, human rights, etc. What society do you want? Really I'm interested in what British nationals want, (i.e. people who hold a british passport or nationality).

2006-10-24 02:21:05 · update #1

25 answers

multi cultural, tolerant, openminded, safer and just generally for people to stop being so self centered.

2006-10-24 02:21:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

1. A secular society designed primarily for the benefit of the indigenous people of the country.
2. Freedom for individuals and businesses to discriminate as they choose.
3. Tolerance of the followers of alien cultures and religions provided they do not attempt to change their host society. In practise I hope that Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists would continue to flourish in this country as their ethics frequently set standards that native Britains should aspire to.
4. Immigration permitted only by those who are able to offer this country a skill in which there is a genuine shortage.
5. A roll back of government and the welfare state so that while contributors are looked after in sickness and old age, the option of living off the community will not be available to healthy people of working age.

2006-10-24 09:50:37 · answer #2 · answered by Clive 6 · 0 0

I want britain to be split.I am not a british national.But i am a scottish republican nationalist i belong to pictland my ancestors have lived here since time began.I have a direct bloodline to the Kaledonioi who were a group consisting of 5 tribes of men or picts as they say.They hammered the roman empire at mons groupius in perthshire we were the only nation in europe to beat them.I dont want to lose my heritage or my ancestoral bloodline.I want far less religious freedom,Islam,Catholic,Christian whatever cause its all Bollo*** Non proven Rubbish.This is my Homeland & i wont allow multiculturalism within it.Yes i am an extremist of sorts or even a racist but i will defend our traditions forever.I want all pedophiles to be castrated with there eyes removed.I want all public places of religion burned to the ground.I want all islamists who want to practice there religion shiped back to there designated islamic countrys.I want Gailic to be brought back as our national language as it once was.I also want a stop to all imigration from all other countrys.And i want to see Nato SecGen Lord Robertson Shot Dead.Thats about it now I want to drop off a couple of chocolate hostages with a cupa tea and a biccy.S.R.L.A Forever Garg'n Uair Dhuisgear.

2006-10-24 11:28:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Britain that barely exists any longer. Cricket (in Whites as is right and proper) on the village green, Morris dancers outside the local pub (and outside a lot of beer), clean, safe streets.

Unfortunately, we have to put up with all sorts of claptrap put out by a PC world. The streets are full of unenglish (or at least, unbritish) things and many of our city areas are tunring into little Jamaica/Calcutta/Pekin/etc.

I reckon we need a form of McCarthyism over here to get shot of unEnglish activities, smarten people up clean the place.

2006-10-24 11:27:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I would like a Britain that is governed by the people we elect to our parliament and not some foreign parliament across the channel. One were the Laws of the land are made by our government and not some religion be it Muslim, Christian, Jew.
religion is something personal to the people who follow it ,it is a belief and not a law that governs the country. I would like to be able to see my children born in this country be able to afford housing,get education, health care and not have to be in a queue behind the foreigners who have given nothing but want to take take take. And i would vote for any party who guarantees that the door would be shut to anymore people who come here to jump on the bandwagon (even the BNP)

2006-10-24 10:21:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Don't get me wrong but if people want to wear veils, set off fireworks at 3a.m. (bloody festival of light) then go somewhere else and do it. I wouldn't like to be taught by a teacher who covered her face, if someone came to a job interview with a veil on then she wouldn't get a job working for me, I like to see who my staff are. Why should BA sack someone for wearing a small cross around her neck, yet allow someone else to wear a turban. Multiculturalism is all boll***s. This isn't great Britain any more its the 'united states of any waif n stray we care to let in with their strange customs' Sorry if this offends any Jews, Muslims, poles, Arabs, french ?? (no not the french) but make Britain great again and give it back to the British.
There ... That's my rant over... I could go on.... but I wont... leave that to politicians.

2006-10-24 09:28:14 · answer #6 · answered by Goatie 3 · 2 0

If i could, id go back about 80 years we could leave our frontdoors open, coppers give you a clip round the ear if your naughty, neighbours all chip in to help each other out, families all close, being proud to go to war for your country, partys for jubilee etc imagine having a silver jubilee party in the street now? or signiing people up to go to war for england?im sure most would reject and blair would cancel it because iots not PC. I'd like todays technology aswell, internet, mobiles etc. Id be extremely happy for alot of reasons! my family tree goes back 500 years that i know of anyway... Think id rather be in dark ages than in todays day and age... this Country has gone right down the pan and were all fighting to jump ship whilst people are still "allowed" to flood in.... Bring back hanging and gillotene, blocks at trafalgar square so we can stone people who murder or rape! bit extreme but im really cheesed off thinking about it. were goign to be all segregated soon only way to deal with it... we will never all get on or accept the others religions this has been going on for 100's of years! We aint going to resolve it for another million years.. This is England, accept it and its British nationals as it is or go! Is there any British nationals that dont agree? Beginning to think the BNP are the only party that can see.

2006-10-24 09:36:50 · answer #7 · answered by stuio 3 · 0 1

I believe in human rights, but not where criminals' rights exceed that of their victims. I believe in multiculturalism, but only a multicultural society that appreciates each different facet of its population, not one where the majority pick on the few. I believe in religious tolerance, but I don't believe that religious people should have to be tolerant of slurs against their beliefs.

I want to live in a Britain where it is normal to have a mosque next door to a church, a synagogue down the road from a gurdwara, a kingdom hall and a coven house as neighbours, and they all share coffee mornings, fetes and festivals. I want to live in a Britain that has secular schools, rather than faith ones. If children are to be taught about faiths, there are Religious Education lessons in schools and there are also plenty of religious buildings willing to give instruction on what goes on inside.

If we are to become truly multicultural we should appreciate the differences between us rather than watch them pull the gaps between us wider. If so-called 'British people' can enjoy Indian curries, Chinese foods and Near-Eastern take-aways, they shouldn't be so quick to condemn other aspects of those cultures!

2006-10-24 09:31:54 · answer #8 · answered by deccaboo 2 · 1 2

A Britain influenced by science and technology,and where Britain is the world expert in these things.

This means a more difficult technical education for all, and rewards only to these who contribute to the country's welfare.

Those who do not contribute will have to be persuaded -- the time for laziness has passed.

2006-10-24 09:22:03 · answer #9 · answered by Iain 5 · 0 0

One that is safe for everyone and fair to everyone. until recently the scales seem to have been tipped in favour of a certain section of society and people are only just wising up and demanding they be tipped back. I also want to feel safe when I walk down the street or step on the tube.
Criminals locked away, those that are here illegally sent home with no messing and everybody else conforming to 1 set of rules and standards. An end to the 'one rule for them one rule for us' situation we are in

2006-10-24 09:21:57 · answer #10 · answered by Mick B 3 · 1 0

I want to live in a Britain devoid of superstition and lunacy. A Britain without churches on every street, where ancient myths are respected for what they are- not viewed as a guide to life. A rational Britain, a sane Britain- a secular Britain.

2006-10-24 09:53:38 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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