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Evolution is still a Theory (and seems to be somewhat of a religion for some people) - and Yes, Gravity was a Theory until it was Proven (unlike the WHOLE Evolutionary theory). Where is the indisputable, absolute evidence that the Theory of Evolution is 100% factual? And please, please do not confuse the details of the Evolution Theory with the Survival of the Fittest Theory. TY

2006-10-23 20:36:24 · 18 answers · asked by Evy 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

I have been studying Science for the last 10 years
and as for the Theory of Evolution, it is Just that a Theory.
it is basiically like trying to guess what a picture is by only looking at less than one percent of the whole picture.
There are millions of species alive today, and many more species have gone extinct over the history of this planet. also out of the billions of single life forms that have lived on this planet very few Fossils have actually been discovered.(this is the <1%)
these fossils that have been discovered have been used to map out a Theory of Evolution composed of Plateus (rungs of a ladder or steps on a staircase, but with nothing connecting the steps or rungs together) of species. but there are no fossils that have been found that are between these Plateus. for the Theory to ever become a Fact what is reqired is to find fossils that clearly show the change of one species into another (rope, rope-ladder(rungs), or chain of fossil evidence, when graphed will show a slope with horizontal flat sections) or for some currently living animal to give birth to something that is unable to reproduce with the Mother species but is able to reproduce with one that is identical to it.

An Evolutionary-Mutation would be fertile,but would have a completely different Genome from the Parent Species, unlike a normal mutation which damages the genetic code leaving the child infertile or with severe birth defects that ussually end in death, example is a mule which is the cross between a donkey and a horse. though it is similar to the parent species it is unable to reproduce with either species or with other crosses. it is there fore infertile and there for it is a mutation and is not considered a new species.

Many people have tried to claim that the Finches of Galapagos Island and other areas of the world are able to evolve. this is not the case all it is is a case of special specialization. it is simply a case of rececive genes taking dominance through variences in food availability. (the differences noticed in the Finches have been beak sizes and shapes).

As food availability changes the finches that have the genes which will enable them to make the best use of the available foods will gain dominance over those finches whose beak genes are specialized toward the food that is out of season or no longer available. there fore the average shape of the beaks will change over time in acordance to what food is readily available.

The finches have not changed species thay have just become specialized within their species. this can also cause some Genes to become extinct within a Species or Race. this is why "Race" could even be concidered to exist. Can make the Species Stronger or weaker based on what genes are lost over time.

On the other hand if the finches were no longer able to reproduce with the parent species but were only able to reproduce with other finches with the same beak size and shape then that Would mean that they had undergone Evolutionary-Mutation.
But this could only be tested in a Labratory under Precice Conditions.

2006-10-23 20:40:23 · answer #1 · answered by Kuraimizu 3 · 1 7

You're so totally wrong. No scientific theory can ever be proven - only mathematical proofs are valid. And Einstein's Theory of Gravity only work for a subset of the Universe - they break down at a singularity.

In fact, in all of science, there has never been a more complete and thoroughly confirmed theory then Evolution. Period. Even scientific methods Darwin could never have dreamed about, like genetics and DNA sequencing, consistently prove out the theory of Evolution.

So let's review:

1. You cannot have a "Proof" in science. You ONLY have "Theories"

2. Evolution is the most consistent theory in science.

3. The reason scientists are so adamant about Evolution is because it is so overwhelmingly confirmed, and because anyone with the slightest objectivity and willingness to listen and learn would readily see that. Only the most ardent anti-evolutionist, who have no understanding of the scientific method or the rigors of data collection; who do not have the slightest care about observation, hypothesis, testing, and prediction - only they think Evolution is still in question. No one else does.

No one.

2006-10-23 20:48:38 · answer #2 · answered by ZenPenguin 7 · 4 2

You are confused. The Scientific Theory of Gravity still exists (Newtons "Law" of Gravity is an old mathematical approximation), just like the Scientific Theory of Evolution. But it is a nice analogy in a way, because in the same way that gravity is copiously observed, evolution is copiously observed. And the Scientific Theories are the best explanations for what we observe.

There is an absolutely overwhelming abundance of evidence for the Theory of Evolution. I suggest you stop listening soley to creationist anti-science propagandists and honestly look at the the other side. eg. the fossil record of 250,000 known species, showing nothing but iterations in morphology of geographically overlapping forms up the geological column and whole nested phylogenies of life. And observed speciation in the biological literature. Just to start with.

Evolution is as observed as gravity. Among the most abundant, microscopic fossils, complete continuums of form from one species to the next are often observed. Among the rarer fossils, you can't expect to see this. eg. there are half a dozen Archaeopteryx fossils known (most from the same unusually preserving layer). There will always be "missing links". To concentrate on this and ignore the bigger picture from the 250,000 fossil species, is head-in-the-sand denial.

2006-10-24 00:29:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Evolution isn't a theory it's a fact. Darwinism is a theory-the mechanism for change is a theory not the fact that change occurs. The theory of evolution like all theories should be challenged but get it through your thick creationist skulls-evolution is an absolute fact supported by indisputable proof. There is no debate or conjecture so don't flatter yourselves by imagining you can actually challenge it. Eduarodi has hit the nail on the head-science no longer even debates evolution so the creationists have lost.

2006-10-23 20:47:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

There is actually far more evidence supporting the theory of evolution than there is for the theory of gravity.

I think the question should be, if you are willing to accept logical and rationally obtained physical evidence that supports the theory of gravity, why do you reject the much stronger logical and rationally obtained evidence that supports the theory of evolution?

Is it because you erroneously believe that understanding how populations of organisms adapt to their environments over time, resulting in physical shifts in the genome of the population somehow disproves your religion?

Or is it simply because you are uncomfortable with the evidence that indicates that our closest living relatives are chimpanzees, and would prefer to believe that we were created from dirt - and created in such a way that almost our entire skeletal anatomy, right down to the specific cusp morphology of our teeth is identical to chimpanzees in every major detail?

And theories do not somehow graduate to become laws. There is no higher scientific level than theory. Scientific 'laws' are simply observations. Without a theory to explain why we observe what we do, a law is useless.

A scientific theory can never be proven 'indisputably, absolutely 100% factual'. No theory ever has, nor will it ever be. This includes the germ theory of disease, the theory of reproductive biology, the theory of gravity, the theory of heliocentrism, the theory of relativity, quantum theory, and the theory of climate change through anthropogenic means.

These theories can never be 'proven', however evidence can be gathered to support the theories, or evidence can be gathered that does not support the theories.

Any theory which gathered evidence does not support is disproven, and is rejected. This is what happened with spontaneous generation (which is not quite the same theory as abiogenesis - which has nothing to do with the actual theory of evolution), and it also happened with Lamarck's theory of evolution through acquired characteristics, as well as several other theories of evolution that were presented before Darwin's theory of evolution through natural selection (Darwin's grandfather Erasmus himself presented a theory of evolution that was kind of weird, and it was rejected because evidence did not support it).

So far, every piece of evidence gathered from the fields of biochemistry, genetics, paleontology, entomology, zoology, botany, bacteriology, medicine, geology, and any other ology you wish to name (with the exception of theology) has supported the theory of evolution. Thus, the scientific community, which operates on logic and the scientific method rather than dogma and superstition (well, usually) has accepted the theory of evolution as being true. As true as gravity, germs causing disease, and the earth going around the sun.

2006-10-24 07:19:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Why are you asking this? I very much believe in what I assume you mean by evolution theory; however I, like the actual scientists who study it, realize there are many missing compnents that are yet to be solved. I do not realize this big argument that appears to come up only to disprove this theory.

And how do you attempt to disprove it? By simply saying "prove it". Rather than saying "give me 100% proof", while any evolution theorist is seeking just that, why not do what a scientist does and go out and disprove it?

2006-10-23 20:43:04 · answer #6 · answered by snocy 3 · 1 2

Gravity is just a little better proven than evolution. Gravity isn't fully proven. Where are the gravity waves? Is the inertial mass equivalent to the graviational mass? Why do some substances seem to fall at very slightly different rates? You don't know any more about gravity than you do about evolution, do you?

2006-10-24 05:02:27 · answer #7 · answered by novangelis 7 · 1 3

Evolution has been proved, you just refuse to see it. evolution isn't just something that happened thousands of years ago, but is still happening today. Evolution is nothing more than species adapting to fit the environment they are forced into for whatever reason. look at diseases that due to so many people taking antibiotics are now resistant to pennicilin based drugs, this is evolution. other diseases jump species lines and become fatal. look at aids and bird flu. that's how they are spreading. Evolution. And evolution and survival of the fittest theory are intertwined, no matter how much you claim different..

2006-10-23 20:45:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

there is no evidence. evolution will require a genetic increase in information, all mutations are either a loss of infomation or a copy of it. besides, how did something come out of nothing? evolutionists are CONSTANTLY CHANGING their theories to fit what they have in mind.

2006-10-23 23:17:50 · answer #9 · answered by angel 1 · 2 1

Evolution will never be proven,because it never happened.There is an outstanding amount of evidence against evolution.There are many scientists who are willing to admit what they have known privately for years:believing in evolution requires an act of blind faith.
" Evolutionism is a fairy tale for grown-ups. This theory has helped nothing in the progress of science. It is useless." - Professor Louis Bouroune,former President of Strasbourg and director of the Strasbourg Zoological Museum,later director of Research at the French National Centre of Scientific Research.
" Scientists who go about teaching that evolution is a fact of life are great con-men,and the story they are telling may be the greatest hoax ever. In explaining evolution,we do not have one iota of fact." - Dr. T.N. Tahmisian,Atomic Energy Commision
"Despite the bright promise that paleontology provides a means of seeing evolution,it has presented some nasty difficulties for evolutionists,the most notorious of which is the presence of "gaps" in the fossil record.Evolution requires intermediate forms between species and paleontology does not provide them." - David B. Kitts, PhD in Zoology,Head Curator,Department of Geology,Stoval Museum,and well-known evolutionary paleontologist.
"A 5 million year old piece of bone that was thought to be the collarbone of a human-like creature is actually part of a dolphin rib. the problem with a lot of anthropologists is that they want so much to find a hominid that any scrap of bone becomes a hominid bone." - Dr. Tim White,Anthropologist,University of CA.,Berkeley
" When the blood of a seal,freshly killed at McMurdoSound in the Antarctic, was tested by carbon-14,it showed the seal had died 1300 years ago." - W Dort,Jr.,PhD. Geology Professor,University of Kansas.
" The hair on the Chekurouka mammoth was found to have a carbon-14 age of 26,000 years,but the peaty soill in which it was preserved was found to have a carbon-14 dating of only 5600 years."
" One is forced to conclude that many scientists and technologists pay lip-service to Darwinian theory only because it supposedly excludes a Creator. - Dr.Michael Walker,Senior Lecturer in Anthropology,Sydney University.

Since the facts do not prove evolution,since the fossil record does not show any transition from one species to another,since "scientific" dating methods have been proven unreliable,let us remember that for those who desperately desire to reject God,evolution is a religion of last resort.If there is no Creator,there can be no sin,and no need of a Savior.
" Faith is the substance of fossils hoped for,the evidence of links not seen." - for atheists and evolutionists
" Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen." - for believers in God

2006-10-23 21:32:20 · answer #10 · answered by ? 6 · 1 4

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