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How to overcome anxiety,depression and panic attacks? I am so hopeless. Ive been suffering with depression and social anxiety with intense panic attacks for three years. I think I had anxiety for longer than that but I wasnt depressed or had panic attacks. My last three years 18-21 I spend staying home,best years of my life something needs to be done.I dont have any friends anymore. I feel like crap. I had major panic attack today even going to Grocery store.I can't even stand at the red light I think everybody is looking at me.When stranger talks to me I just freeze like paralyzed,start shaking,trembling,my mind and heart racing,sweating,my mind goes blank and I just want to scream on the top of my lungs. I started avoiding social situations at all cost. I even feel panicky talking to my family or relatives. All day long bad thoughts running through my head. How can I beat this plz,any one ,because this is not a life this is hell,any info really appreciated.

2006-10-23 22:33:16 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

12 answers

hi sounds like you are in a constant state of anxiety this can cause depression and anxiety attacks it is a awfull way to live your need to see a psychiatrist not a family doctor u need some medication i have seen very small doses of medication do wonders for a person dont worry seeing a psychiatrist does not mean u are 'crazy' please get some help for yourself stress and other things that are happening in your life can cause a lot of these problems also good luck to you hang in there life can get better

2006-10-24 01:05:55 · answer #1 · answered by zeek 5 · 1 0

It seems like you really want to change your life 4 the better which is a start. Your social life can be improved by slowly going out and enjoying your young age. We all get nervous, I do, when people are looking at me, when I give presentations in front of a large crowd and etc my hands use to get really sweaty and I thought that everyone could literally hear my heart, but I noticed that it is normal and everyone feels that way and that we are all Just PEOPLE, no one is better than anyone. Just try to relax and keep that in the back of your mind when you feel like you are about to have a panic attack. If you want, you can always go to counseling b/c They have have certain techniques that will reduce the amount and severity of your panic attacks and depression. Life brings good and bad days so just take it one day at a time. I would recommend trying to do an activity that you enjoy, for ex, swimming, pool, football, exercise, video games something that you know that you are at ease doing to get those endorphins pumping lol Hope this helps!!!!

2016-03-18 23:25:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hey, I definitely understand your pain. I suffered from panic attacks from years - the first few times I had them I didn't know what they were and I went in for all sorts of tests and MRI's before I began explaining to my mother more in detail what I was feeling and she said it's panic attacks (it's hereditary - my mother and brother suffer from it). My worst ever happened when I was driving over a bridge and I feared bridges for years. I suffered from about 24-27 - I'm 28 now and virtually panic free but it took alot of work to get here.

Alot of what you are doing is inducing panic attacks with association. You say going to the grocery store gives you a panic attack meaning you are expecting to have one and the fear of having one will actually induce one. Believe it or not, panic attacks can be controlled to an extent. I read this book that really helped me get on the road to recovery but I'll be honest... it was not easy. I would get panic attacks at work and my boss would send me home because I was an absolute mess (thank God he was so understanding... his mother is a sufferer as well). Below is a link to a book I read when trying to get over this and honestly it really made sense and and helped and you can get through this. I know it seems hopeless now but I promise you that you will not suffer the rest of your life.

Before you can completely self heal which is not easy, would you consider medication?? I aIso suffered some severe clinical borderline suicidal depression and was prescribed Wellbutrin which changed my life and made me look back and think.... how could I have ever felt that way? My doctor also prescribed Xanax to take when I had an attack and within 5-10 minute it alleviates all of the symptoms and you are relaxed (may cause some drowsiness but I'd rather be a little sleepy than alot jumpy). While taking these medications and reading this book I was able to take control and reduce the amount of attacks I had. I went from having several a day to now having a few a year and because I read all this information I was able to not make the attack worse by panicking because I'm having a panic attack. I carry a Xanax with me wherever I go just incase but I have learned to make them subside without the medication.

I really wish you luck and will say a prayer for you to get better because I know what it's like to suffer but it feels even better once you are free. If you have anymore question, please contact me at jzny@aol.com. Also just check out the link on the book - it really did help.


2006-10-23 23:04:22 · answer #3 · answered by Jonela 3 · 2 0

The natural ingredients in SEREDYN can help prevent and relieve anxiety and panic attacks. Clinical research suggests that the natural ingredients in SEREDYN's proprietary formula promote relaxation, reduce worry, and calm both mind and body.

Of individuals taking SEREDYN for anxiety/panic attacks, over 80% report that SEREDYN helps to prevent and relieve their attacks. And unlike many prescription sedatives, the ingredients in SEREDYN are not addictive or habit-forming.

Since SEREDYN is a natural supplement, it can be obtained without a prescription. If you suffer from panic and anxiety and would like to try SEREDYN, order online today.

SEREDYN helps you relax in as little as fifteen minutes and keeps working for up to eight hours, leaving you feeling calm, clearheaded, and in control. You can take SEREDYN "as needed" to relieve panic attacks, or you can use it every day to help prevent panic attacks and relieve chronic anxiety.

2006-10-23 23:58:07 · answer #4 · answered by ^crash_&_burn^ 3 · 0 0

Try light therapy. To cure the blues or depression bright, clear morning light. Go outside or open the curtains or blinds and stay by the window, for several hours. To cure anxiety near total darkness. Put the TV on, turn out all the lights. Make sure it is very, very quiet too. Note, do not treat anxiety with bright lights and to not treat depression with darkness, that's the reverse and would make it worse.

2006-10-23 22:41:18 · answer #5 · answered by Professor Armitage 7 · 0 0

You sound exactly like me. I went to the doc who gave me xanax and for awhile it helped, but with this drug you always want more and more, before I knew it I was helplessly addicted to it, actually finding more and more without my doctors knowledge. I went from 0.5 to 6 mg. When I finally fessed up to my doc, he said it was ok, that it is highly additive and started to ween me. The withdrawl was beyond anything I have ever expierienced. Still going through it, he has me down to 1 mg a day now, but he gave me zoloft for panic/anxiety/depression. I got worse. Vomiting, tremors, derealization, like I had Alzheimers. I went back to him. He gave me Lexapro, which is suppose to help with panic/anxiety/depression. So far so good with it. Not any of the side effects I dealt with the zoloft. All vomiting has stopped.
I guess where I am getting at, is first DONT SELF DIAGNOSIS.
Go to your doctor first and let them help you. I learned a bittersweet lesson, trust me. There are all kinds of therapies, meds that can help you past this. Take one day at a time. For the first time in months, I can get in a car and drive without panic, visit friends without panic, it is slowly slowly coming around. I still have to take the xanax, he said I may never get off of it., which I did to myself, so DON'T ever get started. trust me on that one too. If he recommends it, try alternatives. please.
But DO GO to your doc. That is why they get paid.
Good luck, and I have been where you are now.

2006-10-24 00:12:41 · answer #6 · answered by Kay M 2 · 0 0

Why not try a solution that does not require the use of medication. Check out this site:


It has helped many people that have had panic/anxiety attacks....

All the best...

2006-10-24 04:29:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i have depression, schizo and sometimes panic attacks at different degrees at different times.

the best way so far is to seek help from a physciatrist and take your medications regularly.

also, reading some scriptures at times does help more or less.

i had been trying to avoid a relapse of the above by trying to ignore its symptoms but i was wrong.

you must take your medicnes and look after your mental and physical well being too by reminding yourself at times to take note of any symptoms arising.

of course, try not to be too over sensitive by focusing on your hobbies example, answering yahoo answers etc more or less but not overly.

once you share your problems and get a overall good answer(s) to your problems and/or you helped others by true goodwill of your experience, you tend to feel more relaxed but not always of course, as there are other factors too.

seek help as soon as possible from the mental institute or a physciatrist. take note of the side-effects of the medications if any, and followup with the doctor's appointment regularly.

i have the above illness for over 10 years.

i know it is not easy to get used to the illness but once you take your medicatiosn and have a simple life as simple as possible, you will sit down 1 day and tell yourself you are on the right track if heaven allows.

have a good sleep too. and avoid playing too much games but only once in a while. share your thoughts and problems with the physciatrist or counsellor.

life is not perfect. realise that life is not perfect does help me a bit to relax.

good luck too!

mercury of love

2006-10-23 22:52:39 · answer #8 · answered by mercury of love 4 · 0 0

Just take a deep breath when you feel anxienty or panic.have some warm water and a hot bath will help too.Try not to be to panic.try to speak your problem or anything to your close and trusted family member,friend even friend you know from the net.try to be optimism because life and world is wonderful.may be you can also see a doctor or dicuss your problem in this web.try to take it easy,k?!

2006-10-23 22:47:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hi there, looks like u got a very serious problem going on. i think you shld seek help from a professional, or maybe try to tell your problems to your family. i'm sure that they would be there for you no matter what happens. if you're afraid maybe you can try calling those helplines and tell them your problems...
find a new hobby or sport that you are interested in, that way maybe it will help your condition and even let you meet new friends!!
Please take care of yourself and i hope you this was useful to you... :)

2006-10-23 22:46:50 · answer #10 · answered by Elissa 1 · 0 0

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