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Shoul'nt Aisha married a person that is the same age with her

2006-10-23 21:46:43 · 10 answers · asked by ubuntu 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

poki poki he should reject the culture at that time and not adapted to that culture just to be accepted as a prophet

2006-10-23 22:03:44 · update #1

10 answers

People always focus on the age difference between the Prophet s.a. and Ayesha r.a., while ignoring that marriages between old people and young ones have always been accepted in the Bible as well. Abraham married a young woman (Hagar) when he was 90 plus years old. He married 3 women. David married at least 8 possibly 18 women. Among these there was one that he married when he was 80 plus years old. This girl was an "ALMA" or virgin when he slept with her (Kings 1:1). Jacob or Israel married four women, two sisters and their two concubines.

It is only the Prophet of Islam who is always discussed while Christians and Jews continue to name their kids after Abraham, David and Jacob. Why this hypocracy?

Answering your question in particular, it is important to realize that she was the only virgin and younger woman who the prophet married. The rest of his wives were older women or widows who he married for various reasons to establish the rules for marriage.

What many do not realize is that his life can be divided into three distinct portions.

He first lived for 25 years as a chaste bachelor. Then he was married to Khadija, his first wife, who was 15 years older than him (she was 40 and he was 25 when he married her). He stayed married to Khadija and had a very happy family life until she died at 65 years of age. Here he showed how to live as a man married to a single woman.

After Khadija died, then and only then the Prophet married other women. This, the third stage of his life was half the length of either of the two earlier stages when he was a chaste bachelor and when he was married to a single woman until she died.

Even when he married several women, his marriages were mostly to widows, older women and Ayesha is the only woman who was young. He married her at the request of his old friend and confidante, Abu Bakr r.a. ,her father, who wanted to form an alliance with the Prophet in matrimony and become a part of his family. He first asked the Prophet to marry the prophet's daughter Fatima. Remember in Arabia there was no taboo in marrying your friends daughter and age difference was not a big deal both ways, as shown by the Prophet marrying an older widow when he first married at 25. Fatima was already spoken to be married to Ali r.a.

Abu Bakr then asked the Prophet to marry his daughter to form the alliance. Remember that Ayesha r.a. herself was once engaged to another man in Mecca for several years when she was about six years old. This man never returned back and some say converted to Christianity and stayed in Africa. The Prophet remained in Mecca for close to thirteen years before he migrated to Medina.

If Ayesha was married to the Prophet when she was six or nine as some traditions state, then she was engaged to this other man before she was born..lol.

The records that Ayesha was very young are not accepted by many traditions and do not logically work out. If Ayesha was so young, how come she has more sayings of the Prophet recorded on deep subjects that a very young teenager is hardly able to comprehend, let alone comment on. She has more traditions quoted than Ali who was with the Prophet for 33 years or others who were with the Prophet a lot longer.

Lastly, in ISLAM a woman and a man are considered adult physically at defined ages, after which there are no restrictions on two adults marrying each other regardless of the age difference. As divorce is allowed in Islam it is understood that a young woman married to an older man may inherit a lot of money should her husband died.

Lastly, Abrhaam was 90 plus years old when he married Hagar, David slept with a young virgin when he was 80 and she was an alma or virgin (Kings 1:1), so why do Christians and Jews have a double standard for our Prophet. Also, David married more than 18 women, Solomon married 1000, Abraham married 3, Jacob or Israel married 2 sisters and married their two concubines. Why the higher standard for someone you folks dont even think was a true Prophet?

I hope this answers your question.

2006-10-23 22:21:23 · answer #1 · answered by NQV 4 · 1 0

The reason why Mohammad married Aisha when she was of age 9. Did u ever think of THIS possibility?

The first thing I should point out is :a man does not turns pedophile at the age of 54 as almost every non-muslim is claiming about Prophet Mohammad PBUH

Second thing is, to all those who are practical in life, they must have come across people who at the age of 50, have the maturity of a teenager. N I have come across people who matured in mind faster than in body ( I even read an article sometime ago on a boy who by the age of 9 had shouldered the responsibility of 5-8 siblings and a drunken mother). By the way, it is a scientific fact that woman mature faster then men especially in countries with a hot climate. So the possibility that the Aisha by the age of 9 could be matured physically at the least can be proven by scientific data.

Many parents even in this century even in countries like America and Europe do not take their children seriously. Instead, the teenager of today have a score of boyfriends and girlfriends and they have sex with whoever they want and then comes unwanted children and a lot of complications. Even if these complications do not arise, teenagers often turn out brats and drop out of school. Very few go to college with their ambition and their will. Sometimes, the case (as in Asia) seems to be that the teenager is often forced to study by their parents.

When Prophet Mohammad married a girl so young, it could also like telling the Muslim population at large that children and their upbringing should be taken seriously as they can make decisions for themselves at a very young age. This was later proved true when Hazrat Aisha adviced the Khalifas as young as the age of 18-20 (when she was widowed). In today’s world, a teenager as young as that can only think of shopping, their girl/boy friend, their sex life, ways how to escape their parents and live on their own and other unnecessary things. Few have any good ambitions or goals set out.

I can see that you still are not convinced.

Considering Mohammad was a pedophile, why were the rest of his wives widowed and in the case of Hazrat Zainab bint Jash a divorced woman??? His first wife, Hazrat Khadija was a widow 2 times over and older to him by 15 yrs. It was she who proposed and he accepted it when he was 25. His second wife, Hazrat Sawdah was a widow and older than him too.
N Mohammad is still accused of being a pedophile.

If Mohammad was a pedophile, why weren’t all his wives young beautiful virgins? Why only one??

Considering the accusation that Hazrat Aisha was molested continuously by Prophet when she was a child, she should have suffered (by all scientific facts and reason) a sever mental setback resulting in almost madness. But it didn’t. Instead, Imam Zuhri who was a leading jurist at the time quotes :

“Hazrat Aisha was the most learned person among the people. Senior and learned companions used to consult her”

“If the knowledge of all men and the wives of the Prophet PBUH were put together, the knowledge of Hazrat Aisha would exceed it all”

Similar quotations are many to be found such as by Abu Musa Ashari and Umar bin Zubair. There is not enough space to quote it heere

IF Mohammad molested his young wife, why did she sang praised of him in his life and death??????

Even William Muir who is one of the staunchest critics of Islam quotes in his book The Life of Mahomet

“About the same time he contracted a second marriage with Ayesha, the young daughter of Abu Bakr – a connection mainly designed to cement the attachment with his bosom-friends. The yet undeveloped charms of Ayesha could hardly have swayed the heart of Mahomet”

With the evidence above, it is illogical to say that Mohammad was a pedophile mainly on the reasons that he had so many wives and that one of his wives was 9 yr old. To such people, this answer should be enough, all other wives were widows and a man does not turn pedophile at the age of 54

2006-10-23 21:58:14 · answer #2 · answered by Knowledge Seeker 4 · 1 0

The Prophet consummated his marriage with his favorite wife Aisha when he was a full grown adult and she was nine. This is commonly acceded to by most Muslim clerics. In addition the late Ayatollah Khomeini(former head of Iran) wrote two marriage manuals in which he stated that a Muslim girlshould have her first menstrual period in the house of their husband. This is a major problem that Non-Muslims have with Muslims.
I Cr 13;8a

2006-10-23 21:56:31 · answer #3 · answered by ? 7 · 0 2


2006-10-23 21:50:16 · answer #4 · answered by daliaadel 5 · 1 0

it's becoming an obsession with this subject isn't?!!!

what part of "it was pretty normal back then" don't you understand?

how could you even compare a tribal society almost 1500 years ago to our modern society??!!! i mean they are not even comparable!

plus it is a GREAT honor to marry the Prophet who could be better than Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?!!

2006-10-23 22:00:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It doesn't matter whether she'd reached puberty. Nine-year-olds are too young to understand sex and therefore not capable of consent. When an adult has sex with a nine-year-old, it's rape. Even in Mohammed's time, sex with nine-year-olds was NOT acceptable elsewhere in the world.

2006-10-26 23:32:11 · answer #6 · answered by Common Sense 1 · 0 0

There is 2 opinions regarding Aysha's marriage


Either way, she was prophet's favorite wife.

2006-10-23 23:43:48 · answer #7 · answered by inin 6 · 0 0

Apparently it was the fad to marry oldies back then....looooooooooong ago!!

2006-10-23 21:54:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh, oobee doo

2006-10-23 21:49:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

what's ur problem?

2006-10-23 21:52:35 · answer #10 · answered by Sea Mist 3 · 0 0

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