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If someone dies, shouldnt they be happy now that the dead walk with god?

Why do they see a doctor when sick? isnt it that their final purpose is to join god? why do they want to get well?

Why is it that when someone is sick, they wish the same early recovery instead to die and join god?

2006-10-23 23:16:50 · 14 answers · asked by the_talking_donkee 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

we mourn the flesh missing our loved ones. Then we praise and sing joyfully that they are there!

2006-10-23 23:18:42 · answer #1 · answered by bungyow 5 · 2 1

Jesus brought a man back from the dead, he healed the sick, made the blind see, drove out demons from another man. If you were given a beautiful gift, you would try to keep it as long as you could, but when it fell apart or had an accident that was not repairable, you would let go of it. It is the same with our bodies that God gave us, we want to take care of the gift of life for there is a purpose that goes along with it, when it is time, then we leave, but only when it is our time. No one dies before his time, and maybe they will have learned something in the mean time, if not, then it is their loss. When you mourn over a death it is because you will miss them and so will their family. It is just the thing to do to be courteous over the loss, but when it is over, you are glad that they are in a better place, especially if they were sick, suffering or older and did not want to be here any more. It is their time, and they usually know it. It is just for the ones left. When I stood over my mother and told her to go to God, I knew it was her time, but I cried like a baby, I knew I would never see her again on this earth. But at the memorial service, we celebrated her life, and I made a family album for all the relatives in her honor.

2006-10-24 06:27:02 · answer #2 · answered by shardf 5 · 1 0

The answer lies in our understandsing of what a true Christian is.

Jesus said 'let the dead bury the dead' and I think this means that one ought not to mourn. So why do some people do this?

Those who mourn are not perfect Christains. We get sad to not have someone around anymore. Thats natural but we shouldnt mourn like its the end of the world and all is lost.

As for the idea that you automatcially go to God when you die - this is not correct. You can't just go to God if you call yourself a Christian and not live like one perfectly - that means, if you don't love God with all your heart etc. (and this is a rare thing in reality - a lot of people are sentimental about it. They say they love God but they don't actually relate to God as a real person, they just kind of belive in Him and hope they'll go to Him. They follow a few rules and maybe pray and think thats enough.) You have to be fully over this material world to not come back. We go wherever the heart truly desires and deserves to be. (I know the idea of coming back is not written in the 'bible' but it was part of Jesus original teachings... we must realise that the bible is a heavily editted versoin of Jesus' teachings, but there is still some mention of reincarnation in the bible. ('Who do they say I am' Jesus asked, 'some say you are Elijah' they answered - they coudlnt ahve come up with such an answer if Jesus hadn't taught them the possibility of returning to this world). We can understand this further if we know God is all loving - he would never send his wayward child to hell forever. This is an idea created by some 'churchies' to instill fear in the people. But fear and love are not related.

One who goes to God when they leave their body is ALREADY with God in this life. Their actions in this world are completely doevtailed with God's will. They know God's will intimately. They choose to be healthy to take care of the body and live as long as they should, to carry out the work God has them doing out of love. They don't have a death wish. When its time to elave the body they don't struggle to keep it alive. Thats is a true Christian.

2006-10-24 06:37:29 · answer #3 · answered by Tami 2 · 0 0

Humanity. It is the bane of our existence.

We mourn when those we love die without knowing God's forgiveness. Otherwise, we rejoice because we know we'll see them soon.

Our "final purpose" is not to join God, but to serve Him, here, as long as He sees fit. Our final reward, however, is eternity with Him.

As for being sick, if we didn't seek medical attention, wouldn't that be indicative of a death wish? Abnormal would be my first thought.

We have no more desire to die than anyone else - we find too much joy in serving our King here on earth!

2006-10-24 06:35:20 · answer #4 · answered by azar_and_bath 4 · 0 0

My first thought after I read the details was not to respond. However, since my mom just died let me address this. We mourn for our loss. My family watched this wonderful, precious woman suffer thru immense pain from lung cancer. We had her at home the last three weeks of her life, one and a half of which she was in a comatose state. I lay on a bed right next to her hospital bed that we had in the house and pushed the pain button on her Morphne pump everytime she cried out. When she passed away on Feb.19,2006 at 9:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning, we were by her side. We were sad to see her gone. We loved her and knew we would miss her, but we also knew she was with the Lord and she wasn't hurting anymore. I am a Christian and I believe in life with the Lord after death. I am a human and I miss her. I miss her smile and her laugh. I miss my morning coffee with her on the front porch. I miss her being there when I have a question to ask.I miss the advise she gave to help in life. I am beyond happy that she has ceased to suffer and that she is looking into the face of Jesus. I would not wish her back her to suffer again for anything in this world. But, I am human and I miss my mom.
We go to a doctor because we have a brain in our heads and god has given people the knowledge to heal. Our goal is to go to heaven when we die. We are not to hasten that departure when we could have prevented it. We have things to do on earth. Everyone will die in the appointed hour we don't have to hasten the process.

2006-10-24 06:32:56 · answer #5 · answered by Only hell mama ever raised 6 · 1 0

Actually psychologically people should go through a grieving process that takes quite some time, as it has many stages. Islamically muslims can mourn but for a certain time only because we are supposed to be accepting of the decisions of God and should be happier somehow....but I grieved for my father for 2 years, he was notmuslim but a complicated story so..... anyway if a person does not greive properly it will keep haunting them for a long time instead of only like 6 months.

2006-10-24 06:24:48 · answer #6 · answered by precious z 3 · 1 0

It is basic human instinct to fight death and stay healthy. People mourn when someone dies because it is human to be selfish that way. I realized this when my mom was dying, she was in MICU for 45 days. The day before she died, the doctor was saying that he didn't see how she was holding on, but she was on life support and was trying to fight what little bit she had left.

she had been in a coma for over 2 weeks. That night I went into her room late at night and sat next to her bed and held her hand. I told her that I knew that she was holding on for me and my son but that she taught me to be strong and loving all at the same time. I told her that we would be OK. Then I told her that the greatest gift that I could ever give her would be my last, my unselfish love and to let her go. I told her that I understood, that I loved her and I would miss her more than words could ever say but I had to let her go because that was my gift of love from me to her. It was the hardest gift I have ever had to give in my life, but it has also been the most special.


2006-10-24 06:31:46 · answer #7 · answered by windwillow2004 2 · 1 0

Because we are selfisha and want to hold onto our loved ones forever. It takes awhile for us to let go and rationalize that God probably had a reason for calling them home. I go see a doctor when I get sick because I have small children that I would love to see grown with children of their own. Call it more selfishness if you will. I almost died a few years ago and God healed me. I am not worried about dying though because when it is my time to go He will call me whether I am ready or not. So why should I be afraid or worry?

2006-10-24 06:27:38 · answer #8 · answered by mortgagegirl101 6 · 1 0

Didn't Jesus wept when Lazarus die? Yes, That is showing that human side of himself, Did he heal everyone that came to him, NO, it was according to His Father will, But the ones he did heal, that was the Spirit of God in him being manifested in himslef. It is nature for everyone wanting to live, Even Jesus at first did not want to die, But he knew what him commision was & his purpose, & talking about why do we go & see doctors, Well God has more than One way to heal someone, LUKE in the bible was a Phyiscian.

2006-10-24 06:28:09 · answer #9 · answered by birdsflies 7 · 1 0

Actually you ask very good questions , lots of Christian sects don't mourn but as for me I like most humans mourn because I will selfishly miss the person, and we are all human some mourn because their faith is weak others because their loved one died unsaved and they know where that person will probably go

2006-10-24 06:21:57 · answer #10 · answered by cherie118 2 · 0 0

More do what you suggest than you know. Others have loved ones they desire to help. No doubt there are other reasons to hang on like one is not actually saved. Many funerals are happy affairs not all are as you seem to think.

2006-10-24 06:21:38 · answer #11 · answered by ronnysox60 3 · 1 0

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