I might be wrong, that's true.
But I've made up my mind and made my decision and I'm pretty sure about it. Not 100% since a 100% for me is proven, and noone can prove that a certain faith is "right".
Do I sometimes wonder? Yes. I tend to re-think my decisions. So far I've always made the same decision again.
Do I worry about it? No way. I thought a lot about my decision and found it to be "right" for me. What if I'm wrong? I don't know. I'll probably know when it's time to know, and it will be too late to change anything. It's no use dwelling over "what ifs" in the future because all you can change is the present. And that's what I'm usually doing.
2006-10-23 23:27:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I find it really weird that because I don't believe in one God that it must mean I don't believe in any? Hhhmmm
I have considered the possibility... for several years. I already believe in a God/Higher Power/Deity(Deities). I believe in an afterlife, but do not see how any Creator can claim to be Just/Merciful/Loving can create a hell to torment people for eternity in. That negates the meanings of the words Just, Mercy and Love. Everyone is already held accountable. I'm not sure why people think that everyone is getting away with the wrongdoings until AFTER they die?
I have considered that I could be wrong. And after a lot of personal study (not just in books, but soul searching as well) I have found that what I originally thought was there... is what is there.
Now... have you considered that maybe you could be wrong? And how far did you go to look into that possibility?
2006-10-24 08:44:44
answer #2
answered by riverstorm13 3
I f I am wrong I have nothing to loose do I? If you are wrong there is much for you to loose
let me put it this way if I am wrong and death is the final step with no God or heaven then I will never know I was wrong. If my life experiences and faith ARE correct and you die, as you realize that you were wrong all along you would be decending into hell sounds like one heck of a risk to me
WOW you think just watching how good you are is the answer? a very smart woman once said just because you dont believe in hell doesnt mean you arent going there. Jesus told His followers that He was(and is) the way and the truth and the light.Also all He preached was kindness and love unfortunately alot of "religions" have twisted these teachings for personal gain.I have joy in my life here walking with Christ and speaking to Him daily I fail to see what you think I will loose. BUT you are thinking and you put more thought in your question than alot of people do GOOD JOB
2006-10-24 06:25:49
answer #3
answered by cherie118 2
im willing to accept that there might be a god. im also willing to accept that there might not be a god. if, hypothetically speaking, god is real, and one day i will meet him, then fine. i hope i can count on him to be cool and easy going. if not, then i'll just avoid him. no biggie.
if there happens to be an after-life, then ok, sure... depending on what i find there, i will decide then if i want to join or not. if there is a heaven and a hell, then obviously, id rather spend eternity in rest and relaxation, enjoying my "life", rather than spend eternity being punished and tortured.
if in fact people will be held accountable for their choices, then i expect those who have done bad things in their life will have to go to a "hell" for a certain amount of time, until they have "served their time" so to speak.
under no circumstances do i believe in an eternal hell. that is just too harsh. i believe everyone can rehabilitate. for example, a killer dies, then goes to hell to atone for his sins. he spends a specific amount of time in hell, according to his dastardly deeds while alive. after that time is up, if he truly is rehabilitated, then that person (or soul) will enter heaven. (i figure a god would be able to tell when someone has truly repented or not).
seeing as how no one is perfect, i would think everyone would spend a little amount of time in hell to start off. depending on how bad you were, depended on how much time you spent in hell. mother teresa, for example, prolly spent an hour, tops, in hell. while hitler might still be in there... who knows?
remember, this is all hypothetical. this isnt what i believe, but what i would believe if i was wrong.
as for what i believe, i believe that i dont know anything about what will happen after i die. :O)
2006-10-24 07:31:41
answer #4
answered by lostcause8436 3
Yawn. Pascal's Wager - Google it.
If you'd done even the smallest bit of thinking before posting your question, or just a tiny bit of research you would have come across the giant flaw in your argument, which has been made over and over and over again. All you've done here is reveal your own narrow-mindedness.
Here's the problem: what if YOU were the one who is wrong? What if God is real...but it's not the god that you believe in, and it's believers like you, not nonbelievers, who spend eternity in a lake of fire, or fiery pit, or whatever? You're acting as though there are exactly two possibilities, so that if there is a god, everything that you believe must be right. That just ain't so. You're taking exactly the same risk in believing as we're taking in not believing.
It's pretty remarkable how many believers hang their beliefs on this silly argument. Whatever happened to the role of faith in religious belief? I don't see a mustard seed's worth of faith in all the believers on Yahoo. Instead we get this kind of thing over and over again.
2006-10-24 06:53:17
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
John 6:44 (King James Version)
No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
They don't consider it because God is not dealing with them. Many Christians forget that this has nothing to do with intellect, common sense, reasoning, etc. This is a spiritual revelation that must come from God.
When Adam & Eve ate the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, the bible says their eyes were opened. They weren't physically blind, but they became spiritually aware of right and wrong.
The same goes for knowing God. It has to be a spiritual eye opening. How intelligent or rational a person is has nothing to do with it.
Why God chooses who He chooses is another topic. The truth is that we just don't know. Does He choose people because they are humble, faithful, meek, etc? Or does He have a set plan on choosing certain people no matter how they are? No one can say with any certainty what the real answer is.
2006-10-24 06:33:05
answer #6
answered by IL Padrino 4
I don't believe in God, Heaven or Hell or anything of the sort.
I've been brought up as a Catholic but as I grew older I realised that it wasn't God who created men but men created God.
Men has a psychological need to feel protected and to believe that there is someone/somethign who can help him in times of difficulty. So men created God. At first men had many Gods. One for fertility, for rain, for war, etc.... Then like in everything else, men got practical and joined them all in one God.
I know that Jesus existed but I think he was just a man who was capable of attracting attention. Have you ever heard of the the ponzi game, how he scammed so many people in the pyramid schemes. People at those times were more vulnerable than today and all he needed were a few that believed in him and cooperated to spread the word. The hting jsut kept getting bigger and bigger.
the concept of heaven and hell was created for the church ot have control over peoples' actions, the same as the belief of Kamikaze bombers, who believe that they'll go to heaven if they die for the 'Jihad' (holy war).
As regards other religions, I don't have enough information to query them.
The only question I can't answer is from where Satanic rituals get their powers. But what's wrong with me having one mystery when religion has so many?
And after all what's the difference in believing or not, as you live in peace with others?
2006-10-24 06:37:15
answer #7
answered by nickyellul 2
I would describe myself as a seeker of truth. If it turns out that God is real and I meet Him someday, it should be obvious that I was trying to learn the truth my whole life.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, and I haven't found enough proof to make me a believer. I'm fully willing to be held accountable for that.
2006-10-24 06:40:05
answer #8
answered by Let Me Think 6
I don't believe in the possibility that god is real.
But let's for the sake of argument presume that I am wrong. Even then I wouldn't be worried, as I try to live my life as good as I can. Of course I make mistakes but I am genuinely trying to be a good human being.
I would think if there were a god, he would appreciate this even though I hadn't acknowledged his existence.
2006-10-24 06:32:36
answer #9
answered by Judith 3
I Believe In An Afterlife But Not God,... Go Figure
2006-10-24 06:24:29
answer #10
answered by TRAXIC 2