help them both the only right thing
2006-10-23 23:36:10
answer #1
answered by murphys_lawyers 3
As an animal lover this is very hard for me to say. I would never walk past a child to feed a dog or any animal. Children are a gift from GOD. A precious child can not and does not have the means to help themselves. We as adults should be ashamed of ourselves to walk past a hungry child. I would feed the child and then feed the staving animals. How could you understand her feeling on this. Please help me to understand. Animals are not the most helpless they have instincts to help them find food. Children are the most helpless. What is our world coming to when we can walk past a staving child.
2006-10-24 11:57:15
answer #2
answered by purrfectsandcastle 3
The Bible says that a human is far more valuable than an animal. Jesus loves the little children. We are to be good stewards of the world, but when faced with a choice we must take care of our own first. God made this world for us, not for the animals. the animals are part of this created world that was made for us. We should take care of nature because it is part of God's creation, but our first responsibility is to our own.
2006-10-24 06:59:18
answer #3
answered by Preacher 6
yes its wrong we should have compassion for all in need, human and animal. i understand some people feel abandoned by humanity and connect more on an emotional level with animals, but to ignore a helpless child is an outrage. there is plenty for all in this world if we could just learn to share our bounty with all in a compassionate manner (not pittying) how sad that she could ignore another human being. humanity is indeed in trouble........peace
2006-10-24 06:32:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well I'm just an old fashioned southern girl. I believe you have to take care of your own then your friends, neighbors, animals etc. I believe she should have done something for a child instead.
2006-10-24 06:41:07
answer #5
answered by windwillow2004 2
Human first before animals. P.S. I love pets, but a person's life is more important than animals'.
2006-10-24 10:01:30
answer #6
answered by Annie 1
i would have helped both.
but a child, come on... i love both man and animals, but i just cannot love one more.
some people though need to get their priorities right. th child first in this case.
2006-10-24 06:33:49
answer #7
answered by ~maryjane~ 4
I think its terrible. A child is way more important than any animal.
2006-10-24 11:17:14
answer #8
answered by ~~ 7
Humankind cannot stand too much reality
T S Eliot
2006-10-24 06:49:57
answer #9
answered by renclrk 7
I will stone the dog and give the food to the child
2006-10-24 06:50:10
answer #10
answered by CulturedQuant 2
I would help the child first
2006-10-24 06:47:36
answer #11
answered by SoSo 1