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I thought it was good that we kept criminals in jail. If we just deported them, they would just come back here and do their crime again. I think it's good that we keep criminals in jail, since that's the whole purpose of jail.

2006-10-24 02:02:01 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

But the ones in jail should stay in jail, you wouldn't just deport a child molestor because they would be on the loose!

2006-10-24 02:06:33 · update #1

22 answers

I don't, personally. But the theory is they cost us money. Not unlike if they were out of our prisons, using medical services, etc.

I think illegals should be forced to be put on work duties.

2006-10-24 02:04:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Did you know that it costs about 50k/yr to keep one person in prison? I don't know how it ever got that expensive, I'm sure they could knock about 40k/yr of the costs off of that and still maintain good order, but it's still INsane that compared to some people's lives that've never so much as spit on the sidewalk, a prison term is a step UP in the world...that whole thing's a racket, too, in my view, and I feel that illegal aliens should be deported.

Border security has to be improved, no 2 ways about it. Instead of putting tens of thousands more cops on america's streets, how about 5 thousand more on the borders, where it'll make a REAL difference?

Think about how much crime is drug-related. Well, if the smugglers can't get in to begin with, that'll change for the better.

Deporting illegal aliens will also free up jails for the justice system to fill their needs. Build more prisons, which costs a lot of money, or send the people home that have no business being in our country to begin with. Decisions, decisions...

2006-10-24 04:50:50 · answer #2 · answered by gokart121 6 · 0 0

exactly right. as a matter of fact we need to revamp the whole prison system, our prisons are horribly over crowded, so much so that California is getting ready to spend millions of dollars a year for other states to house its prisoners. I say we execute everyone on death row immediately, do the same with any murderers, child molesters who are likely to repeat and anyone who has committed a heinous crime. this would open up a lot of room. seriously, these people should not be released back into society so why keep them imprisoned and pay for them for the rest of their lives. then for the rest of the prisoners start the chain gang back up and send them out to pick the farmers fruits and veggies, the farmers have their cheap labor, the inmates contribute to their costs as prisoners and you have solved many problems all at once. then for those illegals that have served their sentence (remember the ones who committed heinous crimes have been executed) they can be deported.

2006-10-24 03:25:36 · answer #3 · answered by thelogicalferret 5 · 0 0

They definitely should be jailed their full term before being deported, or where is the deterrent value? Particularly given how quickly they come right back....

What people are upset about is 4 to 5 % of the people, (the illegals) making up about 30% of the prison population, nationwide. It underscores the screening issues.

2006-10-24 02:53:30 · answer #4 · answered by DAR 7 · 1 0

Do a study on how much it costs to keep that person in prison.
You will find that we are still supporting them, and paying more for them to be housed in jail or prison then it would cost for a ride back to the border 5 times a month.

2006-10-24 02:08:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because it costs tax payers way too much to house these criminals, I know if they did a crime they should be punished.
But the reason is the fact that if we had better border security and INS was keeping a better look out for the people who overstay their visas then the crimes that these illegals commit would not have happened. Better border security and enforcement of already existing immigration laws would help Prevent Crimes.
We have enough citizens here who commit crimes, we do NOT need illegal aliens here committing crimes also. (that is the reason American citizens are angry and upset )

2006-10-24 02:15:49 · answer #6 · answered by Hold em Rox 6 · 2 0

If all illegals are kept in prisons, America will run out of prison cells. That is like building as many houses in California, Texas and Nevada where most of the illegals are staying.

2006-10-24 02:14:26 · answer #7 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 1 0

I see your point. If I had it my way, they would be on a plane or bus back to Mexico but if they are going to be here, jail is the most appropriate place for criminals.

2006-10-24 02:52:06 · answer #8 · answered by princess_29_71 3 · 1 0

Criminals should be confined! Are Mexican Jails to full? Mexico should be doing more for their poor, so they would not have to come here illegally

2006-10-24 02:15:00 · answer #9 · answered by pooterilgatto 7 · 1 0

Because it cost the legal tax payers money to keep someone in prison,heres what it coasts in Arizona.

Incarceration. The cost of incarcerating illegal aliens in Arizona prisons and jails amounts to about $80 million a year (not including the monetary costs of the crimes that led to their incarceration).

Heres California
Incarceration. The cost of incarcerating illegal aliens in California's prisons and jails amounts to about $1.4 billion a year (not including related law enforcement and judicial expenditures or the monetary costs of the crimes that led to their incarceration).

2006-10-24 02:07:39 · answer #10 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 1 1

I don't think that illegals being in the jails is the upsetting factor. I think it's the fact that they are in the country to begin with. If they weren't here...this wouldn't be an issue.

2006-10-24 02:05:01 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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