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29 answers

Yup.... Scully, Mulder and the three morons told me so.......

2006-10-24 02:15:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Of course they did. Who else but the government could cause the biggest air force in the world to stand down, and not intercept four supposedly hijacked planes, over a period exceeding one and a half hours. Do people really believe that Arabs can have done that.
There isn't the slightest doubt for any free thinking mind.
Problem is that there are so many minds in America completely programmed to worship celebrities and sports stars, and who can't actually think for themselves.

When they do eventually wake up, they will discover that they are in one of the new internment camps which have been built to house several million people, and most of those will be Americans who don't realise what is happening.

2006-10-28 05:00:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What kind of evidence shows that the US government instigated the destruction of two towers and the death of thousands of people? Are you implying that the US government hired 20 Arabs to commit suicide by ramming hijacked airplanes against the towers?

Why would our government do it, what's to be gained, who recruited the Arabs, etc., etc., ?

It's so easy to say " all Americans are crazy", "America always has an insane government", " Americans never know what they are doing." etc., etc.

While we are at it, why not try facing a mirror and saying, "You are a foolish, crazy idiot." Maybe it would be best if you say it at least ten times so that it will sink in.

No matter what happens, the first thing we think is, "It's a conspiracy by the agencies of the government." What in Hell has happened to us that we have so little faith in our own government? Are we becoming pawns of some foreign brain-washing group?

If this kind of attitude continues, then we will become easy victims of the next country that tries to invade us.

2006-10-25 22:23:42 · answer #3 · answered by Mr.Been there 3 · 2 0

I do not believe it was the US government, per say, but a handful of powerful people who used an old communist tactic. (Scare the people into submission!!!)
What better way then to use our own passenger planes to launch an attack on us? The twin towers and pentagon were large enough targets to scare us half to death. I guess the people in the World Trade Center were expendable. By the way there were people killed in the pentagon, but the plane hit a section of the building that was being renovated (no files lost? but a hit in DC would convince us we were definitely under attach)
I don't know, but if there is such a thing as a New World Order, this would be the kind of thing plus all the chaos that has followed I would expect from them!

2006-10-24 09:54:29 · answer #4 · answered by Lees 1 · 1 0

I believe it was an inside job .

Now the word government should tell you somthing but it doesn't. Have you ever tried to call the government for any reason ? It's huge - so massive in fact that a single plan could never be hatched with all levels of government on side.

This was done by one or two sections of the government operating or imposeing on the other levels of government thier will . Was it the CIA ? The military ? The President himself ?

So we have a crime .....lets do what the police would do . Who has a motive ? What did 9/11 do and for whom?

Any one in the war game has a motive . Anyone with a grudge against Arabs in general. Any one who wanted a US military base in the middle east . Any one who wanted to change the way America does business internally and externally has one. long list eh ?

Now with the motive we look for opurtuinity . There are not a lot of people who can place explosives like the one that brought those buildings down and not a lot who would have acess to thier names let alone enough to pay them all off . The list just got a lot shorter.

With Opurtunity comes means - it's kind of the same thing here .

Your not looking for a government as such but someone or someones either in government or very close to it .

2006-10-24 09:23:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Nobody here read the question:

Did the US instigate 9/11?

In a way yes. Osama Bin Laden took credit for the attacks. That is irrefutable. His team of radicals carried out the attacks. That is irrefutable. He blamed the fall of the Shah of Iran for his hatred of the US. That was Jimmy Carter's fault. Bin Laden had 20 years of planning to get back at the US.

Thank Jimmy Carter for 9/11.

2006-10-24 12:27:28 · answer #6 · answered by RAR24 4 · 0 2

listen to yourself mate, we have all seen the conspiricy theory shows. Evidence can be created, and often is, for the entertainment of idiots and right wing fanatics.

Oh and by the way, Osama admitted to the attacks, on al Jazeera. Im pretty sure that is a bit more concrete than turning a terrorist attack into some ex-navy pilot flying into the pentagon under orders.

2006-10-24 09:19:20 · answer #7 · answered by cokie_999 2 · 3 0

If there are evidence, file the case against the culprit/s of 9/11.

2006-10-24 09:15:40 · answer #8 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 4 0

I certainly believe that they know a lot more about it than they have told.

Never before have steel framed buildings collapsed due to a fire; including fires that burned for 24 hours, and fires caused by planes crashing into the building.

Also, building 7 at the WTC shouldn't have collapsed by any means known to the contruction industry apart from demolition. Even the way it collapsed had the signature of an arranged demolition.

If you look at pictures of buildings that have collapsed due to "normal" means, then there is no way that they would collapse at the speed of gravity. The WTC buildings collapsed at the speed of gravity, without even the steel core remaining. Technically, this is impossible unless the building has been weakened to allow such a collapse.

Also, it's amazing how many "good" things have happened to the Bush administration as a direct result of 9/11. Of course, many more "bad" things have happened to ordinary civilians as a result of this, but since when has Government been concerned about this?

Keep asking questions, people. This will make "Watergate" look like childs play.

2006-10-24 09:20:15 · answer #9 · answered by shoby_shoby2003 5 · 1 4

No, they can't get it together well enough as it is, do you really think that they could pull this together without someone ratting them all out to the Enquirer? After five years? I don't understand why you would follow some idiots who claims all sorts of strange things instead of your own eyes and ears, that followed the terrorists from flight school to crashing. Perhaps you were a victim of alien abduction too?
Don't blame this delusion on Liberals please, it has nothing to do with party affiliation. It belongs to the "party of blame anyone but the poor Muslims or they will cut off our oil"

2006-10-24 09:46:40 · answer #10 · answered by justa 7 · 1 1

Yeah...somehow the president who you people think is so stupid he can't even tie his own shoes somehow got the cooperation of dozens (at a minimum) of professional American government higher ups--generals, security pros, cabinet members, high level support staff, professional pilots, et al--to participate in a murderous attack on thousands of citizens and our nation's financial epicenter. And somehow, not one person involved has sprung for what would be a multibillion dollar book deal and immunity.

Yeah, I don't see why not. Really!

2006-10-24 14:56:00 · answer #11 · answered by Curt 4 · 2 0

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