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Medicine has always my dream but i dont know if i have a chance because im not the typical medschool applicant..med school students always seem so "perfect"..they have excellent academic records, play like 10 sports, do volunteer work, have 100's of awards and prizes and scholarships.
but me even though i have a lot of potential ive made some bad decisions, ive been on antidepressants from 14 yrs until recently, i ended up in hospital after taking all my pills at once, i was a cutter, my mom is mentally ill and abusive physically and verbally, my dad is an alcoholic, ive always been promiscous from a young age, meeting random married men off the net when i was 15.. im very ashamed of some of things ive done, i left highschool at 16, since then ive made an effort to forget everything and change my life, im so much better now, went back to school, passed my exams, came at the top of my class, got a scholarship for college, but it doesnt matter i dont feel "good enough" to be a doctor

2006-10-23 22:14:55 · 15 answers · asked by missknowitall 1 in Science & Mathematics Medicine

15 answers

There is no such thing as "good enough" to be a doctor, don't you know" people don't care what you did yesterday as long as you are successful today" I am a medical student, and I can assure you it's tough, no it's damn tough, get into this, only and only if you are ready to work your damn butt off, and that my dear friend is the only thing that matters, whether or not you are ready to wrok hard, your sexual past, your family background etc etc, is not of prime importance, and what? you think docs are not promiscuous? a married prof is my college is having an affair with a student.
Your past has nothing to do with it, the only thing that matters is your sincierity and commitment,if you are stubborn enough, you can do it.
Girl, you have been through so much in life, this should be a breeze.

2006-10-24 04:57:53 · answer #1 · answered by virgodoll 4 · 1 1

You have overcome some very hard hurdles.Now this is my question to you,did you think that you weren't good enough to pull your act together? All of us have made some very bad decisions/choices onetime or another.I say come up out of that pity party room...you have beat the odds your record speaks for itself....walk with me for second, you lost your mind went on a binge woke up one day and looked in the mirror and said to the woman looking back at you,"NO MORE" Today is the day that I take back my life. Girl you returned back to school kicked butt did what the others who were in class everyday couldn't do ran pass them with your grades climbed all the way to the top from the bottom, came home with the prize a scholarship for college.Girl get yourself together you can do it ,you have already proved that you are good enough, rewind the movie from your past.
You Were Good Enough To Come Thru! Now get OuT there and KICK SOME BUTT!!!!GO AFTER YOUR DREAMS!!
Iam very proud of you lol

2006-10-24 04:02:39 · answer #2 · answered by Renee F 2 · 1 0

Nobody is perfect! These trials in your life made your stronger now!
What is important in pursuing the medical profession is your determination & belief that you can do it! 2nd is the support of the family, since it is expensive to go to medical school.
I am a doctor & I tell you not all doctors are perfect. There are sons & daughters of doctors forced to take the course but some of these children dont end up finishing their course. What is important is that you want your chosen profession and everything will turn out well whatever happens. Good luck!

2006-10-23 23:46:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No matter what you decide to become, you need to start living in the present. Everyone has some sort of baggage they carry around--doctors included. Doctors are not gods--it is just a very difficult, very rewarding job that a lot of people admire to the point of putting them on a pedestal.

Don't compare yourself with others so much--there is no "typical" doctor. Your grades and current activities do matter, though, and you should work on feeling emotionally stable before you attempt something as stressful as med school.

2006-10-24 16:33:13 · answer #4 · answered by sarcastro1976 5 · 0 0

I'm a medical student....
I say u must be prepared mentally for what its like to be a medical student....I had some bad days (very very depressed) .. but I don't relate this directly to being a med student or how hard i'm working.. it's more related to .. not having a supportive invironment... a way to vent.... so may be a good friend is really good idea... also some healthy relaxing technique, u'd use when u don't feel good...
be also prepared to give up some time u used to spend on u're hobbies and going out alot.... but if u're passionate about medicin... then the time spent on studying & practice would be injoyable.....

good luck :)

2006-10-24 01:55:00 · answer #5 · answered by white skull 3 · 0 1

put your past behind your self. You have already statrted things afresh and a have won a scholarship for which you need to be congratulated. There's nothing like being just the perfect person to be a doctor. If its your dream and ambition, if you have the flare and sense of serving humanity, u r in. Work hard, concentrate on your studies and i AM SURE THERE IS NO STOPPING YOU. Don't look at others with superior grades and medals, just do your own thing and pray, you'll be there. Go one, achieve your ambitions!

2006-10-24 00:17:23 · answer #6 · answered by raindrops 5 · 0 0

A whole lot of those perfect people are not meant to be doctors, while some of them are. Being a physician doesn't mean you are perfect, but that you have compassion, you have intuition and intelligence of your field and work, and that you can work well with people. You have to be passionate to become a doctor because although it is a highly praised and socially high status occupation, it comes through rough studies, lots of commitment of years, and a stressful and on-the-spot type of environment. If that is what you choose to be, you have to live with the consequences and the lifestyle. You should try to visualize yourself in the future and imagine if you want what is the idealized version of being a physician or a realistic one. Then choose whether you want that and if it's worth it.

2006-10-23 22:19:18 · answer #7 · answered by bansri47 4 · 1 0

as they say "if you have to ask, then you probably shouldn't"

but again, let's try to help a bit more:
- in anything in life, passion is what makes the difference. Even in the most crowded fields, passionate people will stand out. Are you really passionate about medicine?
- medicine school is tough. There are smart people out there, who are competitive, who are passionate, and who often will have had easier backgrounds than yours. But if you are passionate, and if you are reasonably good / smart, and if you can indeed work hard and for extended periods of time - then yes you can make it
- clearly based on your background, you are bound to not feel "good enough". So you should just ignore those feelings. Again, just ask yourself, am I passionate enough? Will I be happy working like mad to pass exams? Will I be happy not getting enough sleep for extended periods of time while doing internships? and so on

2006-10-23 23:54:20 · answer #8 · answered by AntoineBachmann 5 · 2 0

Importantly, what's the definition of stupid? If it quite relies ninety 9% on assessments and ignoring what the affected person is quite experiencing, the respond is, particular, stupid people can exchange into docs. If it quite is a case the place the physician has no thought what's inflicting the project yet in simple terms states, "often times hearts do exactly that" as a medically complicated answer, the respond is, particular, stupid people can exchange into docs. If it quite is an lack of ability to humble oneself and admit which you haven't any longer have been given any thought and refer the affected person to somebody who could have a clue, then, particular, stupid people can exchange into docs. If it quite is not information the hassle-loose correlation between organs and transport mechanisms regardless of 14 years of coaching and numerous different years of journey, then, particular, stupid people can exchange into docs.

2016-10-16 08:16:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you are mentally unstable, you should think twice, you will meet a lot of pressure here, sometimes being intelligent is not enough, medicine is all about patience and hard work..you have to make sacrifices. .you have to make it your priority..but if you're up for the challenge, and you are passionate about it, you can give it a try.

2006-10-23 23:33:53 · answer #10 · answered by sandy d 1 · 2 0

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