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I'm asking from a non-Muslim point of view.

Do you believe Allah cares for (or about ) you/humans? Or is it only humans that need to care for (about) God only?

2006-10-23 22:51:01 · 22 answers · asked by Sugar 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Wow, great answers and especially UJ.

I asked this question to a Muslim friend and received the answer "Care for us???? He doesn't need to care for us, it's us who need to care for him."

Needless to say, in my search for answers, this left me despondent I felt it was harsh. I never said care for us in a Christian/father way, I meant in our prayers...it was a questing referencing prayer and caring.

Many of your answers were well written and it seemed you understood my question. It was very comforting.

2006-10-23 23:17:20 · update #1

I meant questioning...excuse typo

2006-10-23 23:18:39 · update #2

Previous to asking this question to my Muslim friend, I expressed that after I lost my faith in the Christian god, it was like loosing a father.

I have been looking for truth and answers for 2.5 years now and when I finally began to loose my bitterness and decided to pray for guidance I felt as though I was not worthy because of my state. I asked him how I should pray and if god cares. Well, one can imagine the feeling when I received that answer...and more.

2006-10-23 23:29:44 · update #3

amrien ali...that is exactly what I told my friend...thank you very much for backing me on that.

2006-10-24 04:20:35 · update #4

22 answers

Good question.
The way that we see it is that Allaah (God) cares for all. We were all born. We've all been blessed. I know people sometimes think that God doesn't care, but part of that is that we either deny God or don't even realise how many blessings we have.

God cares for us all, and when we reach out, he answers our prayers. That's what we believe. He has the power to choose who he cares for more than others, and we believe a huge part of that is actually reaching out and saying thank you for the blessings we have.

The one example that I always use is that f someone is unappreciative of what I give them then I feel less inclined to help them and would rather help someone who appreciates it. There is only so much good that I like to give someone before I realise that I may be wasting my time and or that other people would benefit better.

Remember God is essentially doing the same thing -- giving. But most the time we aren't truly thankful. :/

Good question. But God has the power to love ALL....

2006-10-23 22:59:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Allah cares deeply for all human beings. in the holy traditions, it is said that Allah cares for people 70 times more than a mother cares for her child. In ancient Arab tradition, the number 70 was used to represent a tremendous amount... not necessarily exactly 70.

Allah also tells us that there a 99 parts to His Mercy. He has only dispatched 1 part of His Mercy from the 99 to this Earth. The other 98 parts of Allah's Mercy will be shown to us after this life on the Day of Judgment.

By the way, humans can not care for God. God doesn't need caring for. God created the stars and the heavens. We are like specks of dust so how can we do anything for God? It is in our best interest to seek God and ask for help from God who is The Almighty.

2006-10-23 23:05:58 · answer #2 · answered by Mustafa 5 · 2 1

God had created human and together with whatever necessities of mankind that will include the most pleasure life and soul, food , air and water and even holy books as guidance to human's life.
Don't you admit the mercy and loveliness of him towards mankind. Nevertheless what have you done to repay his tremendous cares for you. The only way is have faith in him and obey all his commandments. God is the creator , the almighty.
God has nothing to lose even you have no faith or making fun out of him as Atheist always do. Wouldn't it be too late to find out the truth when you are dead.

2006-10-24 01:43:59 · answer #3 · answered by S.K. Chan46 3 · 0 0

Two things. Firstly, Allah cares for his creation more than a mother cares for her child. The 'creation' includes all human beings, muslim, christian or jew. Including animals and plants. He keeps everything running. We call it nature. I refer to a previous post about every chapter beginning with "In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, Most Merciful". Allah loves us because otherwise he wouldn't give us so many qualities- self healing for one. If you look for a miracle as a sign of Allah's existence, look at the human being.

Secondly, how can humans show that they love Allah? When you love someone you listen to what they have to say, you look after the things that they have provided to you, like the clean air we breath, the clean water we drink, etc. Also by obeying his commands. Take the 10 Commandments for starters. Also if you need guidance you can read the Qur'an. Its a book of guidance, not just for muslims you know? But for all mankind.

2006-10-24 00:49:09 · answer #4 · answered by Rico 4 · 1 1

Funny this. Almost all the answers are similar. Nonoe of them answers the primal question though. What makes you think that there's an allah at all? Is it just because it says so in a book? If so, do you also believe in the exploits of James Bond - after all, it talks about him in a book as well. Somehow, thsi always reminds me of "Galaxy Quest", people believing that fiction is in fact Fact!

Come on folks, demonstrate to us the existence of this god person. After all, I never voted for him so what gives him the right to dictate anybody's actions. come to that, what's he ever done for anybody? And don't answer "created us" because you can't even prove or demonstrate that either.

2006-10-24 04:57:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Allah cares for human.
and he is merciful for the child more than his mother.
the mercy spreaded between people is only a small portion of Allah's mercy.
the man may be bad and does wrong, but when he feel sorry about his bad deeds and want to return to allah, allah forgives him and makes him live a better life here and in the after life.
and if someone tries to be closer to allah, Allah will run to him and help him.
and for your knowledge........manys ayat and hadeeth talks about how merciful is our great Allah.

But, For whom?
if someone forgets Allah, Allah will make him forget himself
and he will live a boring and tight life
and he will remove from him the satisification and the real happiness.

2006-10-23 22:59:00 · answer #6 · answered by mozakkera 2 · 1 1

yes i believe and i know that allah cares about me and not only me he cres about every single person in the whole wide world(regardless of them being muslims or nonmuslims) because there is a hadith in which allah says that he loves you70 times more than your mother loves you.
just think that if he would'nt have loved you how would have you been enjoying all the ease of life, how can u be getting food and shelter and other facilities... he loves evry one... it's just that he loves a momin more than any one else....inthe way a child may be more close to his father or mother

2006-10-24 00:07:12 · answer #7 · answered by silent rain 2 · 1 1

God cares for humans and answers their prayer
"And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me that they may walk in the right way. " Quran 2:186.

And certainly We created man, and We know what his mind suggests to him, and We are nearer to him than his life-vein. " Quran 50: 16.

" Say: My Lord would not care for you were it not for your prayer; but you have indeed rejected (the truth), so that which shall cleave shall come. " Quran 25: 77.

2006-10-24 00:01:28 · answer #8 · answered by inin 6 · 1 1

Allah cares for everyone even those poor blokes who had there heads cut off in his name and the thousands of kids gassed by a murderous dictator.

2006-10-23 23:27:20 · answer #9 · answered by GHO$T 2 · 0 1

Sugar, of course Allah cares about me! No matter how much I do, I would never be able to pay Him back. His blessings are uncountable. He cares for me and supports me and I do feel His love. Just like you feel your boyfriend loves you and is there for you: He is by my side though hardships, giving me strength, patience and hope.

I love Him but I am sure His love for me is greater than mine to Him. He never fails me but I am sure I do fail Him many times. I hope He forgives me.

What I do not understand is why is this question directed to muslims only? Allah (no matter what the name is) loves us all. Right?

2006-10-23 22:58:30 · answer #10 · answered by daliaadel 5 · 1 2

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