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Nice country but the people are annoying

Yes, we have a horrible president. Not our fault. You know we didn't choose him.

2006-10-23 18:48:21 · 21 answers · asked by Devil 2 in Travel Canada Other - Canada

If anyone asks I always say I'm American. I don't lie to get the approval of people I don't care about. I'm proud of my country.

and I didn't vote for Bush, neither did the majority of people in this country. As far as I'm concerned (and history will show this) the election was stolen and corrupt.


2006-10-24 13:42:02 · update #1

21 answers

I think the answers to this questions prove how annoying Canadians are.

2006-10-24 13:39:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Because we hate being confused with our neighbours. We are a peaceful country, unless playing hockey, unlike our neighbours to the south seem to be lately. I tell people I am Canadian usually because they asked what country I am from, or they confused me with being an American. I live in a foreign country so the first thing they assume is I am American and I will continue to correct them, until the stars go dark and Bush grows a brain. Until the Canadian soldiers who are left cleaning up in Afghanistan stop dying for a war they never started. Until I don't have to go home from a friends birthday party in Seoul and clean the blood out of my clothes from a GI who got in a fist fight with another GI and made me remember again, why I really hate going to the bars in Seoul. AND if you didn't choose Bush who did, cause so many Americans I know voted Bush cause he was "the evil we know" or "the lesser of two evils". So let the chads fall where they may cause in Canada an X written in pencil marks who I voted for, and I am proud to be Canadian and always will be.

2006-10-24 04:44:42 · answer #2 · answered by wyldcatt76 3 · 2 0

Because we're all proud to be Canadians eh!!! We come from the land of Hockey, Beer, and Ski-Doos. What more can you ask for? We have the Rocky Mountains, the prairies, the lakes and the trees. We have freedom of many things, we have more than the Americans can ever dream of.
So tell me, if you were Canadian, wouldn't you be proud?
And I might have told someone once in a conversation that I'm Canadian, I think every five minutes it's a little exaggerated.

2006-10-24 03:17:47 · answer #3 · answered by Allycat 2 · 2 0

Canadians are a bit paranoid about being mistaken for Americans. Besides the obvious reasons, when travelling they look and act much like Americans because both countries were collonized by the British, I guess, so they have the constant need to assert themselves and their culture as being independent from the USA, whereas some countries simply think that they are just 'another state in America'. Of course I am generalizing a bit for the purpose of answering this fast.

2006-10-23 19:24:13 · answer #4 · answered by gnogni 2 · 1 0

Yes there are annoying Canadians .. there are also annoying Americans; there are annoying people in every country. I see you're being a little drastic with the "every 5 minutes" statement. What I'm guessing you mean is that nearly every Cdn you met has told you that he/she is Canadian. We are proud of our country or else we just don't want to be mistaken for Americans or anything else. If you are the classic english white guy/girl travelling through other countries, people automatically assume you are American. We don't want to be confused w/ Americans. No offense, but most Europeans hate you guys. When i went backpacking in europe I constantly told locals I was Canadian and I witnessed an attitutude change almost every time.
And how is it not your fault that you have a horrible president? Did you think about that before you wrote that? Maybe it is not your fault personally; maybe you didn't vote for him, but as a nation, yes it is your fault.
So are you going to be like the majority of Americans and when you go to Europe are you going to lie and say you're Canadian to be treated better? Yeah, that's what I thought ...

2006-10-23 19:10:46 · answer #5 · answered by It's Me 2 · 2 2

We are annoying? Sadly I am probably one of the 2% of Canadians that actually stand up for Americans. Most Canadians are used to seeing Canadians as popular hero types/ Peace keeping tender but not weak set of kindly looked at individuals when lots of us do not say it that often or even think it. Truthfully I do not see much difference from Canadians and Americans.

2006-10-23 18:53:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I AM CANADIAN, HEHEHEHE just joking, it depends on who you are talking to I guess.

What do you mean you didn't choose the president?! The only thing that I can agree with on that one is that God raises kingdoms and takes them down but on the secular side of things we do understand it to be a voting thing that puts a president or prime minister in power!

The world is full of personalities so you can't steriotype that, "the people are annoying", no, it can't apply to all! Maybe try being friendlier yourself, that is the way that people become friendly.

People have answers that we aren't American or that we wouldn't want to admit we are American, examples like that, wrong, we Canadians are American, look at your atlas or globe, both Canada and the U.S. are both on the North American Continent. This means that we could be referred to as Canada of America as the U.S. is called the U.S.A.

2006-10-23 18:58:26 · answer #7 · answered by asrtive 2 · 0 1

LOL. You might mean me.
I'm a Canadian living in Europe. I tell people I'm Canadian because:
1. They assume I'm American and I don't like that. National pride.
2. They say things like "ice hockey" and I have to explain why that gives me the willies.
3. They say it's cold when it's not or even they say it's hot when it's not and I have to tell them they're wrong.
4. And quite often they ask.

If I was living in the States, I don't think I'd have to say it as often. But then I'd be like Dave Foley on News Radio, when he had to come out as a Canadian, eh?

2006-10-23 20:45:25 · answer #8 · answered by Goddess of Grammar 7 · 4 0

Well first off...Imarried a cnaadian that i met through yahoo! games. Second, i have a beautiful daughter with her and have been married for 4 years. I speak to her family and they do not constantly remind me that they/ or she (my wife) is canadian. Third and lastly, i would be proud if i was canadian, after all, if you were in the middle east,europe, etc. and asked if you were american, would you be so eager to answer? Dont get me wrong, I LOVE BEING AN AMERICAN!, but i also LOVE MY HEAD STAYING ATTATCHED TO MY SHOULDERS!

2006-10-23 18:59:38 · answer #9 · answered by markamacias 1 · 3 0

What`s the problem there over the Atlantik Ozean,there are good Canadians and good American and also bad Canadians and bad American so why can`t you live side on side and be friends???

2006-10-24 04:03:05 · answer #10 · answered by Claudia 3 · 1 0

Has it been five minutes already? I'm Canadian, & you Americans don't know the half of it. We may be a little annoying, but only in the areas where we tend to act the same as Americans.

2006-10-23 18:53:13 · answer #11 · answered by No More 7 · 8 1

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