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According to the FBI an estimated 16,692 persons were murdered nationwide in 2005.

The FBI also has what they call the expanded murder data. The expanded murder data are details of the various offenses that the program collects beyond the count of how many crimes law enforcement agencies report.

According to the Expanded Murder Data, there was 17,029 offenders, out of this total, 6,376 offenders were black. While only 5,452 were white.

It is estimated that 19% of the US population is black, while 66% is White. The number of offenders for the 2005 reports between blacks and whites is a close number, though blacks hold a larger number yet they only represent about 19% of the population.

2006-10-24 01:48:31 · 10 answers · asked by Watermelon N' Chickin 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

No i have not mixed them up, this is statistics for Murder and Homicide.

2006-10-24 02:01:50 · update #1

10 answers

To reduce crime you have to encourag abortion of unwanted babies. It is statistically proven that this reduces future crime.

2006-10-24 02:01:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

First I’m going to ignore your “facts” as irrelevant to the question. I don’t care what color a person is.

But in my opinion here’s what’s need to be done.

Number one, parole reform. Yes I believe in parole, but not the ways it’s down now. Here’s how I would do it

1st If you want parole you have to apply for it.
2nd You must serve 2/3 of your remaining sentence after you apply IE you were serving 10 years and applied with three years left you must serve 2 more years, it up to you to show us that you want it and are willing to take responsibility.
3rd You must following the rules, no drugs, assaults, etc. while you are waiting for your parole. If you decide not to follow the rules then you re-apply and start over. See rule 2.
4th Once on parole if you commit any crime that would result in jail time, you go back to jail. If you break the rules of your parole then back you go, no second chances. You got your second chance when you got parole.

Next limitations on plea bargains, you could reduce the amount of time you are to serve by cooperating, IE taking responsibility and help the police, but not on the crime itself. If the state can prove murder then that’s what the charge should be and no more. The state should NEVER overcharge just to get a plea.

Third sentencing guidelines should fit the crime, but the judge should be able go about or below the guidelines, but the judge must issues written reasons why and BOTH sides should be able to appeal if the judge goes over or under the guidelines.

Lastly evidence is evidence, as long as it wasn’t fabricated, it should be allowed in even if the officer didn’t get a search warrant or have reasonable cause. The officer in question should be charge and if convicted sent to jail. After all we give them guns and we should hold them responsible for their actions. Trust me after one or two officers get convicted of breaking and entering because they didn’t have a search warrant, or reasonable cause, they would make sure their ducks are in order before they proceed. Might a few crooks get away because of this? Maybe, but look at how many are getting off because of way we do things now.

We should be worried about JUSTICE and TRUTH not excuses for actions, and if there is evidence that shows the truth then it’s a crime that we don’t see it.

2006-10-24 11:09:31 · answer #2 · answered by Richard 7 · 0 0

My Uncle was T-boned by an illegal immigrant and her illegal immigrant boy friend. The illegal immigrant did not have a licence, nor did they have insurance. After the accident the illegal immigrant took off (making it a hit and run), and a local citizen hopped in his truck and follow the girl and returned her to the scene of the crime. When the police found out they were illegal, they decided not to prosecute (they were not deported, she was not ticketed, and she didn't have to even assist pay for the deductible.

Long story short: there are a lot of crimes that are performed by illegal immigrants that go unprocessed.

If we really did not have illegal immigrants, we would have a lot more money for education, health care, and crime prevention. It would go a long way to lower the crime rate because the police would not have to be "not reporting" the illegals and can spend their time else where. We could also afford a lot more police.

2006-10-24 09:00:02 · answer #3 · answered by Dano 3 · 4 0

After reading your profile and seeing that you are an avowed racists towards black Americans.I can see what you are reaching for on this question.All crime needs to be addressed ,All criminals need to be apprehended and punished if found guilty.I am sure that since you hate black Americans this much, that your hatred probably extends to all people that aren't white like you.Criminals come in ALL colors and so do racists.You might just choke on your hate one day and no one will be there to care.I feel sorry for your problem.Your sheet looks really silly, but anyone wearing one is either trying to be a ghost or an idiot.I know which one you are.

2006-10-24 09:02:42 · answer #4 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 1 0

Lock up everybody before they get a chance to commit a crime.

As to the illegals, take 11 -13 million people out of the economy and just watch the recession that results. I don't approve of illegal immigration, but it would cost billions of dollars to find and deport them all, and some of them came here when they were babies and wouldn't recogize the countries they came from. Its a much more complicated program than most people realize. It would probably be simpler (and probably smarter) to help boost the economies of the countries they came from, and then they wouldn't have an incentive to come here in the first place, and a lot of them might just go home all on their own.

2006-10-24 09:02:00 · answer #5 · answered by Paul H 6 · 1 0

Give the tax surplus to the United ***** fund ?

Try to straigten out Jerry Falwell ?

Keep the Catholic Priest away from choir practice ?

Make Oprah Winfrey honorary Queen of America ?

Take our (Canadian) black female Governor General - born in Hati out for a really nice dinner and a movie ? After all she hasn't murdered any one and she is the Queen's representitive in Canada so maybe her and Queen Oprah could go for a nice meal ?

2006-10-24 09:01:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You have mixed up the word crime with statistics of certain crimes.
Drinking yourself into oblivion, smoking a dube, or jay walking at 3am when no other person is going to get injured are not crimes.
We need to adjust our outlook on personal freedoms and rights, to reduce the number of crimes being assessed in the courts.
We need to adjust the wording of crime with the actions of supposedly committed crimes.
It is not a crime if a person has not violated anothers property, or right.
The so called victimless crimes, does not need the word crimes in it.
Jay walking, though maybe dangerous is not a crime, unless it creates a danger to another person, or property.
Theft, murder, or placing another in danger or violating anothers rights are crimes.

2006-10-24 09:01:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Get rid of people like you.

2006-10-24 16:04:39 · answer #8 · answered by Zari A 2 · 0 0

We can get rid of all the shitheads like you.

2006-10-24 09:08:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

america will never deal with immigrants, unfortunately.

2006-10-25 04:29:06 · answer #10 · answered by Martin the baby 6 · 0 0

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