Amen brother. but this chick aint no liberal Demoncrat, so please know that most Americans appreciate you for everything you do. And if you should ever shoot a liberal demoncrat I would throw a party in your honer... this is how it is THE FEW THE PROUD THE MARINES..... why only a few? because most of todays youth have no balls... but I can tell you do, as you also have a brain .. May God Bless you baby for telling the truth... it's time to declare war on the demonicratic party.. a dying breed of sick demented dogs. So make sure you vote STRAIGHT Republican .. LOL Pun intended.
2006-10-23 18:40:02
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
(1) Atticus Flinch: YOU ARE AN IDIOT. Your effete attempts to seize the intellectual high ground fail miserably. I can't believe you actually consider your drivel to be something worth reading. If stupidity was grounds for criminal prosecution, you'd be on Death Row eating your last meal by now.
(2) Marine: When you wear a T-Shirt or anything with service or unit affiliation, in this day and age when there are citizens unworthy of the name in the United States, you are asking for trouble. No, not the sort of trouble with the law that gang colors get you into, but trouble from the riff-raff and other idiots who don't know better. You should know that full well by now. When idiots like Fred Phelps and his congregation are willing to say that IEDs are God's punishment for homosexuality, you know full well that wearing such a T-Shirt or having your 201 file pasted all over the back window and bumper of your car just ask for trouble from thosw ho don't know better.
(3) Don't threaten to shoot Americans just for expressing their beliefs. That just says wrong things about you and the service. Put them on the ground if they get stupid and you need to do so, but shooting them with a government issued weapon? Come on.
(4) I've had idiots come up to me as well, but the vast majority of people - conservative or liberal, Repulican or Democrat, support the troops. I've found this out from walking around in public in dress uniform with my decorations out to view - and while I get the murderous stares every now from idiots who can't possibly act on their stupidity and end up on the blunt side of my boots, I've found that me and my own get more handshakes and good will than the "baby killer" epithets.
Oh by the way? You should define "liberal" a bit better. I'm a Democrat (most of my home state has been for a long, long time) and I'm no "Democratic Underground" type. Are you including me in your count of those to kill now? Be serious. Have a little more gravity when it comes to your impulses.
2006-10-24 22:46:20
answer #2
answered by Nat 5
Those who defame service members are the minority.
The vast majority of Americans support their Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines.
These people are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect Americans and our way of life. A well trained and equipped military is necessary for the existence of any state.
Whatever you think about the war, the military is just following orders and executing the strategic policy of our democratically elected civilians in the executive branch.
The strongest exercise of will and opinion is to participate in the democratic process.
To insult a fellow American is completely pointless and accomplishes nothing but hard feelings and causes further division to our great society.
2006-10-24 03:53:21
answer #3
answered by Phillip 3
Brother I can tell you from my Positive and Negative encounters that just accept them both as people will only complain more as this crap draws on....
MOST Americans have no stomach for doing whats right..Thank god not all are like that. I had an encounter with a couple making a similar comment in front of my wife and kids about my Airborne shirt, needless to say I tried politely telling the couple to keep their opinions to themselves and walked on...After walking 2 Row's over the guy comes walking over and attempted to put his finger on my chest to tell me what a big man I was for being a killer. After putting him in an Arm lock and on the floor I had my wife take my kids away and to get the police, this man had the nerve to start screaming and tried to get up and fight me.
Needless to say the Walmart Manager who dealt with this was kind enough to listen to their side and mind and had the police escort them out....I don't suppose your near Galveston Texas?
2006-10-24 03:44:13
answer #4
answered by Chris C. 2
I can sympathize with you, where ever I go I hear people talking bad about those of us who serve our country. All I can say is just let it roll off. I know it's very irritating but look at it this way, those people who bad mouth us are the kind of people who will never even try to defend their rights but be the first to scream when their rights get endangered. Those kind of people just need to be ignored. There are people that support us and think that we are special and incredible people for the work we do. That's the way I look at it, and really to be realistic the only people whose opinions matter to me are my familys'. If you know why you fight and you think you are doing the right thing then don't listen to those people because their kind will always be around. Besides it's just a waste of perfectly good ammo.
2006-10-24 02:43:01
answer #5
answered by wolfman72585 3
While it was rude of the people to talk about you within earshot, you must admit that it was also rude of you to wear a marine t-shirt in a public place where children might see it. The last thing we need are more children to be deluded into the idea that invading other countries and killing people is something to look up to. No sane or level-headed person would hold you accountable for what others do, but the US military has been shown over and over to be infested with criminal minds, rapists, murderers, spouse and child abusers, drunks, drug addicts, racists, and sociopaths. The term 'jarhead', to me, always signified a rather uneducated person willing to have the lid of his empty head unscrewed and filled with the fecal philosophy of an embittered, wife-beating, violent miscreant called a drill instructor, whose purpose in life was to desensitize young recruits from all measure of reason, fairness, morality, or justice. The recruits were meant to become killing machines who were willing to follow any order, no matter how immoral, unjust, or destructive. Talk to a young soldier in the mall or on the bus and listen to simple-minded untruths s/he has been forced to accept. It is truly frightening. Again, you, as an individual should not be held accountable for all the evil done by your peers, but then why would you possibly align yourself with such a terrible group? You should disassociate yourself from the harmful element of the military, counsel young people to keep their minds as their own and not be sucked into fighting a war dreamed up by a fool who was too chicken to fight when he was called. And don't consider pointing your weapon at those who disagree with you...that is exactly the type of behavior that causes thinking people to question the sanity of the mercenaries, the government hitmen, who wreak such mayhem in the world.
2006-10-24 04:27:06
answer #6
answered by Atticus Flinch 4
Come visit one of the Indian reservations or attend a nearby Pow-wow, we'll treat you with respect and honor. All veterans are given the special treatment.
2006-10-24 14:50:35
answer #7
answered by Its not me Its u 7
I love for everyone to know my hubby is a Marine! He does his part in fighting for those freedoms people have to say crap like that! I wouldn't be surprised if those folks were a couple of old draft-dodgers!!! Grrr..
2006-10-24 07:51:10
answer #8
answered by Nicole 5
am so sorry that you had to hear from the idiot the wife of navy and mum of Air force I think if I ever hear anything like that when I am wearing either one of those t.shirts, I shall tell them that's its my families sacrifice that ALLOWS them to be that fffffffffing stupid, but could they try not to show to everyone ALL the time.
Take care and thank you
2006-10-24 01:42:58
answer #9
answered by candy g 7
Most of the criminals have military or police background. Thus, people perceived those in military uniform as a criminal. Soldiers must weed out the scalawags in their ranks to change this perception.
2006-10-24 02:39:58
answer #10
answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7